for the building, which will co)st an estimnated $12,500. The H. C. Toberg home at 452 Oakdale avenue is to be remnodelled by Howard Uammrond aàt, a cost of $1.200.ý -'pe Patronize Our Advertisers' 0- [H LATIN G SERVICE CO. IVe Service A Il Makes DAY AND NIGHT lTelephon. 00 New building in November in the Chicago Suburban region with 68 cornmunities reporting increased. $600,000 over November of last year and nearly $700.000* over this Octou: ber, according to the survey con'- pleted. this week by Greenebaumn The. total amnount of the permnits issued. in ,-November is $3,596,890, wh-Ile that 'of a year agio was'$j 985,546, and in, October, 1938. $2., 907,328. The gain over last year is 20 per cent and over October, 24 per cent.- Only. one rnonth of this year, August, had a larger total S4,220,436, and prior to that.the only larger totals since JuIy, 1931,, were those of1 March. 1937. $3,666.255. April, 1937, with $4.424.193 and Aug- ust, 1937, with $4,102,379. The Novern- ber total exceeds the average for the eleven months of the year, which is $2,653,451, by 36 per cent. Hom e Buig ,Jur*s An equally surprising resuit is found in the Novemrber reports of homne building. The number of new homes started was 278 to cost an estimpted $2,130,481. This compares with 207 homes in Novemh(pr, 1917. valued at $1,601,649,nrld 2(14 in Oc- tober.. 1938, to cost $2,004.886. The volume of permit,; for re- nairs. alterations and adlditioins t<' An increase of M4 per cent over Oçtober was 'registèred by the No- ve mber advances of the Federal Horne Loan- Bank of Chicago, but brought the current demand for bank funds to only 36 per cent of last, year's level, the monthly report of the bank to, the Federal Homne Loan Bank -board .at Washingtonl indicat- ed th is week. Total loans of $:320,910 W-ere made to the. savings. building a nd loan associat 1ions in Illinois and Wiscon- sin last rnonthý.. Altogether 286 as- sociations Jn Illinois and 96 in Wis- consin were suppleme nting their own, local. home finiancing funds withý bank advances a-t hie _close of No- vember. Compared with 'the-situa- tion a year ago there has beeh a decrease, of Il in 'the numnber of Illinois. institutions borrowing and of six i the number of Wisconsi bor- rowers. This is accounted for partially by ncreased investments of local capi- tal ini the institutions and partially by some mergers of associations so that they are actuaily fewer in sone localities than there were a- year ago. Outstanding loans at the Chicago bank November 30 were $31,871,- 897.34.' This is $750,000 less than the total at the peak of the Bank's loan June 30 f fthis vear. These Glencoe Aniong Leaders The 1eadiPçý comrnIllities of thro month are Giencoe, WaukeE!an ancl Evanston. Fourteen comrnunities in ail issued permits amountig to over S100.000. the otherq Vwith the,nrm'.s of . their cçQmmissioners and the amounts being as follows: CPen co e . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ t)) l l Waukeýýan............ ....... . l O>0 rvaiiston...................... 2, n'in~ ..on .............. .. .... 1 9:9 I - .1 0--,)( Valuable Lake Forest Property Tr'ansferred- Hart,, Shaw and company, 260 East Deerpath, Lake. Forest, have just completed sale of the property at 275 N. Mayflower road, Lake For- est. The house is an early English, half.timber and parge work home LWELL IMPROVEMENT CO., INC. end of Pleasant Lafie, Glen Oak Acres Nagner Road betvveen Lake and Wilmette Avenues musl. Paul Martin, Jr. Shaw and company were f bro1kers. in the transaction.' ago1 of Seago, Bradley and handled ail the legal de- '.a - 2Lbcks wet