N Ofi0 u1nI a SPECIAL DOLLAR DUNNUER Every Nlght and su nday THE Pin NutPOOIIe 1[ .Farm. on Route 22 at Half Day is open, andi is àa eightful place for lunch or dinner. L.et us plan your n.xt bridge, luncheon or dinner. Book TEL. W1NN. 8-19 Chestnut J480 . court For "Lait-Minute" Gifts Fir$t prize of $300, went to Albert Maltz, young left wing writer, for bis st o ry The Happiest Man On Earth,' pu blished in "H1arper's Mag- azine;" second prize 'of $200 to Rich- ard Wright for Fite and ClouLd, pub- .ished. in "Story Mgzie"John' Steinbeck receives third prize of $100 for The Promise, published.,in "Har- per's. Magazine."* 9,00 f tle These ýthree 'stories, together with tWelve others which were« seletted as, ranking highest from the more than '9000 .considered by the editors, appear. in The. 0. Henry, Memorial Atoard Prize Stories for 1938, pub- lished by Doubleday, Doian and. company. This year's 0. Henry committee includes: Harry Hansen, literary editor of the "New York World-eegram; ~Irita van JDoren,. editor of "Bo k," literary mag- azine of the I~ York Herald-Tri- bune; Fred T. Marsh, writer and book reviewer; and Edward Weeks, editor of "Atlantic Monthly." .Authors other than the prize-win- ners whose work is included are: Stephen Vincent Benet, Mary Hast- ings Bradley, Erskine Caldwell, Mniireen D lv.Daiel1 Fuchs, Car-, Ruth MacKay, a Chicagoan Who lived for a while in Highland Park, is one of those clever women smart enoghto -write, a light book on a heavy subject for feminine redders. Money, that root of all evUi 4 yu haven't any, and care and anxiety if you have, gets a breezy treat- ment at h-er hands in "Money With- out Men" pub ished by Farrar & Rirrehart. Married or s i n g 1 e, few u'omen can afford to be without this or some similar guide. Paul Stone Photo Promise is the story. of a young thie same title, and of-oti l~lULr LU, A sheif ofI these anthiologies proviaes a novel of California,: as well as à history -of the changing themes and other books and short stories. The mnethods of :authors who have won ________________________________ distinction in this field." Harry Hansen Commends "The Wonder of Words" In a recent issue of his column, -The First Reader," which is print- I1724 Orrington Avenue Orrlngtou HoteI ldg.iOre. ,0227 fora, Sir iArthur Ssor W., L. Bragi JjS. Haldane, and Arnerican women have done fairly well by themselveS in corrxering the nation's money markçet. It is esti- 'mated that 70 per cent of the coun- try's wealth is in the hands of wom- en, and the spetiding of the yearly incomne s largely their.-responsibility., Fortunate as, they may. be. to lay their' hands on .al this sponduliés, Ruth MacKay, author of Money With- out 'Men finds themà uninformed, many timeis extravagant, and incom-, petent in filing this stu pendous role df stewardshiýp., So she décorates the whole sub- ject %with frills and a humorous touch. to- produce a woman's book (men can learn fIrom it too) on, how to manage money a nd, property. Writ- ten alike for the eighteen-dollar-a week clerk or the heiress, this cas- tor -oil capsule on finance slips clown with the greatest of ease. Entertain- ing and informative, Money With-. out Men takes it readers over tech- nical high jumps by means of pat siiniles da'awn frm the, 4ornestic world a woman already understands. Foolish Notions First Mrs. MacKay sweeps aNvay ail the cobwebs of .preconceived ir- rationalities about ýmoneýy which womnen stili continue to inherit from the Dark Ages, and tells simply wtIhat money and banking are and vwhy they are, Later she takes up that most im- portant of al topis-the swindle. tefake investment.. the phoney advisýs--Cinderella being the woman who believes thèse is a shortcut to riches. This leads the author into, family budgets and the building up of sales resistance for the person who c an't hang on to a 'dimne for ten minutes". Gone ini 7 Years We. catch our breath' w-ýhen she says the average estate of $25,000 is dissipated in sevet! years-not a llattering reflection on the %Vomen or( th( sh ad dr tir sfi cs bc siJ (r Po Pc fir al: c tc wF b( te ai is si 7: si ci b n n v a tern Science, a klougiiton Mifflin conlpany can i edited by Jo- tention. to "'Twas the Night ne fore. Walter Pagel, Christmas" by Clement C. M'oore, Deéember 13. 11The Birds', Christmas Carol". bu tors are such kate Dou glas Wiggin, "A Planta- Lord Ruther- tion Christmas" by Julia Peterkifl [ington, Profes- and Lloydl C. Douglas's two. stories,- 'rofessor ;J. B. "Home for Christmas"' and 64"if~- W. Dampier. cioùsJeopardy,." b