NoleGrnd R obertsonl. The little ciog laugnec t s Vice-Noble Grand, E_ Dorse.y. sport. Recording secretary, Homner. Cazel. And the dog ran. away w~ * intaner; secretary, GeorgeMergen- Treasurer, H. Lang. Tirne-4 o'ciock-Friday,J Right Support to Noble Grand, W- C.1 6. Kurz. R Piace-CornnuXiity ,Centei 1Left Support ýto Noble. Grand, F.R.mteanund iger Golden. mteaeu' n Ader *Left Support to Vice-Gran.d, John Tem ybosad-girls Weber. rruiyC tea Warden, Henry Abbeg. ted heCor>unth enter aill CQnductor, William Dyer. busy cleaning up theo1dfa Right Scenie Supporter, 'Frank Tripic- for a gala party for 'the coin [chîo., crig.t ta h Left Scene, Supporter. Ben G erschef - Accrigt za h sk1le. charge of, our parties, yc Chaplain. C. Shotts. corne in costume. Here ar( Outside Guardian, William Doherty. suggestions for appropr7ial Insde uarian B B.Udel. . tumes.1 The'.tattered and toi crow-The farmner and ,,his MASSAGE Baa Baa black sheep-Ari o (Sei entific Swedsh) face-A flower or vegetablei MRS ELA AD~RO A rmoon costume-A "dis] has just completed three years Of spoon." - special work at the Presbyterian Many. interesting :a n d Hospital of Chicago and is to resurne1 games will be pl ayed. Cor private practice on the North Shore. ForappbiteflPhtlCWliett. 367 corne ail, to our farm housa il Fr apointent honeWilmtte 467 "THE CILDEN'S HOUSV" Ahome for children f rom 3 il'o 8 y.ors of age, femporarily imn.ed of special care. 761 CHERYSTREET WINNETKA, ILL. Toohn ýnà2896 - Miss Dorotby Sears VitamniruPreventon . A HY DROX iýith the January rWil- oad.' who at- are ver'y -M house Lmuflity. rnian in ou must re a few te Cos- wn scare swife-ý wl taise Costume ài and a peppy >me one, ;e party! y1Tw rwkiatig R-mm Attraction C enter The Village Green and Stolp school Ice Rinks were filled to' capa- b city during the Christmas vacation, *according to Daniel M. Davis, di- * rector of recreation. The attendance 'at the rinlks for the first twelve skatng ayswas approximately' 15,- 000. The cold weather for the past anaU J.urti*"**t- of the tact that he-lost one match and was forced to .play off a tie with Mayer, .a former finalist, and Normoyle,, whose -only loss was in- flicted by the victor. Playing a mo re c asual, conserva-' tive,' but strategic. style, instead of his former aggr essive and forcing, type of1 play, Tèrrili capitalized on the wveaknessès of his opponents an-d allowed .themn to. error.' With the quick "flick" shot, drop shot, timely "kills," and occasional brilliant de- fense; he stopped ih. order:- Stein, Normoyle, S c h a f e g a n. Klinge, Freun4lich, Fritc h, l1osing- his lone matc1 h of the evening to Carl Mayer, an occasional nemesis in local tour- nament play who managed to ex. ecute enough blisterig torehand drives to defeat the champion once. Competition Is Keen While from pàst activitles it Wôoud~ seemn that a virtual monopoly exists in the case of the winner o! the weeklyround-robins, competition in the group of consistent participants is actually even and contestants are fairly matched with but a shade of difference ini ability betweeli the win- ner and the next five or six ranking players. These five or six players refuse to recogrnze the word "mon- VANILLA CREAM am. to l10 P. m. of table tennis to corne to one of thie I weekly, round-robins at the Wilrnette * Bos an Girs Siu .Communit>' Center on Wednesday BosadGrsIg evenings from 7 to 10 and partici- * UpforTabl Tenispate in the friendly matches together with friends on the North Shore About forty boys and girls have whose aims- are solely to have fun signed for another series ofTable 'at the game, perfect their style o! Tennis to urnaments. These will be, play, watch the better experts play started Thursday evening January their more firdshed' technique, and - 19. The last series of tournaments just have a good all-around time ini - brought out sQ-me mighty fine play, fin~vamsneeo Drsnn wetesa 9 A.U47 ' zo 7. - -Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and al other authorized Christian Science Literature 'May be reacl2 bàrrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. TUE PUBLIC I5' CORDIALLY INVITED To ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICE AND, VISr TIIE READING. ROOM 9* Univis Bifocals havé read. ing sectioni with straight tops; no troublesome arçhtes to confuse vision. WM.. 'G. MOO.R'E Prescription Optician, 1119 central WiI. 1214 Opposite Wilmette' Theatre I-'Wronise Our A drertisers