NEC KWEAR-H.afld tajlgred, .mr pterfls in twills, ,-atins, reps. and 5 ct5 poplins...... PAJ AMAS- Colorful patternls. Smartly styled. A wide variet>l to choose .65 S35 from. t e Wools, silk, es, newest noveltyN patternls or$ planf ...... 35 to 1 TOfGEIRY 'TE STOKE FUR MEA t 'i R R R R y' 'i b~. Carrol B i n cd e r (ppreft). Cli > ton M. Utley (upper right), ancIM Poul H. Drourgias (at tihé sirl.), copris>e the it.of Chi- cago Roiud a be wich Iwill present the pro gram of the NPW Trier Siiinday ý ' i nçjcluibDt- cemfber 18, in Nw TrLer Hiçjh .~cho7 vcDtri ni.Tlep iwilI dis- cnss "Freigi Alff(I(rs." These dlis- tinguished meni hauc, traveled e- tensàively. u'ritten nauy b9-ok, a-ncl have 1large rad(io auidiences. VISIT IN FLORIDA' James J. Johnson, Jr., 1100 Mich- igan avenue, with Donald Bridge.; and Bill Zimmerman of 'Winnetka, is spehdin'g bis .Christmnas vacation in Sarasota, Fia. H-e is 'leaving Mi-. ami university this Friday. and wilI be in Florida until the first of Jan- iuary. HEALTI-INEWS I rom Headquarters 'Wilmette Health Center, 905 Ridge Road Monday, December 19, 1 to 4 p. m. - Chest clinie; Dr. Julius Noyak, Medical Director Chicagô, Tuber- culosis institute. Wednesday, December 28, 2 to 4 p.m. Fourth and Linden PHARtMACY wII,.tt. ~a - ~ 1164: v I S' polish. AI ,Sunday 'Club