FIOve UU yw7 The ,Neighbo,-rs of Kenilworth. in Jenury Uhers~n Bard, loking tward the advent of 1939. Jan.ay shrs n oadPheing i find on their January calendar AII-Day Prograrm, and hl a book review, morning~ next Tues- anthropy Sewing day. M,%rs. Henry G. Zander, Jr.. wIl preserit theprgm at 1010 The first %week of' the New Year ri'clock, at the homne cof ,Mrs.. Pur- will be a busy one. for the Womj,- relI Smith.,219 Sheridan. road. Kenil- ans Club of Wlmnette. Its board rh r.Zrde ilsedhî of directors will meet on Tuesda%. a orcrmnil rel nte ,utstanding t1tjioks of the s-eason. and January 3, at. 9:30 o'clock r n the wl then devote fortv-five minutes, a review. of AgnsTrbl' The fol lovwîng day- the nex a-d 'RernembCr the End." She will in-, session of the club, occurs. enj, clude. o a five-mninute skit of Cor- at 10:45 o'cockin.the njorning ..j.h nelia Otis Skinn(-r's "Dithers and - rrtmnt i chr;7ç-Jittersý. the literature aL' epdL i.I*efiii under. the chairmaànshiP o!f'dsKen- neth McAfee. She will present Dr. Clifford Newham. rnxinister o!f the Covenant Methodist c h u r c h of Evanston. Dr. Nevvhamn is an Englishman ýiby birth but an Arnericain by adoption. He has just returned frorn England ýan hewill tl. the English are reading, -what they are1 thi;nking and feeling-using the subject. -The English Attitude and Ideals Tow),,,ard Peace." Dr. Newpýharn wIllshow r,- ic- tures o! English gardens. The civics departnient. Mrs. lHen- ry W. Drucker, chaîrmari, xill spon- sor the. second hour program %:ith a talk by Mrs. Raymond Knapp oif Chicago. on the subject, 'ArounC the World ini Forty M,,inutes»' Mrs. iz v£-c-r-iesient of the Il- College Club Events A Christmas luncheon. bridge par- ty tojday r Thursday) is . onet o! sev- eral holiday festiv.ities at~ the Chi- cago College club. The organiza- tio&ns annual Yuletide party for.. hil- dren was held Tuesday, a marion- ette show; being part of the enter- tainnient. Friday evening at 8 o'clock. fohlow)ý,ing dinner at whîch she wl be the clubs guest o! hon- or;' one of the members, 'Miss 'Mary Frances Willard will talk about Fin- land, a country in which she re- cently spent a summer. From 4 to 7 o-'clo)ck on New Year's day the club w,,ill hold open house, servtflg tea to the families and escorts of hold a regular monthlY rmeeting at the Kenilworth club. Mrs. Florence Fifer Bohrer, state chairrnian of' the departrfltft of governrfltft and child wefrwill be the speaker. MrS. Bohrer, whO is the daughter of the late Govýernor Fifer , ha.s long been prominent in the work of. the leaigue. She was, a member of the national board and has been a rep- résentative in thé Illinois -legisiature. Thosj.e Who heard her' speak at the State, convention, last spring will re- member her.ability aýs a lecturer.. M rs. Brihtr*s subject will be. "Child, Welfarc in Illinois." Lunch- eon. Willbe served aid1i0oclock. Aipho Phi Pledge Leagues of Wo-men Voters. She is a graduate, and post-graduate o)f the University of Chicago and a rnem- ber of the D. A. R. Fojllowinig the luncheon tcril and'-the club now boasts of a fine Coffee shop as well as dnng room service-Mrs. Harley L. Ward, pro- grarn chairman, will present Judge J. M. Braude of the Boys' Court in Chicago. Judge Braude has ded- icated hs ie to the youth problem Meets*for Luncheon The Monday Book club., which is co-mposed of Evanston aiid Wilmette members, 'met last week at the home of Mrs. F. C. Adamns of Ev- ans ton for an International lunch- eon., To Club Miss Jean Wilt berger, dauigi- ter of Mrs. Alfred S. Wiltberger of Keniilw-orth, a. graditate of New Trier High school anmd a former tudent rit Bradford acclemil, Milmette Chapter. OrdtrR) ? Eastern Star, hcld its ,inuaiI diimei'ý and Christmas party at thu Masuni temple Monday veîg X tnc 19. The children wveî'e: grouped around the Christmas tr.t*,ý 0t1 Santa arrived and hada mrrrv tinie with himi and their'presents. Singiiig of Christmias carols wa enjoyed by the children and -growi - ups alike uwhile dinner was beiing served to tw~o-hundred rnbers andrc j J. Crowell, John P.,;H-arrie, Rt. L-. *Hartmafl, John Hoesli, Williara F. .J e, Arthur E. Mahie, Lowell D. *Sofand Roger Williamsg. w lt give the aft the 'Woman's C Wednesdayl, Jaiù ,oon ad ) f 'y4 ss UL ,ette Mrs. Wilfred N Winnetka, is the formerly, of r's regent. missionary meeting at thie. jvasui" temple at 2 oclock Thursday, Jan- uary 5. Mrs. Normanl Deno will pre- sent the topie, -What the Church Does for tht City." Mrs. D.. C. Light- ner, the new president, wl preside' for tht first time. WILMETTE ý1AFE