Cuild Re-elects Off icer% for '3,9 Monday, January 9, at 9:30 ocloCk a meeting of *the Presi- dents. and 'ffice rs of the.guilds of the Womafl's auxiliary of the Church of1 the HOly Cornforter W;l b held at the home, of the viceýpresident, Mrs.' Frank E., Peters, 76 Warwick -avenue, Win- At the December annual. meetinig r<f the, auxiliary ail o!f the, officers were re-elected. for the ensuing year. They include Mrs.. -Albert R. Fleischrrlanfl,. president.; Mrs. Pet-ý ers, viec--presideflt; 'Mrs. W. Whitak- <-r Baer,. trseasurc-r, and s. ar <old F. Tidemnan, s-crf-tary. The four ,wmork chairmnf letfor the- year are NJys. Walte.r D,crng, Mrs. 'Jo- ý-ecph ,B; Klceckn4eýr, %Mrs. Wiliar A . Whittier, ,Sr., and rs.Alfred 1H. Foxcroft. FoJII4owir44th fç en'rrffMt*iig on Mo%(-nday rn(rrkiing the »ail-day sw inig andluricheo»(,jrl rflý(MIflg.-, f the gal usgiIds viII be held at the h(m)fo rerniber.s. The Chiaseý guild meeýts -,,Ith Mrs. Hfenry Tayloir, 431 Essex road, Ken- ilworth, and the Whitrehr,usce guild with Mrs:. Donald PovveU1, 604 ýMEfl- B>' Renovation Party NQ-w that the holiday 'season is behind us and we are safely iaunched into 1939,>some of us n-ia be thinking of using some of, that Christrnas - -money for. decorating certain rooms in the, house-.-w ell, anyw ay ..,of . hav ing some decoratîng done in one or. two roorns that have' botliered us ail f ali. One of the Sandwich shop. corn- mittéees has in mind a room at the, Womians club' and nn Saturday af - ternoon. .anuarv 14. at 1:30. w;ill give a, "Renovation bridge"- for the purpose of having the Sandwich shop decorated. The committee. consist- ing of *'bottLif-.McC1uý'e. "Gracie- Christophel. "L i z z i e- Freeman. 'ý0racie'- F itz -and :SaIIy -' ýI reto il. ,wijth --Sadie'" Cozzens and ."Beekie«' Fitch as co-chairroan. is planning an uproarious time for the after- no)n %with table prizes w .e trust> and. o)ther priýes. refreshments (wve h(ûpe I aend a "grand surprise" Those who. do not pav the small entrance tee foýr a ticket and corne to the Party, w.ill never acgain have the golden opportunîty of seeing in reality that mon',entous. tremendous. stupen- dous. four-star and sm-rash-hit sur- iIworth avenue, K(eniwortn, m ii derson guiW. r. W. E. Richmofld, 1635 Kenilworth a venue, Kenilworth. will be hostess to the Griswold guild ând. Mrs. John U. Srnall, 304 Curn- nior road, Kenilworth, hostess to the Bishop Stewartý guild. 'the Seabury gu ild will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. Jamne.ý E. Armitage, 1120 Ashland avenlue, and the William White guild a mneet- inga at th.e homne of Mrs. Pat G. strmas iree. 88 Kimnbali, a student at West- school, is returniflg east Jan- 9, a ft er spending th'e holidays her parents. Photo by DuBois-the Drake Mrs. William Alcock Johnston, the' former, Virginia Brock, and Mr. John ston have gone 1s outh on their iEeddintg trip. 'After stop ping at A.uçjusta, Ga., to visit relatives, they rnotored to Miami Beach and ui! also take a trip t Nassau. Their wedding took place Wedniesday evening. December 28, at Shaw-nee Country club, the bride wrearing a gown of ivoryj satin. Pleating trimmed the neckliiie of the bodice, and a tulle veil held in place with a coronet of peari orange blossoms fell the length of the very long ful train. The bride. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brock, 106 Ridge avenue, Kenilicorth, antd Mr. Joh-aston, the son of William Johnsto& of 1240 Locust road, Wilmette. The tjounu counle i ii make their home in~ Evanston. Guests Gregoryz were 1-er Allia ter, Allister,c IVIrs. H. C on', io'. ilford open iwood avenue, on %vith tickets, .they are Mýrs. J. Rob- er't McClure, in charge of +efresh- ments; .Mrs. George IM. Christophel. treasurer; Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman. and Mrs. Da.vid P. Moreton, table prizes; Mrs. Leslie A. Fitz, other prizes,. with Mrs. C. Warren Coz-' zens and Miss Rebecca Fitch as co- chairmen, in charge of tickets.-Con-, tributed. At Tuesday Club The members of the Tiiesday club were entertained at luncheon Tues- day of this wçek by Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, 927 Ashland avenue.