Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Dec 1938, p. 20

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Is Waxing Jeen By J. P. Normoyle Encouraged by the attendance of additional miembers to its ranks, the Cbrmmunity Center AduitTable Tennis. club:.engaged in, two hàotly conitesteti Round-Robins with Carlton. Prouty, former. national rank, and Bill Terrill of NOrthwestern: the victors. Participating for the. first tîme in the local togrnameltý Proutyf swept thru al of his matches un- défeated displaying hisý customary forcing game.both on foreh andi andi backhafld. Though Terrili won over Carl Mayer in the finals both were, ex- tendeti during their fornmer matches and actually tiefeateti twicç, but who, in the- playoff displayed 'superior skill. This final match evidenced two contrasting types of style, with Mayer's grooved forehanti drive anti aceurate chop axi TerriWis tem- porary adt,)ed, style -o~f shrtfOrÇ- ing shots ably mixed \vith timiel. couriter-driving of Malzyer*s forehiand. Sheer strategy is beconiing inore anti more eviaent as the miembers engage in actual comipetition with one another, corrpetition which isa real test of ability anti is open to all residents of the North Shore. Everyone inieresteçi in furtheriflg the garine of table tennis is urged to Darticiate. MIXED DOUBLES The final match of thie mi xe d doubles tournaimet was playeti at -the Community Center Tuesday eve- ning December 15th. Oliveé Carlson ant Ed. Fritch were the wiiiners.l Their. opponents were Pat Steffens and Pete Heumann. The-score w as M1-23. 21-12, 16-21, 2l-9, and ,2l-l4, Some of the.girls are taking an. interest in the Stamp club. Rita Sesterhenfl has been electeti Vice Presîient in charge of girls activi- ties. The Public, Library has furn- isheti the club several, interesting books on stamp collecting. Tradingý in stamps is becomning quite brisk anti the Thursday. afternoon sessions are *worth. while for any of the youngsters, who collect stamTps. Wil rnette's eighteenth annual, Vil- age Christmas celebration wil be, held. at 7:30 o'clock Saturday eve- ning, December 24, arounti the living* Christmnas tree, on the Village Hall Green. The event isý sponsoreti each year by the .Wilrnette Playgrounti anti Recreation board, iný co-operation with, church' and civic groups in the vllage. 'Singing of Christmas arols under As - the sco re indi cates the1 match TrABLE TENNIS MATCH the ligfltecl tree con"pi Lbs iA'e pro went the unmit of five games, It It seem's tliatthe reputationof our gram with chiltiren. in the schools Wa ay adfuh atealo h table- tennis players has been. broade - anti church choirs'jofnging with thie, way Th lser di ntgie u acast., A seven man. tean fromn Boit- villagers. single point.Without scrapping for it. Wood, Fieldi House in Evanston bhas 7 It was as pretty a match as any sn.sac ~~iient uosd cr ta ee an teallenge. Our boys said pansdisplayed. The boys and spectators were. on their toes *'rn e n"Sotedteslc-grshaebe working hard ta ge eryted is' December 22nd, an ly rad orisehibit atrhand i. minte Te Cntr s dveopngWill start at, 7:30 PM.- The Con- craft oom has been as .busya omne honest to goodness tabe en munityv Center tearn will be captain- Santa. Claus' workship.,The hatidi- 1 ni plaers.The sportsmanship eti by Art Ci cehini was has selected1 craft room will be decorated for shon y hee oug ols s om- I --as bis te.nrn mates E. Fritcb. Pete! this occasion, The work tiisplayed Herman. Dick Cocbran, Haroldi Fish- wI ewl othsen.Te;b peri(ddxiheli cindhed the .vicl()ry* er wn Pétflr.lc iScordel worth seen. Tepb For tecarooighs. i-frw fKauffmaýn. The Evanston boys are _________ Freean. igh cgfradf goingc to haVe spine mi-hty keen the Lyman Drugs. led his tean- -comipetition anti wve firmlyv believe N 3 n N teD m mats o wn verth Mdenethat vwe will be able to tell you after, Cleaners 30 to 28. His last minute th mlc that oo.r boy's came out , Cagers Clash. Dec. 22 basket was the mnargiin of victory ~TP Following their return from a twýo-. in a very close gaietla wsteti .garne eastern trip, Northwestern. several times. The score at hall ture ~as14-4.SQUARE DANCING university'S basketball tearn wilY Thpe ws1-1.l barn dance fans know Gliv plunge into its annual home-a n d- STeRiver Iiin tean remairidii-hErne senies with Notre Dame, the the undefeated ranks by easuly con- Colby. On Saturdav eveniings iman% quering. the weaker .Va Va Ells, by of you have thrilleti as bis resonant frt game of wbtch will be play-ed ine lar -e score of 47 to 17. Seifert voi .e aled for the W. L. S. Barn at South Benti, Thursday, Decemiber 22, The returri game will be pIayeti 10 at the Wilmette Cornunuy ý.eun- -. .. 'wv' u rgIr Tedyeen an ter anti are sponsoreti by the \ViIltmipteti.oureur Lsayenhi i'.'- ---------- mete eceaionbord . Teai tadigsDance. It seens that MU. Colby w il1 mark the 23rd of a series wbicb ..w L pct. bas taken a great intèrest in our starteti in 1927 -anti wicfinsNt Nelson .Launidr . .......... 3 O 1.000 Wilmette group. During one dance re Dame holding an etige of 12 vic- R.veir. Inni..... ..........3 O1OO LLran rug........ ýhlad the dancers sing as theyý tories to 10 for the Wilticats. The BASK E BEL1ucaroos.............. i. 2 .33 danceti SQ as to get the proper Irish took the lead in the series by Modernie Cieanie-s........ _1 3' .250) rhythm into their dances. Another; winninga both of last years gamnes Va a ds........i .30dance becarne quite hilaîrious as he by scores o! 30 to 27 anti 40 to 29.. Swvishers,................ 3 .000 ~B- LEAGUE calleti "Bo,,\ a littie. Jig a littie. Last year výas only, the fiftb tiniv The Ridge Runners in the Plav- "E- LEAGUE Swving a *ttle».- All the dancers i n1 years in which one tean won ground andi Recreation boards B h ontfv anant hi ot a lot of fun ouit of that one. twýo straigh ais The Wildcats. Basketbafl league wVon a close gamne lead ini the P layrot.id anti Recrea- This favorite W'. L. S. caller matie, wn two stra.igbt in 1928 anti 1930- trom the Pandas, 26 to 25 to gain tion board -E- basketbal.l leagute by the evening a most enjoyable one anti the Irish won two gaines each - . - *~11,0 ' ~ W W T 24to 5 The anti ail of our barn dancers arei in 1931, 19,33. and 1937. In the otheýr lowsw the Hornets 3 lark IImps .. ...... di 121 Eagles - 3 thol- Dro :te ,Wiles ..... fol- mas party given for the chiltir' IHANDICRAFT EXHIBIT members. The entertainers in, Pt. Ha-ndicraft matie at the Càn-mmuni- eti five dancers, Carol 11g, I ,750 ty Center wiil be exhibiteti on 'Turs- Vol'tz, Patsy Reilanti, Aline1 .75o day afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 shorne, anti Etith Campbell, .5o'clock. There wifl be rugs, wooti- two vocalists.~ Bertil Hum.1er. .00 craft, leathercraft, anti model aero- Patsy Paulick. Pats ail -ai iew scored 14 a ve ly. It was B ini the tbfrd,0Vq nid -à 1

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