7:45 p.m., New Vear's Eve-Preparatory service for. Holy Communion. 8:00 p.m., New Year's Eve-Service with Holy Communion. 9: 00 P. M. , New Year's Day--Service inw German, with Holy Commu nion. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school; no Bible lass. iam-NwYear's Day s ervice. 8 p.m,-New Year's Night service. On New Yers Eve, the last message of the: year will be based on several1 stanzas of that best-beloved 'on evening hymns, .-Abide With Me.", The storyI of its writing will also be told. For New Year's mnorning the text of the serynpn wiil be 2 John-3, having as its theme: "Grace, Merc .y, and Peace." This is aiso the text that will. appjear on ouîr church bulletins during the comirig year. In the New Year's Night service Ilhe sermon will be based on -DeuteronomY §33:25: "As Your Days, So, Shall Your Strength Be." There is a promise of Gdod that we ail need for the new year. The Niartha Guild has its Christmnas an NwYar party today, beginnine a The church council nieets Tuesday at We invite you to end the nld and begin the new year with the Lord! Methodist Church Wiimette avenue at Lake avenue Erskine M. Jeffords, minister A "Year's End" communion service wil'be held Saturday evenîng at 8:30 o'ciock at the church. Ail mempbers and .friin of the church .will wish to be lude:.., a ria' . . . . . . . .Marie Briel Introit: <God is a Spirit" .... &nthem: "God so Loved the World"... IOrgan Postlude: "O Lamb of God ........ Éeginning at 9:30 o'clock 'v..lc r.và thre ill b e "li Schubert Bennett ..Stainer ...Bach on. New n flouse" The Woman's Guild will meet Thmats- day, December 5, 'at 10 o'clock to sewv for Wesley hospital. The executive com- mittee will meet at 10:30. Luncheon will be served at noon by the Second division. The program will be at 1:30 o'clock. A very splendidprogramn bas been arraflged and al women are cordially invited. Dr. Charles. Boss, executive secretary of the comtmission on Peace of th e Methodist church, will speak.. The Sixth division has arranged to have Colonel. Palmer. bring his Boys' ýOctette from Lake, Bluff. The Goodwill Truck stops at the church office on Fridays to pick-,Up calis. First Pre'sbyteria.n. Ninth street at. Gre.énleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen,, minister For the' New Y,ýear's message, the .minister will ýpreach on the theme, '«A Fatal Mistake," at the morning worship service at il o'clock. We invite y ou t o worship wîth us. The director of music. Miss Erma Rounds, has arranged the follow-ing musical program for the morning ýwor- shipservce:preludc, "Pr.eiudio" (Suite in G minor) Rogers; anfieiin, 'Gà& is Love," Shelley; solo, "Ring Out Wild Belîs," Gounoà, Edward Otis; postlude, "Jubilate Deo," Silver. The Sunday schooi will mneet again in its various departments. and classes at 9:.30 o'çlock. Our policy is to maintain it as a distinctly Bible school. The Adult Bible class will mneet at .10 o'clock in the chàpel for study in the series of lessons on the general theme, "The Progressive Understanding of God." ' Our lesson -Sunday will be "The Father- 1 1flnshiv of God." .We. invite you to study. The 'Tuxi s club \vill mneet at 5:30 o'clock] in the chapel. The topic of the mneeting will be, "'Steering or. Drifting." All the young peoffle of, high school age are invited. The Girl Scouts wili mneet at the church * WedneCsdlay afternoon. The Boy Scouts will meet at the church Wednesday evening. Our WOCnesday Evening Bible Hour, ail tne world. The »Sunda-y school will meet at 9:45. There are classes for' eblîdren between the ages of the kindergarteli and the high school. Visitors are welcome. Rible Church 886 Elm Street, Winnetka Howard A.. -ermnansen, Minister Friday. Decentber 30 8 p.M.-Bibie Fellowship group Christ, mnasparty. Ail are cordially invited. Saturday, Decemfber. 31 New Yýear's Eve watch night serviceý 9, to 10 pj.n-.