gagement of Miss Ruth Powers, Elizabe-th-Jean, to Victor Hubert ~daughter of .Mrs. Jessie Tr. Powers Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. V. of Portland,, to Donald Ewing Joyce of 835 Michigan avenue, Wil- Hughes o!f Sani Francisco, son of! mette. .Mr. and Mrs. Walte C. Hughes.o'f Miss Gilroy is, a graduate of Adel- 830 Grove street, Glencoe.. phi college,: Garden >Cityp, Long Is- .Miss Pô graduate of the land. While there she' become a .Catlin school in Portland and. of memnber. of Kappa Alpha Theta ýsor- Mils college, Oakl and,-.Cal., Mr. t. Mr. joyce attnddPde Hughes is a -graduate o!, Purdue univiersity where he was a member university. The, wedding is planned of Sigma Nu. for next spring. Tewdigxiibesmtm i Mr. Hughes, who has helda po- hw umr sitiori in the San, Francisco branch of the Crane company in Sani Fran- cisco for the past year and, a hal!, has: beeri spending the holldasi Portla nd as the guest of his flan-~ For Brde-to-,Be. céeandhermoter.Miss Helen Shane, 422 Central ave- R~obert Mitchell, 98 Linden avenue, Glencoe, has annotuneed the engagement of his daughter, Jean Bain, to Ernest John Ený- chelmayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L.' Enchelmayer of 682 * Grove street, Glencoe. Both Miss Mitchell and her fiancé are grad- uates of New. Trier High school, and Mr. Enchelmayer attendecl Northwestern university andl Lake Forest. Det rofhed nue, gave a lunch'eon and miscel- laneotis shower on Tuesday for Miss Janeêt, Mnoriorm~erly of. Wilmette and now of California, whose en- gagement to F'rank H. Wright o! Chi- cago was announced last summer. .-Miss Minor is here spending ýthe ~<holidays as the guest of her fiancé- and his parents.. Engag ed ta Glencoe Man Engog.jd fo Evansfonan - Mr. and Mrs. William N. Waidner, 1046 Greenwood avenue, Wilniette, announce the engagement of their. daughter, Mary Ella, to Thomas- Moulding Beers, son of Mrs. Syl- vester P. Beers of Evanston. Miss Waidner is a senior at Northwestern university and a member o! Alpha Enga'ged ald Joseph Murpi son of Mrs. J. D.' A 'City, Iowa. No do for the wedding.ý 6 oc y -jj y..LILLe urphy of Sioux e has been set DeSharon Photo Becomes Bride of W. A. Johnston Garlands of arbor vitae mark- i ng an. aisile, and hedges of green huckleberry aEt ,the altar formed the setting for the candle-light wedding, of- Miss Virginia1 Lee Brock,'daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Loui s, Bro ck, 001 Ridge aývenue, Kenilworth, and William Acc Johnston, son,.of William John-. ston of 1240 zLocust, WiI- mette, at 9 o'clock Wednesday evening at Shawnee Country.. club. Placed oný either side. of the. altar were two. large lluted columris holding Easter hules and other white flowers. The bride was gowned in ivory satin fashioned with tight bodice, full sh-ir't, long train and long sleeves. Pleating trimmed the neck- lune. A tulle vëil, held in place by a coronet o! pearl orange blossoms, felI the full iength of -he train, and. she carried gardenias and white or- chjds. Miss Katherine Long of ,Cincini- nati, a classmnate of the bride at St. Mary's Episcopal school. Raleigh, N. C., as maid of honor, was dressed otner classmate at St. Mary's, Miss Helen Murray ýof Lansing, Mich., Miss Jane Drucker of Wilmette, and *Miss Virginia Sampson of Glencoe,' wore dresses o! chartreuse taffeta, made or! the same lines as the gown of the maid of honor.. Their flow- e rs were garlands of rubrurn huies, Ifuschsia carnations, and chartreuse snapdragons. Dicek Renn of Lafayette, Ind. for- Hld 0Open House Mr. and Mrs. William T. Morgan held open house at their residence, 411 Ridge road, Kenilworth, 'on Wed- nesday eve ing.. WILMBT.TE ,LIFII