Ye. Olde Towne. Foikes Spocnsor Enter priseÀOJre.serve History, of 'Town, A step* in the direction of the ac- cumulation of histaricealI data anrd in- formation relative. to the early days of Wilmette was takeni when George. R. Harbaugh. 1219 Forest avenue, president -of Ye Olde Towne Foikes of Wilmette, appofinted aý committee ..of that organization to undertake this important duty. Thre committee con-, sists of the following; Namnes Committee J nes Kline, '531 Eighth street. chairm-an: Stanley K. Gage, 932 Elm- '.voôd avenue, antd 'Dr. C. G. Smith-, 1325 Greenwý,oad avenue. Albert A. *McKeighan, '661 Illinois road, -was also) appointed ta the committee, * though not a member of the organ- ization. Miss Rebecca Fitch, 1033 Elmwood avenue, secretary of Ye' Olde Towne Foikes, xi also serve for the committee. Many citizens interested in pre- *.serving facts, papers", records, ex-> periences and authentîc information[ ;ibout people and developments of long gone days are expressing grati- fication that t he work is at last bei'n. undertaken, and by an organization peculiarly fitted ta dQ it well. Will See Co-operation No plans have as yet been form- ulated by the comimittee, but it is certain that they will include an appeal to ail villa gers who have in their possession information that will contribute to a complete record of1 the progress of Wilmette to so noiy the committee and place the data at its disposaI. This appeal, say mem 1-it bers of the committee, will be direct-, ,ed especially ta older inhabitants, * ,a.,v o~f whose ïersonal experiences 1938 t"' wJ I --= w~u~I Business People Sponsor Prograns: Given DaiIy in Central Shèopingt Area' Entering wholeheartedly Into the spirit of Christmas, businesspeople' in coaperation withi the Wilmett Chamber of Commerce,, are spon- soring programs of 'music, that soft- lier uponthe spirit Iies than tired eyelids upon tired eyes," to. be en-. joyed by ail the.people of the vil- 1age, ,without. mneyand .wifthout price. These programs, which opened at il o'clock Monday morning, will con- tinue through the week. During the day appropriate recorded music wMl be dispensed7 trôftitheé asl1ay hall of the W. C. Huggins Home En- gineering firm. at 1150 Wilmette ave- nue. For this purpose a tour-unit loud speaker system has been in- stalled on the roof of the building by the Quinlari Radio and Rlecord Serv- ice. Tiiese programswill continue through the day and evening. WI11 Jlear Choirs On Wednesday. Thursday and Fri- H-Ipto Pro £ect Yu'r Home from IubercMulo is 'rendered. thlese prg sponsored by theCI It is reaily remarkab le what a fewv pennies saveci fron Christmais merce. They are shopping funds ii do toward helping somne unfortunate victim of*' Wednesday, at 7 p.n tUberculosis bcack to health and lLseJfuless . church. Victoria Mec ____ ganist. Chr' tms Sels ost o lttleandWednesday, 7:45 p.n Chritma Sels ost a ltti an *~' T.I - - t. Francis Xavier 'su>'ms drctr do Sa xnuch that everyone'can afford II ta buy at least a few of them. They pay -dividends ahl the year' 'round. c dteV I 7flamrber ot Com- as follows: ..-Adult choir of .rn.-Eoys' echoir :of Catholie church. -J. A. regis- Thle enilaren 1-print- and from' WilJ c'dourtesy of the transported to through the Shore lUne. Miss Margaret Egg wWl also be :entert mnent ing for a ance requ ter and si Il .