cities of the state. These systems control ail grades from one to twelve, inclusive, and being thus in control of the. situation may divide the grades- into elementary, junior high school, and senior 'high schâol, as needs m ay 'warrant. It is in ter-_ ritories like those in. suburban Cook county and elsewhere, where there are overlapping. elemnentary and highi school, districts, thattaxes for the:,céonduct of elementary' school are collected - by one district and' fortheconuct of -the hig school by another district. In present con- ditionîs, the elementary schools can- not afford to take on the ninth or tenth grades without being compen- sated by the high school. But under. the law there has been no permis- Sion for the high schools to1 send their -ninth or tenith gr ade pup ils to the junior high schools operated by the elementary district and to pay the tuition for them. The pres- rangement by contract. Starts in New Trier This rrovernent, which eventually may be state-wide in ;ts service, started wholly in New Trier town- ship as one possible solution to the fre.quently propounded problem ofi how big should New Trier Hîgh school be allowed to grow?" Although the whole question has ben discussed for several years, Iurn- The Youtn Service," successfully inaugurated last year at the temple. ýhas taken its Place now as an annual event and this year-Rabbi Shulman will dedicate. the December 25 serv- ice tothe alumni'of the Rëliàiôus school., Three post-confirrnants, Miss fluth Sager ('32), William Katz.,('31), fand Harry Gottlieb Jr. ('32). wifl c- .cupy thepulpit. Ail members of the alumni1 will particJýpate in this. serv-, ]ce. Viq.itorspre-alwanvs -cordIýallV wve1- POi-flPt fthe servic-'s of th-'ý North Shon'p Cnnqrp_,ition 1Isriol-which 1%rA hpId verv Stirdav at- 1l a.mri. The~ t'-nin1e is Incati-d at the> corner of T ;n oln and Vernon avenues in Glencoe. CIFIRTSTENED SUNDAV Christnig services for E4wd Jo!ýwrnI Bern~ard May, son of Mr. and M,ýrs. Peter May. Jr., 212 Six- teenth street. were held last Sun- rl-~~ at St. Frqncis Xavier chur-V,. i Fiftv.ý guests attended a recention given by Mýr., and Mrs. Peter May. Sr.. grandparents of the infant, in Glenview. The child's godfather isi Bernard Meyer,. and its godmother. Mrs. Katherine Steiner. No Dust-No Smoke SNo Soot WILMETTE COAL dc MATERIAL Co*: 1301 La-ke AvenueWimfe40 LUCIEN' LE LONG Inpromptu Colo gne ,Tr .iv neof *he i 'wencuv. wa.s uasea inipart on preparation to take over high school ninth-graders from that vilage next Septemnber. If this should eventu- ate, it is assumed it would be the forerunner of similar action taken 1later by Winnetka and Wilmette. In any circumstances, New Trier High school wilI continue to teach the ninth grade in order to take care of those pupils electing to go there. Edward Raub. The1 be retuirning, home Chris tmas. -o immôncls wi e day aftèr Miss Ann KuoQx of Sp ringfield, l'Il., is arriving Saturday to spend a week or ten days visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry. W. Bettinghaus, 1022 Elevénth street. I THE PERFECT* GIPT~ FOR Spfce Ple/'Une Belle de Jour $3-50.$S6.75 YAIWLEY men&