Wth a bare-kfluçkle battie with Victor McLaglen dliznaxing his. forth- coming picture, "Song of the West," Nelson Eddy ré- r-- - ceritly went into training for his m ost strenuous, film'role, Though EZd d y played football in t"Rosalie," lad has il à n e strenuous riding sequences, for suc.h- films. as "Rose-Marie"I and ý"The Girl ofth I ~ . Golden-West," the - batie -with Mc- Laglen in a moun- Nelson Eddy tain cavern .will, be his first fist fgtin p ictures. Not-ed fr .hi- physical condition, Eddy will neyer- thèless take boxing lessons for his part in *the forthcoming Metro-Gold- wyn-Mayer film. HALL RETURNS Alexander Hall, who directed Par- amnount's "Little Miss Marker,- Da-' mon Runyon racetrack Story that catapulted Shirley Temple to star- dom, has returned to the same stu- dio to do "The Lady's From Ken- tucky," another racing drama, fea-I turing George Raft, Ellen Dr"ew,. Hugli Herbert .and ZaSu Pitts. Phones, Winette or Winnetlca 3M0 Finally he had to don a full dressa suit for a party sequence in 'Mark Victoryý. PIEÉ-MEAL PFURNISHIlNO Furnishing her new home, in the piece-meal manner, Helen Broderick betWeen .scenes eon the",Stand Up. and Fight- company at Metto-GoI.d- wyn-Mayer is now knitting bath mats. EOfiLED IN OIL Bette' Davis. spent s'ome of the Warmest moments. of her life, while posing for an, ou that wifl be used in "Juarez." She wore a reproduc- tion of one of the 'heavily-jeweled gowns of Empress Carlotta for the sitting. t STEAMS LEAN~ Johnny "Scat" Davis finds several bard games of handball followed by a Turkish bath one of the best methods of keeping in good physical shape. EVENING GOWN ELABORATE Fifteen yards of draped sllk jersey are used in the skirt of a Paris eve- ning gown es.pecially designed for Rosalind Russell. * Acres of Free Parking, Space i No Man's ,Land . artificial pearis while she was car- rying the tray fromn the kitchen. She thought she had retrieved:themn ail,, but'ovierlooked the one Garfield found in the bircl. ACTOR IS ARCHER Rand- Brooks, youngMtrGo- wyh e Mayer player. who 'madle .his picture debut with 'Luise Ramner in. "Dramatic School," is one of the film ic.o 1 o ny' s moQst 'proficîen4' archers., JOAN CREATES VOGUE The ice-skating costumneworn by Joan- Crawford in a scene from her new'starring picture, "The Te Fol- lies of 19391" is startig a new Hol- Iywood vogue. TI4EATER, WAUIKEGAN Coulmus Dal-ly from 1:30 NOW Through Saturday Shirley« Temple - Chat. Farrel 'Jusf Ar@.md the .6rmer" Pins Kay Francis la "Cornef :Over -Broàdwoy'. Jitterbug Contest.'Friday Niihî The First Big Entertalnment ThrMi for 1939 NEW YEAR'S LVE MI1DNIGHT 'SHOW Safurday-D.c. 31 Doors Oi)eu 11: 35 P. M. The -Excltti gDramna VARS r ,,,"iONU VERSiTY 0 r I c I A L 'Plus. ROBEE %la NOSI R sC0 -NET&VL ! -il ' New !.or's,-omt Matinrd ardy. Sudoy nd Holidaysl i!veuangs-Doors Open of~ 6:0-Sho w S forts o 7 :00 A ~a~ipi ~gw j~eur ~ AU Friay-Saturday i Glenda Fre Élepha i P e . 1