____________________ __ ______ -tner international fiendsnîp. Girl Scouts and irl Guides thrnughout the world mnay. well say, "We have lost a friend." Teoop'7 On Thursday, Deceniber 15, Troop 7, composed of eighth grade. girls, With Mrs. Earle Lyon, leader, wil have a progressive dinner. Troop- 6 Thé high school glirls of Troop 6, under Mrs. P aul. Dowling, are col- Iecting toys tor give to. the -Wilmette firemen who. are repairing themn at the' station house ready for distjri-, bution at Christrnas time. Troop, 6 is also planning to join with the Congregational church in carolling Christrhas eve. FOr. this thevý plan to have a truck decorated, with somne Christmas thenie which' can carry the girls the length and breadth of the village._. Troop 9 On Thursday, December 1, the girls of Troop 9 st-irted v.ork on somne cotton stocking dolis. Each doll is made of a stocking eut and sewed into a body, arms, and legs. Cotton is then stuffed through a small ssut at the neck. A, héad is made out of the toe of the stocking stuffed with cotton to about the size of a tennis bail. At our, next meeting, December 8, we sewed on the heads and made wigs and dress- es., Sorne ofthtJe troop had brought scraps of brights materi.l for mak- 'W ing dresses. At our. last. meeting before the holidays, w,&e will cm- broider eyes and mouths and finish the dolls. A few days before Christ- mas the doils will be given to the Rotary club, our sponisors, and be put in their Christmras baskets. The Rotary club.has invited us to' attend a Christmas luncheon party. at Shawnee, December 21, at 12 o'elock, for which we are to dress in full uniform. Barbara MeNeill, Scribe STYLE SHJOW Last Friday night, I5ecember 9, at the' Congregational church, the Girl Scouts of Troop 6 held a fashion show open to ail to raise mnxey for their troop, Marshall )Field andi Com- pany donated the clothes for a "Round the Clock"' exhibit, display- i.ng their iatest stock of schoo-1, afterftoon, evenirng.and spor clothes. Even the newést' thing in - a ial il >~cô4pny fist oeed i tsdoorsý It Girl Scout unitorrng was rnodeied. It hd a olic ofgivig peplethei mony'sThey also set eacli mode's hair 'at and M4Viss 2piolefro -Marhll ay onaeis odpout t lbteadtunes fr eacfi of the -teit girls In ~Deflerar, Nancy Dunn were the rs ue. toay TANLII't~ s anewand- .Girl Scouts who acted as models. yet t n advncein rice 17y ths> co-The Girl Scouts wish to thank the yec it o avane i~ prce!U Ty tis ço~California Fruit Comnpany for the e. See if it doesn't give your car new life and *Available througlwout Standard Christmas trees used as decoration Oit Dealers have it.C Get a tankful today. Oil (Indiana) terrigory except for the stage, and the Hlavacek Montan~a, Colorado,Wyoming, Florists for the ferns. . The girls al- eo M A yNorth Dakota and Oklahoma. . o wtsh to thank Mrs. W. Benner for her fine accompaniment during ID OIL COAN 0 19às the show..-Jeanne DeBerard, .Scribe