Save $15 $49 5;0 Regular,$61.50 Mode!. Brand. ne w'portabl, machinesC'ar-. rying, full guarate.. Limite d quani- tity. Ses :thecm today end qgetfull, details of uis amazng offeri STANDARD' SMITH COflONA Save $12.75 Regadar $54.50 Mode! Only three of these brand new, completely guaranfeed portable, typewriters:at this price. FOUNTAiNý PENS rehm ana rJ WiBi j' . .. .. . . Pen' only, $3.50 Pencil only, $2 Famous automatic- feed pendUl, sharpen it wifth your thumb! Parker Vacuumatic Pen and Pencil Set ... Pen only, $5 Pencil only, $3.75 NEW AUTQMATIC Teleases in tiine for youT Christmas sel ect ion M.508-Tristan and Isolde-Sto. kowski4'hiladelphia Symphony Orchestra .............O.0 C-32-Christsnas Cearols of lMany Land- Vieua BO'ys' C hoir, C.31-Gems fromn Jeromne Kerns Musical. Shows:, Ver-y Good Eddie-The Girl fromn Utah-. Leave It to Jane-Oh, Boy- Show Boat-Medley of Hits- Sweet Adeline-SaIIy-Cat and the Fiddle-Roberta-Music in the Air--bythe Victor Herbert Light O pera Comp any. .. $9.00 M.515--1812 Overture -Boston "Po>? Orchestra ......$3.50 M-517-Rhapsody in Blue-Jose - - b.f.p. tb.f.p. Clev'eland, f 0 2 1 'Falls, f 4 0 i Benson, f 7 1 3 Souchek. f 0 0. O Kreer, c 3 4 1 Walker, f 3 0 1 Ellis, c 2 0.1 Munzer, f 20 1 Fager, g i1 4 Dewar, c 0 O O Conneiy, g O 0 O Mlchaels, g. 3 0 2 Brown, g 01.03 King, g 1 42 Jackson~, g 0 0 1 By Woody Wilson A compietely, unorthodox New. Trier High school fresh-soph basket- bail teamn tra Mple dOa Park, Fni-, day, 34 to 30. . Not.that. winning the gamne was unorthodox-it -was the. manner in which it was -done that had the Parker ponies woozy. Robert iReamn, coa ch, has taught bhis ýboys a long-passing meètbod of play, that, has thus far thrown 'al opposing teams off -balan ce, just as, it did Oak Park, even thougb the latter tea m ha d a, really smootb comnbination that looked. Most effec- tive in theopening minutes of the game. *Some, of those iehzgthy, throws go astray; quite a few did in the last fracas, but stili they serve the pur- pose of dravIing wide thé ~etieniny defense, and of keeping them con-, stantly guessing. Sitting on the bench at Oak Park, it was an ed- ucation to watch the confident, effi-ý ci'ent workmansbip of the Parkers1 graduaily slow down, falter sever- ai times,. and then, in bewildered uncertainty as to just what proce-ý dur.e tô follow, crumble compietely) for a couple of minutes at a time. Just long . enough to get the Trier ada cbarity toss for ýa 15-poin total. Pete Kreer, left sharp-shooting basketeer, was good for 10 markers. field goals and a gift fling figured for him. Accuracy in free-throwing tells the a ctuai story. New Trier missed fîve whiie counting eight. King, rnean- while, was the only member of the Parker outfit whù was. successful. in this department, He rang four out New Trier (24) a Pr (Z b.f.p. b.f.p. Reynolds ' f O 1 i Lussow, f 4 3 Wilson, f 0 0 0 Goodweilie; f 0 0 0 Borre, f 1 .1 O Sellegren, f 2 0 1 Andrews, f 0 1' 0 Osmund, f 0 O 1 Boynton, f O. 0 0 Armstrong, f O O O Durr, e 3 02 Esser, c 13 0 B3aptista, c O O O Stinson, c 1 O O .0. Jon'son. g 3 0 2 Warmnbold, g 4 0. 2: Porter, g 1 0 0 MClevey, g O q 0 Long. g 2 1 4 Smidl, .g 1 o 1 Miskell. g9 O1IMirhaéeIs, g O 0 By Woody Wilson Oak Park Deit. a 32-24. ioss to New, Trier in. the varsity basketball gampea week ago, at Oak 'Park, The grey and green encounter$ Wau- keganFriday evening. in Winnetka,. It wiil be the first Suburban league contest -of. the season at the local gymn. Itf was. a story of just too much Graters men at Oak Park. The Warmnbold. Lussow, Esser passing combination ran up an il to 1 lead in the initial framne, and slowed down to a gallop only at infrequent in- tervals thereafter, although New Trier chalked up 9 good ones in thie foliowing 'quarter, holding' their op- ponents to four in the mneantimne. Oscar 'Ocky" Jorgenson \vas the .snappiest Trevian on the floor. with Jack Long running a close ýsecond. It wvas the fast style of play in: which these fellow,,s are at their best. Otlher memibers of the' tearn found thernselves just a little bit be-, hind the pace. Colorful, Dangerous North Shore cage- fans await the iWaiikegan game. with add-ed interest really oetter athletes of. the circuit. vvas selected for the mythicai ail- suburban football squad this. falil. and even thoug-h he wvill be.ineligble for competition a . reater portion of the bask>etball season, hée may well be mentioned, forýhigh honors in this sport. MUSIC CLUB MEETS The Senior Music club held a. meeting Thursday at the home of' Bruce Carlson in Winnetka. I I "~'~ ~ * 523DAVIS STREET Main Store Only Easo I1627 Sherman Ave., Evanston OPN VaNINSt ri, navig uen in a one-act iielo These drama, "'Firernan, Save .My Çhild.," ,rers, This was one of three piays pre- itors. sented by the Hilltop Players and forth has aiso been given to Out-of-town audiences. ance.