Evanston Society Te1t% of Work for N. S. Chlidren Physcally Handcppe4 The Evan.ston Soci.ety for Crip- pled Children helps.Vo' further the. work ini the, care of the crip- pied. children in the special oorn at Haven schoo in E,ý-r.trjn. Air.ong thern a.re fou~r on.G - coeé and, one frorr m r:te Drugs. brace. xes; e'- mnen?.tl the saarA o! te x-y:s-ai surnrJner car.p -rac, - te -h.: arc- n rit p rxsb s h ;rd '~ErLiý ca*t,,on to ri r Ae. a*re fr:7 n 4: the Eva n str.: S.c:t:. Chîldrern. Atr:ta zIr . ttn~ ~ r dren has r>en r srC:hs:~a * ii *lie ,*orj-pe--:c r; I 1651 tetinShv er re whe-ch :cudda'-tyes r,'- ysfca' ýthrap 1 Hrne vv '197 eeraet n1ete!r2 plans 1for fite ae ,ccolzih School,-;. and haýnd.cMp- ped adu.lts vwho, need physi5cal týhe.-- apy trax-eiS 20.5 visi*:: h av e berirmade -to 1ý2 patients cnn the past ,.ear. Requests. fo-r b-,aces and eup ment and specîial l9ans *ri families--z unable tro pay are granted ,hr,-,-gh the brace and equipmneritcorm:-,- tee of the society%. ~Diagn<ses are a' ros:, polio-. myelitis, 4: pseudo hypertrophic muscular dystrophv. 4, cerebrai birth palsey, 6-1 fragile bonesz, 1: osteomyvelitis. 1; card:ac. 1: ,ogn ital defornities, 3; riclareu,2. This is the fouùrth yýear for 1sriecial classes for crippled c h iJ 1 d r en in, Evanston. Each year t h t r e has: been'an increase, in thE<-erllmýent, although eidren, are returned tri their regular schriils ;a-,o; as they are able. Dr- Robert Lnera and -Mýiss Carolyn Hamrrnofid, thé n u r s e in rh ros f f the rrorrnflfor crippled Young Miarneds f St A church in, their borme wi Cbristrnas part,-, recently, -Santa Claus was the unc gues* of h-ono-r. The old ccsiderable difficulty ma about in hL .-.suddenly wa:tlie.but seemed to csrpay.one gue st z-evi grrjup < f ern-'rteiII ence1 -:ven :r.cudrng a spelling1 tr-e-falsze cuiz. w'h.ch in d:Sclo5sed te fact that .ti n; 'e.al g-*ants present. . el reLef o!the lessr :W»r he pre5'er:tatin of g ar e el-t, an exhauct( Cla-,ý,. the. enji-yable eve:, zr;ar~ t;a laughing cl Guesfs of Honor a+ TE S r i- 2S i~at~~ c;~stopedfrr a ?,r-ef In 'e. hc-her hsn-rrMr. E arS., de.par-n-tS Wlc~s ostss.gave a Suriav fterxon. he 1111 .1wlSpend *the Chrý5:n enc in Eau Claire.w:. We~sparents. SeiI s Tckets, ugustne's i' a prë- at which >mfJortable hnb 1-v had Annual Event tor CathoIic Club Depadtment About fifty guests wi] hoen- .neuvering tertained at a bridge luncheo.rn at 11ncreased, 0 'cloek Tue.sdaýy, DeceMber 27. enjoy the at the home o Mrs. Thomas Gib- tests.,erA bons, 1,500 Forestý avenue. The bee and a event is1 the -annu*l. ChriStmas icidentafly party for theCahicAto here were uT ofteWmns ahoi rnuch to. group fteWmnsCtoi ortn ts.Club of Wi]metté, and, will ho !s and. a . given by Mrs. George R. Steele :ed Santa ~ of 918 -Sheridan road, chairman, rlin wasof. civics: ancd Catho1ic -action. [ose" a- I Mrs., John D. Flynn is -in charge o! arrangements, assisted by MNrs.ý Roy E. Joncs" and members of the Catho]ic action. committee, which. in- cludes Mrs. John Boylston. Mrs. ea ~~M ss Franýces Or-curtt, daugh- Warren A. Clohisy. -Mrs. Gilbbons,. e-: cr c -. cid Mrs'. Lhs.ght C. Mrs. Ernest M Mundee, 'Mrs. John nd iO- z; .G'. c e. cK TiP c Kappa. V. O'Brien, Mrs. Frank J. Oelerich. t4insa :*~ se' ~ec.e ten- Wells, andi Mrs. A. W. Withrow1- ~ ~ni.n '; ~e N;< uese rn Arrangements beirig made for this f;r:~' '~ ":' Y~::p;I~ ~a::na7 holiday event indicate that it %,.il w-- r o~ s - : --::;. nd be one of the delighltul affairs of " ~ ~ e :' '~.n red this seasoný in Catholic Club circles.. andr aa ~ :: ~ Go~grmn The Christmaàs party the, Wom-, r, &D~fr 4 2.. O'c;vt is an's Catholic club gave to its mem- lar2 ~ a c:~ v ' ~.~a~ech bers was one for which the spirit of :ee:~m- ~ :S, r; Ph;oto the Yuletide was captured. -.aswee:- .Mrs. Edward F. Cummiskey, pres- ident, opened the short meeting with a Christnmas message. Mrs. Frank AtWoman's Club L. iKaye, chairman of thefine arts department, eth ignofcr Cihristras trees on the stage, red ols. After the music a card party tapers. Phfd.atalieau lof Mary followed. and *the C'id <as a zreeting to One of the highlights of the after- the rnernersarr a rcý nrf seVefi noon was the beautiful and unusù.al talr~e sizer ~ s hP Con- Christmas table from which teaand tirrta Sirer. 've theDirit o-f coffee and cake were served after Chrf:na t"the <ida'-rnrgram the meeting. . Mrs. liiftnWale o!teW n sClu1b -,f Wilmette chairman, and ber social comlmitte,.. on D-centber 24.. won,.much praise for ýthe charming In 'he ser'ce+ .,:'ere ?ubv Spencer effect they created. Against. a back- Lyon. sopý-an: Jessalyn Midgren. ground of Christmas trees and orna- so-prano: Evelyn Ames; contralto: ments, tho table, longer than usual., Hot m Pr Snra- s tenor:. Em'mer- had at its center a large white cake sonTret.'en r.E dwar Staek. trimmed at the centr t ag Muriel Janicki,' daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Juohn Janieki of 2127 Thornwood avenÂue, wiUl arrive home Fr iday, December 23,,from the Uni- versity of!Ilinois for the holidays. Decem ber 31, at the clubhouse, from 9 until2. Cotillion feathres, favors, and hot supper are im- portant features of the evening. Moffett Photo, encore. 1 ,A popular number was the Jubilee, songs in khich Miss Ames sang with the four men "Decp River Jordan," and "Old Time Religion." As a last number on -a delightful program, the septet sang with great spirit 'a group of selections fronl. "The Vagabond Kig."-F. B..1 WILNIETTE LIFI