Lîquor Squabbles Ye.ar Highlîýghts' Buidng, Upturn, Harbor Dredging,, Poftical Baffles, Etectrie tins Striîke Mark 1938. 1938, which was marked interna- t1onally by frequent crises, excur- sion s, and ,alarmns. was -also an eventful year for theý vilaesof New Trier ,town.ship., The year.opened with :a recur- rence of the perennial squabble about the sale of liquor in "No Man's Land," the triangular unin- corporated ..tract along '-Sheridan road betweeri Wilmette and Kenil- worth. Sheriff John Torman an- nounced that his office had forced store-, ini the are'a to 'eomply with township's dry referendum. Building Survey On Ja-nuary 27, this news-maga- zine announced the resuits of its toNwnship-twide survey, showing that during, 197 almost $4,000,000 was spent in, various kinds of building c onstruction: During the flrst part of '1938, building activities in the tow nship wvent into a slump, but, a sharp and significant upturn was noticed in October, November, and Preacher, to The Rev. . Talbot-Hlfldley Africa Will Be Next Subject. at ive Sermon Se ries Will Be Guest of Winnetka Bible Chu4rch fo9r P rayer Week clusivýe,. the. Wirneétka Bible church, at 886 Elmstreet, of which the Rev. Howard A. Rerrmansený is pastor, will have as its guest. speakerin. a series of Prayer Week -sermons, the Rev. W. Talbot-Hindley,..a minister of the Church, of England, at pres- ent headmaster of St. Christopher's BoysSchool in Brown's Town, Ja- maica,, British ýWest Indies. Meet-,j ings will be held every night -ex- cept Saturday at 7:45 with two serv- ices on both Sundays, morning and evening. The Rev. Mr. Talbot-Hindl ey is an M.A. of Cambridge, England,'who hasi been in charge of some of--the- largest churches i London and Liv- with a number of families of par- liament and royalty. During the World war he served with the Brit- ish forces ini France as chaplain of one of the British king's important regiments. For many years he bas been specializing ini student and boys camp work and served for several years as youth ~minister to the diocese of' Liverpool. While he was still a student in Cambridge uni- i vesitv. 1w was actively . engaged in to Teil of Work at Sunday Club Founder of Boys, Town >W111 Spek at New Trier High Schoot on January 15, nhe Ile story of the city of littie mnen--Boys Town, Nebraska, will be related before the New Trier Sunday Evening club on 3anuary.15 by. the* founder1 of that home. for. homeless boys, .Father Flanagan, gccording to W. Frank McClure, p resiclent of* the club.. Walter E. Botthof.will intro- duce the speaker., According to Mr. Botthof, Father Fl'anagan cornes as a surprise speak- er for the open date i their 1938- 71939 schedule. He will speak i the New Trier High school auditorium Mr. Bôttiiof sald. Tells of Great Struggle "How he struggled to found his first boys home i Omaha, how he. worked night and day against seem- igly insurmountable obstacles, how finally he was able'to undertake the founding of the city of littie men that was to become Boys Town, is one .of the most absorbing human stories of all times. .'This wiIl be the first-hafld story a regular attraction Sunday Evening club many years, makes peararice January '8. programs for his next ap- The subject of Mr. Holmnes' trav- elogue on that occasion will b "Brightest South Africa." This beautifully illustrated lecture treats Africa not as a dark continenit, it is pointed out, but as a modern and progressive land. The travel- ogu.e does, however, contain "shots" of, wild aninials,, and depicts the To Broadcast Daily Dr. Talbot-Hindley will speak dai- ly on the radio over station WMBI, the radio voice of the Moody Bible Institute, ou the Mid-day Hour from 12 to 12:35, Monday through Friday. .The Bible chiirch will conduct Watch Night Service on Saturday night, December 31 beginning at 9 P.M. with a service of music by the choir and message by the pastor, ed ies -i the future Dy making up- standing citizens out of "Dead End' boys." 1Challenge to Society Mr. Botthof stated that Father Flanagan's accompllshmnt casts down a challenge to a society which knows that i the United States there. are hundreds of. thousands of boys whose homes are worse than slurn streets or whose homes are tiiose streets, that i every big city and Miss Catherinle Gate at Cottey college, Niev spenclifg the Christmas iting her aunt, Mrs. Ra: 1125 Eilmwood avenue.. teai as~ returned ti.t er at New Trier and 1,