$600 Perfurne Boules Finely ut so as to catch 1%rye rayfS ght and -shoot it back t. yen la vivd colors... exquisite on ber dresa. ing table! A, complete selection Phire....................... Twe ed by Dorothy Grey Lentherie Compact Freshmess as pun- A ahinibigBat dift gent as the whole with a puE lire a oftcUoOP t Ut' ft ffy'pik lI 15 as suitable witb plenty of room for si1ks for afteIIoouI ote powder. Look@ as tweeds for Muùcbmore ezpomile country. S.2. nd she*Ulove uMing $ 4.0 0. S 7.0 0.' n for it's t decora- $1 Z.50. tve! 51.r50. Gemey Christmas Set By Riülhard Hudnut An' attractively bomed git t fdUst- iiug peotdet a nd eau de cologxIe in the spicy Gemey fragrance. She'11 love it if she'. tas- tidious and dante -:$2, Kit Zijet oor 40 The. Thung £0 Do Sweatersý mas gift she's sure to love ... An Ail Wool Sweater lSft as down, with a plain crew neck se 5121 can wear an ai ds ef accessories. ze 32 te 40. White, malle, Uaneho pose, utrbu, Stucco Pinîk........... At Leis: A gay bit ofthde TYtpleSan- flience in a sweater tbat willl char -an gilitiebltoves soebarmaagita l e bitvdi ferent. flrightly colored yaiiis in a Ilower designt areund the collai anidevuw the f ront. Sizes 32' te 40. Black, Luster bine, brevu, vine, ired, whte .......... Sports Wear-Second Floor Specinlly Pricedl Give leautitul bapdkerçhief s If yeun at An ie 'sure te please ber. blicate speking, embreldery, alipenzel, drawu. werk, aa apliuie on pure Unes haies lu a preseut sli' l lvel 50e values ln wite, white with colored em- broidery, or pastels o Bags-Street Floor NÇ~~j3 * w .3 1. ~~4 'J