Stamp Club Costumfe Part> The handicraft classes at the Community Center. are stili grow-ý ing, according to Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, Not only is this department crowded with boys and girls every afternoon but. quite. a. number of the older boys* areý working on leathercraft every eve- ninýgand> are turning out many, beau- tiful wallets and coin purses. In rug weaving the looms are busy and several women are wait- ing for looms so that the prospect is that' this department will be busy throughout thewntr . There are now eighteen' boys en- rolled in the aeroplane -elass. 5ev- *ersi have fnished. snmall model.s and are now starting on larger ones. It looks as though we. have several embryo aero engmneers in our midst. Christmais Carols Tuesday afternoon, December 20, wil be devôted to the singing of Christmas carols. AUl of the boys and girls enrolled at the center are invited to take part i this 'seasonal activity. A large group has been rehearsing carols for the past three grades, meets eavn ±nurscuuy e ning at the Howard school gym. The' costume party last Thursday evenmng was given for the fathers. and mothers of the girls of this class. AUl told 104 were present. The party started with a grand march,. followed by musical games, athletic games and contests, relay races and a shoe scramble. Refreshments were served. Many of the girls bak ed the cakes which' they do- ity Center Table Tennis tournamfent was played last Wednesday evening. The finalists were Ed Friteh and Pete Héymann. This interesting match attracted a large gallery and wa s won by Ed Fritch who ,took three .ga mes to one for. Ueymnann. The score was 21 to 17, 21 to 12, 8 to 21, and 21 to '17. Herman Fruendlich,: president of the',Center Table'Tennis club, acted as referee and Carleton Prouty was the score* ke eper. Pete r .Heymann gave, the. winner a hard battle ail of the way, but, Fritch's*. steady, playing :was more effective. Thi s tournamnent has created a' lot of interest in Table Tennis. at the Ceniter and. is 'One of the.reasons why the boys and girls aekeeping this departrnent busy every. afternoon and evening. Theý mixed doubles tournament is pro- gressing nicely. The date for~ the final match will be annouinced later._ I BASKETBALL LEAGUES The Hornets 44 to 5 win over the Willies. in the Playgrouncl and Rec- reation board "E" Basketball league gave them undisputed possession of the top of the, heap in the teamý standings. The Hornets have won to irector .Daniel . Di.avis. The Village Green rink will be operated as usual. -The other rink will be at Stolp school grounds, which will replace the rink at the footý of Greenleaf. avenue this win- ter, The Evanston' Municipal Golf as- sociation which controls' the proper- ty at the foot of Greenleef avenue, has requested that the, rink 4e dis- continued at that location. high point mnan, with 17 ,points, to his credit. The Jitterbujgs :ji ttered ýall over the H. H. S. 46.,to 0, in, the first game in the fight, for the 'cham- pionîipot the Girls' Basketball league. -Eloise Magner did mnost of the scoring, accounting for 28 >of thé> tearn's points. The. Howard Shooting Stars eased out a 16 to 8 victory overthe S. -0. S. to be in a three way tie for firt place altwrg with the Jitterbugs and the N. T. S. Marylin Stube led the N. T. S. to a 38 to 6 victory over Stolp 2 by making 22 points for her team. The teâm standings are'. as fol- lows: *'C" League W. :yes... ...... ts........... ....... .s- ý. . . . . . . 