lads hope to make it ,three in arow for their record. tI an effort to hit a combination which will produce more results, Coach Clyde Grater, of >the varsity, has shifted his first. string.- On TuesdaY, he had Jack: Miskell, at center and Bob Howell working at guard. These .are .both 'changes. Earl . Borre, .captain, .and Dick Durr were the two forwards. At the other guard spot was Ocky Jorgensoni. Undefeated Proviso is e>pcedt AT ROSE BOWL Bi Jennings, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Ralph Jennings, 126 Broadway ave- nue, wiho had been at home for the Christmas holidayýs,-el left on Sunday with friends from Evanston to drive back to Washington and Lee. uni- versity at Lexington,, Va., Duncan Jenérnings, his brother, engaged iný radio work> at P hoenix, Ariz., Went to California during the holidays. to attend the footballgame at the Rose bowl.> .Ar.e you missing this extra income o~n yotr s av iiÏg-s PAUD ~dINs4ON f V*fu.W~ Ir SAVINGS Federally lInsured for Safeti, Up to S5,000 a vivid picture of the safety and earning p'ower you enjoy when you open a Savings Account with the First Federal 'Savings and Loan Association of Wilrnette.. *You,,eau 'invest snmall' amounts regYulary-or any amount when, you desire-and let earnings make. your savings grow: for education,. travel, home ownership, retirem ent, or any other purpose. If you prefer, lump. sums of $100 can be invested, with earnings payable semni-annually by chfck. Balance Sheet, Dec. 31, 1938 ASSETS FIRsT XMORTGAGE REAL ESTATE LÔANs............... $6144504.90 Ti,, Assu.ctaton ouvis 163 mortgage boans on North'Skate Homes.4 Equal* mon thly paymentes are Made b>' the borrowers until . the propere>' is "deb.t. (tee. SFARE LOANS........................................ Tpmporary loans ta shareholdeps, secured b>' assignment ot sMares, u'hich, ma>' noi exceed 90%' of thte, amouni ol the . shareholder'.s STOCK IN FEDRLAL HOME LOAN BANK 0F CHICAGO..... Thtis reserte banking system makes suc/t long and short term credit d.aoable to t/he Association as -its btesitesà requirtes t .n accordance u4ith /e prévisions oJ thte Federal Home ..oan Rankt Act. CASH . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFERRED CHAUGES................... ....... .......... Suiret>' bond pre'miums paid in advar1ce. Dtîedon Stock in Federal LonRank uP Chicago Parned but flot received. AccoUNTs RECEIVABLE................. ................ (De1,oç,ts on F. H.A. Loans iný process qi ça/e.). FURNituRE AND FIXTURES.............................. 1.0 TOTAL ................ ...... ........ $668,776.32 LIAIILITIES SUAý,REHOLDERS' INTEREST .............e.................. .$486,900.38 This represerits t/te savings and rnvestments,- including earnngs credited ta the accounts al 594 shorehtolders uto contitute t/te Associ ati on. MORTGACE LOANS IN .PRocEss..................... ......... 18,734-48 Thte Association lias mode loans ta build, repatr, reftn4.oce or bu>' homes on wchich these.lunds have flot yet been disbuised., DmViDENDs DECLARED ................ Earnings ai te. rate ol 3y2% pr nn declared by t/te Directors and payable to Share/tolders Januar . 1, 1939. ADVAINCE FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BAN<K...........125,00().00 Thte Association kas a line ai credit wiît this reserve inistitution of 50% of its ae»ets, this /und being available to t/te Association on a ten-year orshs/tfer terra basis for t/te ordînar>' business needs of -t/he Assocition. This advance is secured in accordance wit the 1155 Wilmette, Ave., Wilni Chartered and Su, United States 1.Wilmette by the ent TOTAL ........... ... ... $29,313.M8 BONUS FOR M014THLY SAVINGS SHARES.................$ j To encourage systematic savings t/te charter provides for a bontus up Ia 1% per anim an montil>' instali. ment Savings Accounts w/ic/t are c,.erred ta com- pletion accordinta bc/tri rr requirements. 1623 75848 TOUL............................866,776.32 7,386.11 11,400.00 34,870.06 340.25 160.00 7,853.68