0Ope ra company < announCes t h at the following four '~ produictions w i lil b e, presented in Grace Moore t h e Civie Opera house during the lastof December and January: 'Haný 1s el, and, Gretel." at 2: 30 Monday after- n oon, December 2M. "LaBoheme" at 8 o'clock Suniday. night, ,January 8, 'Manon." at 8 oclock Sunday night. Januarv 15; and "Il Trova- tore,". i 8 o'cloçk Mondcay ni ght, january 16. Childref's Matinee Trhe repeat performa-nce of "Han- sel and Gretel," brought back be- c ause o f'the tremendous success of the first. performanc e, is a special Christmmas - vacation. matin-ee for school childrefl. Popular prices will prevail, and the cast will be the *same as in the previous perform- ance. Elizabeth B.row'n and Louisa Hoc, be Han sel and Grutel re- spetbVlY.Mark Love as the father, *May 'Barron as the mother, Sonia Shairnovai, the witch, anid Margery *Mayýer îand Helen Maruolyiie as the Sah1nmn anid DcWrnl,Li w'-,ill sing: this farrous faiiry opera. Leo Kopp will coniduct. Because of Grace Moore'S exten- sion of her Europeafl work, she w:as unable to sjng in the regular season. Detaincd in France by her .work in t'vo rnh cinenma vers ion of been an 0utstanýding etreb, u seaoflS perswill sing opposite: her in both these operas., Offer --il Troôvatore'.'ib I The final performance willb I TroVa tore," with Anna Leskaya, Elsa Soderst 1ar n, John Pane-Gasser, Josph oye, Duglas B1eattie and Giuseppe Cavadore..LeKppwi conduct.1onslad Y Tickets are now on 1-sale nd ma ho ntained .by 1fl.ailfror heÇ i .1 T~he tournaments to be entered nelude those at Thornton Township High sehool, January 7, La Porte, End., on January 17, and Wheàton college, January 27 and 28. Members of the New Trier teamn in- clude 'Glenni Anderson, Bill Dodds, Bill Drucker, Robert Drucker, Rob- ert Bôokless,> Melvin Guthriei Ed Grossberg, Join Liggett, Dick Mor'- eau, George Ranidail, John Sw eeney, Seymo.uý Stein, Ward. Dougherty, Normn Tinkeër, Burton, Oftner., Al- bert Van Acker, Ted Carpenitier, Di French,' John Bail, Jerry Beeman. and Pete, Oliver. Meet Hinsdale So far this year, .29 dpbates have been held. Among the recent ones were those held with. Hinsdale High, school on December 71 and 10. On.,the former occasion, at New. Trier, M6 one-mnan dcbate teams from lIlinsdale .and New Trier met. affirm-ative and four negative teams.j A diiine~r andi a s5pah ptyfolow the debates. Representing New T rier were: French, Tihker, Liggett, Book-ý less, and Moreau. Chairmen .of the debates were Carpentier, Dodds, Dougherty, and Randali. The- latter event, xvas an invitation- ai tournament. at Hinsdale, in whîch 104 sehools were entered. Those rep-, resenting New Trier were: Tinker,1 Stein, and Carpentier,. affirmative.; and Dodds, French, Ligg.,ett, and Qffner, negative, Both debates, were on, the non- IChristian Science 1-Churches I "Is the Universe, I.ncluding Man, Evolved by Atomie Force?" wasý. the subject of the lesson-sermon in ail Churches.of Christ, Scientist, on Sunduy, Dýc ember 18. The goldeni text was: "Hearken unto me, 0 Jacob an-d Israel, my called: 1 arn he; I amn the first, 1I godcerFrCrstnMcres utO»eayer andmak godTHeer GhiasRoEs u nceWaIL * .~.This',Chrîstinas why flot arrange too, maY thor- oughly enjîoy thé real pleasures that Christmas brings. Conserve your.energy. Then, when the day actually arrives, yrou will be able to enter into the festivities with the saine zest. as the other mnibers of your family. And somewhere, somehow, find a few minutes to be alone,. by yourself, and think- out what Çhristmas really means to you and your family and what i t gives us ail, of lasting value. ELEANoR LEE, WRIGHT HInIoe Econornist, IWilson & Ca., TIME SAVERS Keep a whole or half Tender Madle Ham in your refrigerator during the Christmas holidays. It's ready to serve or just heat and eat for any quick meal. For Dinner-a thick broiled cen- ter slice ini 12 to 15 minutes. For Lunches-Sandwich slices, cold meat plates or frying slices. OF LUCK Af ter his ghostly visitor 'had retir- ed, that "el teh ing, covetous old §inner," Scro oge, really wanted to do riglit by the Cratchits, but alas! the times him. the ENJOY MAKINC THESE ~ -Cut3-inch5-pôinted * àstars from white. Acardboard and gild ,e ffe e ' them or paste on * S gold paper. Apply heat to the bottom il~JLof a birthday candie and press down firmly in the center of each star. Write the naine acroo one side of the star. They add a festive note even to a simple faniily meal. HEARTY BREAýKFAST Givé them a breakfast that will "'stay by" themn in the long wait for the great feast ahead. Nothig fmsy. Plenty'of orange juice, pecan waf- fies with maple syrup and patties or links of Wilsofl's Certifled Pure Pork Sausage. 2 O'CLOCK rDINNER OYSTER COCKTAIX4 OLIVES CELERY ROAST YOUNG CERTIFIED TURKEY wilh chesinut dvessing and giblei groey WILSON'S TENDER MA&DE HAM- preparTd in tapia asrup WHIPPEDU POTATOES FRESH GREEN PEAS GRJAPEFRtÙiTrWATERCRESS SM-AD FRlENCH DRESSING ICEBOX ROLLS--SMALLMINCE PIES SM-TED NUTS COFFEEE Miss Barbara .J Mohawk road,w houseguestS durir John, Jean, and of Racine, and Mi cett of Scarsclale,