the High Sehool departrnent, the league, the parsonage people, and Marvîn Rusk. Mr. Rusk is the spon- soý -for this group -_of -Younpg 'people. A flexible program has been ar- ranged byý thèse in charge, so- thaýt Young people rnay corne and, go., However, those Who canispend .the entire evening will find à most in- teresting ,and e.ontinuous' 0o Miss Nancy' Robb, daughter of Mr. andý Mrs., Charles W.. Robb, 816 Greenleaf avenue,' is home- this week, from the. University, of Illinois, where she is in her freshmnan year. Miss Robb will be leaving after New Year's to resume: her-studies.. 1564 Sherman Ave.,, Evanston, Wilmette 2486', University 0283. Rogers Park 0271 ARE YOQR 3 FEUDERAL 15 is Imel$e Avenuel !INGS I OAN -ASSOCIATION of WiImel'te, Ph... WiImet. 1623 Open un Acc@utsn Today_________ The, "Home»ý of Home, Financing