-Song Service, choir, testi- mnonies, and. brief message by the 10 to1il :30 p.1.-Social FeilowshiP with refreshments inSchurch pjarlors. il1:30 to 12 p.i-.-Pra yer and consecra- tion service. Sunday, January 1 9:45 a.mi.-Bible school. Classes for ail ages. il a.m.-Pr'eachiflg service,. Speaker. Rev. W. Talbot-Hînidleyý, Jam- aica. British West Indies. 5 p.mi.-Monthly. Com-munion service. .7 :30 pii.-Organi Meditations - Harriet 'Lindahl. 7:45 p.in. ,SngService, choir and gos-' pel message. . Speaker-iRev. W. Talbot-Hinidley. Special Prayer Week Services Services Nwjll be held every night ex- cept Saturday at 7:45 with the Rev. W. Talbot-Hindley. a minister of the Church of England, Headmnaster of St. Christopher's Boys' school in Brown's Town, Jamiaica, speaking at e a c h, mieeting. The series wîll conclude on Sunday, January 8. FelioW- Rbobert A. Edgar, assistant minister Chuirch School ............... 9:45 a. m. Beginners and Primnaries .. 10:50 a. m. Morning Worship....... .......il1 a. m. Sunday is New Year's Day and the serv.ice of w.orship will be jin keeping withi the occasion. Mr. Hindley's. sermon is "The ('lood Ship '39". The riusic for Sundà,y W be -as Jesus, the Very Thought Aeet." .. .. -. -..... *.......' ire Anthemn: - "Send Out Clokey In préparation for the heart of the church year, the Lenten season, we ili have a. conference of officers Wednes- day, January 11, followed on January 18, ýby the quarte rly. business meeting of the church. Pleaste set aside these dates: for your' church., Choir rehearsals .will be resumed ini the comning week. Thaniks are extended to al Who helped by i noneyr and labor in furnishinig the many, colorful, robes for the juniors choirs. Wilmette Lutheran .1010 Central Avenue, Wilrnette The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor, SERVICES NEW, YEAW9S DAY Church Schoo. .........9:45 a.n. Worship Service-,..... ... ...... 1 a.m. Thé mus ic- for the Service of Worship next. Sunday niv>rning is as foilows: Prelude-Reverie ...... ...........Schutt Anthem-Now Let Us Ail *Rejoice...... ... .... ....l16th Century% The Choir Duet-O Conie Io my Heart, Lord Jesus. .ý...... .......... Amibr,su Margaret Paulson and Shirley' Fix Postlud-Gal,6tt!e...._... ........Bch *Victoria McLod-Ministry of Music The Church School convenes on Suni- day morning at 9:45 D'clock, There 'aiu classes for al âges. ýWe invite- yu tb come and learn with us ini our Church school. Attend our service of -worship.nx Sunday rnorning at il o'clock. The Church council will ineet on Tues- day evening, January 3, at 8 o'clock at the home of A. F. Stark, 2006 Isabella. Evanston. Trhe Junior and Senior Luther leagues will meet Wednesday évening at 7:30 :o'clock. The Junior league will. be in charge of the program. Al the y-oui. people are invited to coine, The Woman's society will meet Thurs- day afternoon, January '5. at 2 o'ciock. Mrs. Normnan C. Deno will present bhe topic dealng with the Cty, Church; We invite you to. the feliowship of this fine meeting. Confirmation cilass \ý,ill meet on Thurs- day aft-.rnocin al 4 o'clock. Our services are happy,. hopeful, hein- fui. Come! 7m--tay be. The to, the WQmSf's diattendiin hrç sewee t Or10uryBatstcovetin, . where they wilI vacation for. t atend ng hur h ,esewh re o O r J nua y Ba tis co venionbook -. three or four w eeks. id worship with us. This is a let wiil be .distributed Sundày morning. ýurch. Its mernbership ineiudes *A copy bas . been secured for each 'famn- 0 onm various dçnomninations, It liv. Thd: themne is indlcated by the title,> Miss Edith Ray Young of Wilmette sthe essential truthe' of he 1"Who Is My Neîghbor?" Do not for- is spending the Christmas ho idays f4ith. It desires to, provide f or get o secure and to read your copy.wtherboe'sfaiyteFly rnunity the, service of worship, wt e rte' aiy h ly educatiôn and social fellowsip The new quarterly edition- of "The L. Youngs'of Vincennes, md. "Fiat SUn WLU