Regularly $6., * Sa le Priced fo Limited Tir, Only. twice, a year can we like -these in Red Cross Sh( women who know the quai fort of these famous shoes ez this sale. We have a large *disconttnued fail and witite sizes' included, but not in e, so hurry for .the best bargai Stock A41was Complete DAVIS STREET nea offer values ioes...and ity and com- agerly await selection of ?r styles. Al avery style- tns., at $6.50 WJEBOLDT'eS EVANSTON 't w Sp ecially Priced During This Iauuary, MI*L' q) . .................Ec! TWin size, ,39,x76 ........i. S .prin Moreweqar SHEETING Extra strong and durable. Ourg IA owh brand, 81 in. ..yard. 29e