DLUrwn onVu t)teU i , was wornf by Miss Eleanor Potter of Wil- mette when shebecame the bride of William Bunje' of Findiay, Ohio, last Saturday evening. Herveil of tulle was c aught with orange blossoms,' and, her flowers were white roses, chrysanthemums, and sweet peas., Mrs. Brown. matron . f honor for her- sister, wore a. gown, of. rose taffeta, trimmffed with 'dubonnet vel- vet- ribbon. T7heý bridesmaids, Miss Katharine IdIer, Mrs. Floyd Haas, and Miss Jean Bunje, sister of the bridegroorn, were gowned in simnilar dresses,. but of hyacinth blue, .and trirnmed with da> blue velvet nib- bon. They ail carriéd harmonizing bouquets of roses, sweet peas, and chrysanthemums which brought out, the 'deeper tones.ý of -the dresses. Trhe motherof the bride wore blue' and silver lamé and the bride- groomn's mother was in dubonnet. Both had gardbnm&Sýý -Robert Bi4e, brother of the bridegroom, came from Los Angeles to serve as best nman. Norton Potter, brother of the bride, Argyle Wolf of River Forest, and John Malloy of Grand Rapids, Mich., .were ushers. *The chapel of the First Methodist- church of Evanston was simply dec- orated for the service perfonmed, by Dr. Ernest Fremont Tittie at 8:30 o'clock in the evening. After. the crermony, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S;Bùhie WllJi j-I1fS Hotss aif Breakfast Miss Zo de LaChapelle, 'daughter of tlhe J'acques de LaÇhapelles 'of 132 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, who arrived home Tuesday froni Rosenlont college, Pa.,. for the holi- days, will be hostess at a breakfast oarty at her home on Friday rnorn- ~.. ,<~ ~ O ~I~ALtÇ~1~ & CQM~A,~, C) 'M~ ~ f4 -t.. ~ 'A r -*w Hostess ai Exmoor A luncheon at Exmoor club follow- ed by a skating party was given WednesdaY afternoon by Miss Donna Craft, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Don MiUis Cnaft, 304 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, for a group of fifteen of her iriends. I~1@cEJck, wUi beDe aiver, ifn -rimeiW wr lisTiugs. I-STORIR HOIJRS Todoy. Thursdoy. Friday: 9,oam. It 9-.30 p.m.; Saturday 9a.un. t. 6 pi