COLOR BIG BOOSTER The rainbow has corne down to earth-to seil products, help health, brightefl life. Color, in fact, is com- ing of age, report Jamnes McQueeny and EdWard Podolsky, M.D., in*,the current Rotarian Magazine, subinit- tihg, evidence, to prove that it af- fects buying mnoods, working or fa- tigue moods, amlusemient,. social and educatioflal moodsi and even cer- tain rhoods associated with patho- ogical or psychological'disturbances. :Color,,in a word, has burs t like a rocket in the meèrchandfisinig World, they declare,~ for -it is used not only in packages and containers,. but al- so in the products-greefl gasoline, red mercurochrome, purpie anti- freeze, and m-any otherg. Business is -explormng- and exploiting the pos- sibilities of color in 10,000 novel and interesting ways. Induces Varied Moods -Color is comftg to Ie used~ in a. thousand ways to induce other than buying moods: to prornote, for ex- ample, efficiency, or mental health and quietnéss, or relieve eyestrain, or to give a favorable setting for producing almost any desired mnood," say these writers. "Metab- olismn and muscular activity 'have been found to be stirnulated under certain, kinds of coiored lights, hin- dered under others." manufacturer. of raLto Lunespaii ed workrnen's benches bluè to off- - set the feeling of heat created by a welding process-blue is a -cool" color. The operating room with bluèL green ,walls is restful to the sur- geôn's eyes, and lessens fatigue, and to that extent makes hlm surer with the knife: Concrete road colored duli orange or marigold has at least 40 per cent less sun and headlight * glare than ordînary white roads. As time goes on, we may. buy only two years, off ering a* refreshingly new type of "lazy Southern rhqythm with a touch of the blue.'" Based on his record in Washington D. C., and Denver, Chicago should take to him in a big way. Manager.Dewey of thé Edgewater Beach promises continuous, enter- tainment for New Year's Eve, wi th the Four Nighthawks, strolling, trou- badours, Novak and Saye, in a, new comedy act, Ted and Mary Taft, top-. ranking dance team, .Beach Walk, Singers,, Harriet Smith's, Twelve Lovely Ladies, Nancy Huston, lovely singer of lovely songs, Billy Reeves, baritone, and the Three Rhythm Rebels. TAIKE A BOW! Universal approval - well, -9rnost -was accorded t h e une5ccelled Christmas' music program offered villagers last week through the cour- ~tesy of busines pople in Go-opra- tion with the Wilmette Chamber of *Commerce. Those personally reý sponsible under chairrnanship of "Bal" Robinson, for staging the aft- ernoon and evening "broadcasts". fromn the First National Bank build- ing, wère receiving congratulations at eyery turn this week. It was a sizable task well accomplished. LUCKY N~ORTH SHORE! . ýN SSP4OES WALK-,OVER S-HOE S 1634 ORRINGTON, EVANSTON ORýE To Start'the New Year 'e e business man founa mhat out Christ- mas evening when, missing a North Western train at Milwaukee by a few minutes,' he was able to catch a St. Paul train within twenty min- utes, wfdceh brought hlm to his home without. undue delay. The North Shore line would have been still another alternative. TUE NEW CALENDARSj Beautiful New Bradley Dresses .ý.DRASTICALLY REDU CED . l e e gnzat ion sensational youthful all-Souheflor âas made a rapidl and ýcjlib during the past rred here for a month, wml rewurn St. Paul, Mifnn., in a few Nveeks.