assistant cruise director of the M. V. Stella Polaris South Sea Is- lands Cruise sponsored by Raymond- Whitcornb, one of the many interest- ing faue of the nine-day over- land trip from1 Lourenco Marques' in Mozambique to 'Victoria'. Falls arïd the mnterior cities of South Mrica', isj the grave.o! CecilRhodes. Startmng with spectacular abrupt- ness the Matopo His.-rise sàtraight from the African veldt in mighty masses, of red granite. Heêre, where he loved to roami alone, Cecil Rhodes the empire' builder,- chose for his EANSTON BUSIESS- COLL-EGE Tis school offers sCtALTft#'R9fIO1 and ACCOIJNTING COURSES, includinq every deloil of office praclice.- Day on d Evening NEW TERM JANUARY 10 new resori hotel,, directly on the ocean. midway betweert Miami and Palm Beach. Appointrnents are ultra modulanSun deck. uoacious plate set in simple wor d "Herelie John 'Rhodei This lonel- resting plac South Africa Exposit1 80-A cre pano~ruaa nowi abS -- iew. " In the center of quarter acre surntit, By Marjorle McLeani Leary immense boulders, is the Many parents with cbldren wlv, engraved on a bronze are subject to nose and throat in- granite one reads these fections, are not ls: looking forward. s: ~happily' to the the -remains of Cecil ~ ettremnh of dampness and [Y mountain is the. last cold. Somnetimes -e of the man who won tecr o aforý Britain..I chil d with the f aliý ___________and -winter back-' 0 '-o H ve goun ofcontin- to Haveus : colds-is a Pakn o change to a higb. Parkig Lotdry location. Engineers of t he Golden Gate exposition An California have con- structed the largest, parking lot. in the world ,to accommodate theïr visitors, a paved expanse at the north end o! "'Treasure Island" covering èeighty acres and capable o! stowing 12,000 automobiles, Bert Yan4erwarf, lwad of the Chicago ýMôtor club'travel bureau, has re- ported. Ready for the opening Feb- ruary 18, the immense parking lot is bounded and intersected bY eight avenues, Mr. Vanderwarf said. Motorists who park in the area will be served by a filling station which will dispense the fuel of twelve oili companiès rmerged- into a single produet.. 1 Mr. and Mrs. ±Rucolph' 7\1. uster- manti. 234 Warwý,ick rond. Ken il- worth. and their three children spent the Christmas and New Year's holi- days enjoying w.inter sports on the eastern slope o! North Conway in j the White môuntains of New Hamp-' sbire. 'Mrs. Ostermann and Robert returned Tuesday, while Mr. Oster- marin and Edith went on to New Yonk for several days before coming home this week-end. Ruth, who went from Wellesiey college to ioin ber _____________ There are fine schools in t h e Marjorie LealrY mounitains, of Mas- Bernie Photo sachusetts, Con- neçticutt, and New, York state for those children who find a high -cold, location the most bracing. Some- tirnes. a spot in a high location with a milder climate is more efficatious. flhèir-are fine schools'located in the mountains of North Carolina and colorado which are ideal for such chiidren. There is a large group of scho1ols' in, the warm, high, dry climate of Southern. Arizoria, New iV.lexco anid Southern California for those chil- dren wýho. need the warm climate. We %vill be very glad to givý e parents a list of schools in those locations recommended by your physicians. *Editoi<.s Note: Marjorie McLean Lear ' is the consultant of the School andt Camp Bureau raintained the y-t-ar-rouiid by this flews-magazine. Her advfce regard- ing camp anid school matters is available to Our readers by appointmient and at no obligation. GREAT 'MUSIC FESTIVAL Five weeks Of the worId's greatest music areno slated for London's spning sea son, according to John L. Dowrick, manager o! the Amnerican Express . Travel service, who re- ports that a music festival will open heré April 23 and continue to May 28. tDuring its course opera, ballet FORT L, 1 '17 -Write for Folder "C, LeICOY DUffild, Manager landwiere surn- mer spends the wnter. Gulf. streamà fishing and gwimmingy e a r. round. A friendly place->to relax in the health-giving Foi Rentais Leages-. Sles Write or Wire to -H1,ASKINS &CO Fort:Lauderdale, Fia.