for "Vassar Cornes to.Life" Dinner Reservations are comning ini for, the "'Vassar Cornes to Life" party, the VassarChristmas din- ner dane Decem ber 29, in Diana court. Among those who have. reserved, places. for dinner are several of the patrons and patronesses: Mr. and: Mms. Edwin C. Austin, of Gle âcoe, who wil entertain twelve or four- teen; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Bal-, lard of Winnetka, who will. have four; Mrs, ' mmons Blaîine of, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson L. Buck of Evanston; Mr. and: Mrs. Alfred C. Castie of Chicago, Whose daughters are chairnien of the undergraduate conittee; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Creigh of Highland P ark; Dr. and Mrs. Vernon C. David of Evanston; ~rr and Mrs arle Fabens Kel& ley, whose daughter, Barbara, is generai chairinan of the dance, com- mittee; Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of *Glencoe, who has madereservations for four; Mr,.-and Mrs. C. Paul Par- ker of Evanston, for a party of four; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, of Chicago, four, and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham K. Sel, also Chicagoans, reservations for four; Mr. and Mrs. *Erreti Van Nice, of Chicago, a large Miss Mera Galloway, a mnember of the general committee, has reserved a table,, and the D. L. Petersons will be at a table with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kijrball, ail of Wînnetka.. Miss Nany- cy .Blaine will aiso be. preseàt. In York Ai-fencling Mr. and1 Mrs. Horace Gri gnon announced the engagement. of their. daughter, Georgana, to Ai- bert John Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Epstein of Aus- tin, at a tea December 21, at the home of Miss Grignon's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schuster, 854 Sheridan road, Wii.. mette. Miss Grignon is a for- mer student of Beloit coUlege. Her Jlaré is a gradua te 'of mte Universityof litnois. Returns to Kenilworlh After Visit in Texas Mrs. Gabe S, Wegener, 36 Kenil- worth avenue,. Kenilworth, has re- turned after a- visit of neariy a, month in-San Antonio,- Texas. She, went south to be present. for t he wvedding of a daughter of an old friend, .Mrs. Eugene Holmgren. She was a guest at ail of the pre-nuptial events, including one tea for flvet 1 - - - - - 1,- -1A ,-, f , r The Week between Christmas and New Year's holds ini store twà parties for membérs of William Dawes chapter of Çhiidren of the American Revolution, according to Mrs,.. Thomas. C. Gray of Evanston,, president. The ,dates, flot, yet absoiuteiy fixed, will be Set, for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, Deember 28, 29, -or 30. One 'of the parties will be for the Junior and Intermediate groups. It will be an afternoon bob-sied or hay- rack ride,, depending on whether: there is..or is flot snow. The chul- dren ýwiil go, to a sheltered spot in the Forest 'Preserve to cook and feast. on wienerwursts. and other cold-weather picnic fare. The other party will be a. late afternoon skating party for Junior High s c h o o 1 and Senior groups. They are lnvited to. Medinah country club through the kindnèss of Mrs. G~ordoYn C. Oratiarn of Evaiston. Supper will be served. Leaders of the four C.A.It. groupsý are Mrs. John J. Morris, Mrs. Tracy, H. Kay, Mrs. Kenneth W. DeGarm-o and Mrs.' George J. Reeling. Children who head the four groups arc Warren Hayward, Ruth Krous- .kup. Winchell Hayward, and Robert Chittend ri. Enterfains ai T.. Charl otte Wilds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wllds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth, a sophomore at New Trier Hîgh school, entertain.ed aa tea at her home on. Sunday afternoo. Engagled, Enjoy Luncheon Al members of Alpha Phi In- ternational sorority in. tie Chi- cago area this year. will gather for, a holiday luncheon Wednes- day, December 28. in t-e Blue. roornofCarson'Pirie Sotand company., Homnecomiîng colleciaternembers, Alpha Phi pledgk-s from hither and. yon, Alpha Phi alumnae from every chapter and of. everv a ge, will be welcomned with a holiday Qmiu1e by the three hostess chapters, the North Shore Alumùae, the Weqt Subur1ban, Alumnae, and the South Shore Alumn- na.e. Mrs. L. V. Ma goon of Oak Park, generai chairman of the luncheon, is assisted by Mrs. Jamnes L. Allen of Highland Park and Mrs. Fred 13oley of Chicago.' A presentation of motion pictures taken at the thirty-ei£ahth general. convention of Alpha Phi in Pa'sa- dena iast June, and a talk by Mrs, Raiph M. Strader of Evanston will constitute the program. Representatives from t h e three area aiumnae groups form the of- ficiai committee dispensing hospi- tality and greetings. They are Mrs. J. W. Barton and Miss Emily Car- lisle of ;Evanston; Mrs. J. C. Carr and Mvrs. A. M. Graver of Chicago, and Miss Helen Bull and Mrs. A., H!. Mayer .of Oak Park. Twenly-fbree New Trier, .Girl1s Dance Hostesses A. groulp of: twentv,-three, senior.- girls at New* Trier Hîgh school 'are entertaining at a holiday dance in the Boôuevard room of the Stevens hotel on Thursday evening, Decem- ber 29. The hostesses for the p'arty at their residence on Sunclay. The annte" by Ch guest of honor was Hugh Petersen Mr. and Mrç whô arrived'home the day before tain eighteen, froin Princeton for the holidays, ner party. icks WIll entLer- at a f amily dinr- of tfteir caugluer,. JYaxine Mary, to Fred William Gloede, son of Mrs. Fred W. Gloede, of Ccloma, Wis., and Evanston. The wed- ding. tvill take place soon af±er £aster. DeSharon Photo Holiday Tea Miss Sally Raymond will be host- ess at a tea at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anan RaY- mrond, 547 Roslyn road, Kenilworth,. on Wednesday, December' 28. WILMETTE. LIFE *ti S;n il 0 a h E s f2 I