3 'ho............. ......2 ins.... ........-...1 S X.. ..... and the wmn by the Dumoc over Cornukrs ........ ý.... .2 W.' W, L. makes a three way tie Blowouts ...... ........ 2 for second place honors. Minus ... - .............. 1 .Tigens ...... ............i1 The Bobcats pushed the Grouchos Wildeats ..............O out of a share of 'first place in the -C" league by defe'ating them 31 "E" League' to 2. Bll Coudwastoo astforW. to20 Bh lôdwa to as frHornets.............. . the Hilîs boys to watch and scored Imps...............2 17 points for his team. Dumnoc....... ........ 2 Eagles.................. 2 Bob Laweranc.e's Demons weint to W. W. L. 0 . town to a 40 'to 29 defeat at 'the Wllies ....... ..... . 1- 'B . - --- "WEAGUET .750 .750 .750 .500 .250 .000 Pet. 1.000' .667 .667 1333 .000 Pet. 1.000 .667 .667 .000 »0 :Romeér, Bob Ru4dd., and work. . ng at theE ann; publicity, E d d i e The Minus' came out on the small .17-14, came Jim Schnell, and Francis end of a 29 to 13 score ini their the Va Va E garne with the Blowouts. George The cleaners' function of the Social Arns of the Blowouts agamn was -mitting' the1 n behmnd tl eat' Resuits of, games 'played Decem- by a 29-1. batver 7: by a 9-21score. ense tightened pJer- NelSon Laundry, 10â; Bucaroos, 9. Moderne Cleanens, 29; Va Va Els, 21. Va Elîs, to score1 Lyman Drugs, 57; Swishers, 13. The first faîl athletic tests for girls have been completed at Stolp and Howard schôôl, according to Daniel M. Davis, director of physical edu- cation. 'The. follo wing girls have made the mhaximum.of 15.points in volleyball throw and volleyball kiick are as, follows: VOLLEYBALL KICK Howard Sthool Katherine Fisher, Peg gy. Gudbrandsen, Dionne Hi mmel, Gay Hotfmeyer, Marilyn, Holquist, Elizabeth Nowsel, Jean Col- man, Mamnie Ferrili,. Louiseê Lau, Helen 'Meyer, June St. John, Jean, Brady, Zahra Hassan, Audrey. Hôesch, Shirley. John- son, Patsy Mc4Grath. Arlene Nelson, Ruth Nuemnan. Mar- garet 'Schuber, 'Patsy Sundbloom. Shirley Gross,ý Ele 'anor Carison, vîrginia Ivés. Dolores Malinquist, LaVerne Richa rds. Mary, Ainn Strauch,, Yolânda Ferritti., Mary Golden,' Mary Neetz. -La uretta Schleier, Wilma St. John, Marjork, Mor- tensen.c Stolp School Lois Anderson, Victoria Buena, Shirlev Elling. Ann Lawrence, Marjorie- Mould- inPeggy S&laiume1k, Rosyln Taradash, Phyllis Bergstrand, Beatrice Bishop, Jac- queline Browýýn. Joan Digre. Mary Ann. MacLean, Fanny Hiayson. Sally Lightner,_ Bessie Allans. Sanrnmy Baker, Mary. Elizabeth Carpenter, Jeanne Crowell, IreneGae. 1T>arbara ôret-n. Barbara Gregg, Barbara Hanrnen. Jucly Hodges, May Iliff. Doris Percy, Edina Skinner, Iris Tark, Barbara Kieft. Jean Yoder, Daisy Wong. Joan Brown., Jant Camphausen. Lorraine Eisenberg, Hlelen Evans, Geoi- gile *Gruhn, Helen Hartman. Marilyn MacKenzie. Dorothy Miller, Manjorie MacKenzie, Mary Woldorf, Evelyn Charn- berlain, Ann DeBerard. Caryl Peterson.. .Nangy Shearon, VOLLEYBALL THROW Howard' Jean Brady, Shirley Johnson,Mrir, Mortensen, Jean Engels, Dixie Lee Fanckboner, Lauretta Schleier. Stolp Peggy Shinni'ck. Joan Duncan, Dorthyi,, 'Hendricks. Ann Lawrence, Dorisý Rogers, Roslyn Taradash, Jacqueline Brown. Irene Terzakes,' Barbara Kieft. Ruth Ratny. Lorraine Eisenberg, Helen. Evans, Muriel Kirtley, Dorothy Miller, Evelyn Chamberlain, Ann DeBerard, Ellen Moy,,- er, Caryl Peterson, Nancy Shearon, Sammy Baker, Donna Bannes, Jeanne, Crowell, Barbara Gregg. F j