Reports this week indicate that the. sale of Christmas Seals is keep- ing close Pace with that of last year, when. Wilmette. established its high record. .Last year, however. w as some. $700 ýshort ýof tbG. sum necessarytIo carry on the anti- tuberculosis .work, of the 'Tubercu- losis Institut- «o Chicago and Cook county'in Wilmettie. The Seal committee, of which Albert A.,*McKeighan is chairman, is hopeful that "the sale this year w.ill- be. adequate to defray al the expenise of the local work, especially as. ibis work is largely among chil-1 dren. Dr. ,KendalEmerson, managing! director oft he National Tuberculosis i association, said in a reLten t ad-~ Carlos Photo Civiec League Speaker, A. J.Kong Wilmette V illage manager, wil address the Wil- me tte Civic eagit>e Friday of this week at a luncheon meet- ing in Marshal Field anüd com- Modern Pied Piper pan y's downtown store. He. will "The Pied Piper, no doubt, drove discitss the distribiition of tax a bard bargain with the. citizens ,of revnueby.uhe Viý'1age a4mini- Hamlîni He rid the ci ty 6 f st rationI. for a certain price. When the frugaS ___ burghèrs would not pay the bill, the, Piper, with the seductive strains of W'alter F. Johnson Is his flûte, lured thousands of. beloved Coe oa rhH a children to their doomn. C oe oa hH a "'This is the story of a single dis-, Walter F. Johnson of Chicago was, aster, but the legend cornes down elected high priest 'of the Wilmette to us as the traditional symbol of ehapter oa rhMsna h wasted youth, the irretrievable loss annual meeting held Tuesday eve-, of childhood's promise unfulfilled. ning at the Msni temple, 1010.1 Today- in another guise thé Pied Central avenue. Hie will succeed1 è;iii uniriieijia ara g is Noted Radio Speakers tive entertainment for young and old. Three cistinguished Chicagoans Santa Claus has agreed to be pre- will present the final program of the sent for a brief single appearance New Trier Sunday Evening club be- and will have a pack ful of favors fore the advent, of the New .Year. and fun. They are CIifton M. Utley, Paul H. Douglas, and C arroli Binder, who ýMrs. Margaret P.aulson, childrén's cmrs h nvriyo hcg librarian at. the WIlmette Public h.- Round. Table, and1 they will cônduct brary, will, present a mrarionette adsuso nte.vr ieysb show. Two littie plays, "A Christ-. a discussringn Ahe vry tmey ub mas Story," and. "Humpty Dump- ic:"oeg far. t, wl egiv.en. Authoritative Speakers ty"wl eMr. Utley. is director of the Chi- Carolers will circulate among the cago Council on Foreign Affai's' and tables. and readers will recite the is well known to North, Shore audi- story that neyer growsý old. The ences. Christmas spirit will'be in évidence Mr. Douglas is' professor> of eco-ý everywhere.. nomies at the University ofChicago. ____ - Mr. Binder is editor of the Chicago Daily, News foreign service. ,-ý FiremenThese men have. traveled extern- FrmnStili. A wait I sveIy, writteni many. books, and have More Toys to Fix Up large radio audiences. forNeey Yungte I Burton Rolmés Here Jan. 8 for Neey .ThegsrersSunday club program fol- lowhg hehfldày sas will be Fire Chief Walter Zibble states given on January 8 by Burton that there is still time to take care Holmes. He will present a trave- of rehabilitating toys for Christmas logue on "Brightest South Africa." distribution among the village's un- Ail programs of the Sunday club derprivileged children, if only Citi- are held in New Trier High school zens will bring them to the fire auditorium. There is no -admission station at Green Bay road and Lake! charge, unless specifically indicated. avenue. Th esoset ate .nn,h. c 1.. - A rLesponsvilae t ae h he ih p ilO d i 0L i~S r genronh1 oui'r from which there is no return. The' * Continued on page 8)' Eastern Star to Have YuIe Dinner Meeting! The -Wilmette chapter of the Or- der of the Eastern. Star will hold a dininer mreeting and Christmas par-i ty at the Masoie temple at 6:301 &celock Monday everiing, Dècember 19. Sanlta Claus, it is reported, Note: Economy- Proceeds are direct 1purposes. 11 pis conducted )of Wlmette. o philanthropie HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Miss Mlargaret 1{orsting. daugh - ter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hîorsting, 1103 Elrnwood avenue, will, be homne the end of this w,%eek from the University of Colorado for the holidays. Her sister, Jane, a stu- dent at Duke university, leaves school to corne home for her vaca- tion on Sunday. and is lmen willcee tnat uiey 'are' - 11 ýO 2-u , '-"s"P 0.Ul'..licago, restred o usble Luke's pro-cathedral, Evans- resore tousbleconitin.ton, on St. Thon-as' day, December, Distribution of these toys will be 21. directed by the Wilmette F'ami1y Mr. Sterling was organist and Welfare àssociation, a sufficient as- choirmaster at St. Augustine's while surance, the chief says, that al. chul- completing his training at Seabury- dren in needy families will be r7e- Western seminary and upon his membered. graduation and ordination to the' diaconate remained at St. Augus- Car ad Trin Crsh; ine's as assistant to the rector, the Car ad Trin Cash;Rev. Hubert Carleton. The combin.. Drive~ Is Unin.iured ed choirs of St. Ann's chureh, Chi-. Sergeant Arthun Hawkinson Officers Edwin Wbiteside, John esant, Cullen Branscome andJ Henrickson, informed of the e dent by radio, reached the -s wvit]hin three. or four minutes. scene Lc in ar ,Qnpr