Members of the Womnan's Sym- phony Orchestra board are pre- paring to pipe a few notes of sprirng which will gladden fem- inine hearts. Tes notes will not have theirorigin from violins, clarinets, nor yet horns or- pi- anos., They will sing a song of fashions-and especially fashions in clothes. As their arn'nal'.benetit for the- orchpQtra the*V have chosen'a tea and fashinn show on, a rather stu- pendolis. scale wvhich*1Ancludes. many other nec(-.sities1 and luxuries, but PIiavs:with clotbes at thie top, of the scale. The .show will. oDen at' 3:.10 o'cloc'k on Monday., Januarv 16. in the Walnut room ot Marshall Fié-Id and comriany, with the tea tables set by the smartest of Ch!- ~ag.'shot~ssand Members of the Woman's Symnhon.v sup.plyin g the musical background. Members of the benefit committee have so many 1 i t t 1 e surprises planned to make this show -just a liftte different" that it will take the forthcoming six weeks of bard work to bring- tbem to completion, according to Mrs. Royden J. Keith. president, but also they have a large associate board and with so mariy. i tv. for ie tr Miss Lilian Lyo'ns of Wilmette was in charge 0fi the tea vihich Alpha Alpha chapter of Delta ~Zeta gioityj gave orn Deemn-rer 6, in honor oS the new house mot her, Mrs. H. Fenivick. Carlos Photo *Her initiation vwas remiiep;ted.-bv the Ali;,rnae board. of %vb4"h Flor- ence, m , o'rly of Wihinette. is' president. Therp pre orl'va few honorary initiates. 6f Delta Zeta. and arnong these is Gloria Swanson.- Miss Lililan I,ýNs 201 Thorn- vond av(nue, Wilmpette. was, in charge of the tea helM at te~e Delta, Z-ta Soror'itv rhopQf Tu-FIav aft'r-, Po-ri. in, bon,)- of t11- n-w bouse mntlhr. TT~ 'oceFpnwick. Miçls Elennor Ç'weîof Evans- tn. forrnerlv of W1', social: cbairman of Delta Zeta. had. chnre of virioUs other s"wt <tvtp eli-nixitig a week of .Christmas fes- Lesqt Satiircav Deltn Zpta held its formni partv nt the Sherman hotel. and this wa ',; fnllo.w,-rîSup.dav by. a tiea nt thep el-ner 1hose iiIer the ,ln:orQrhip 'of thp Chirnpo Aluimnae assocriation of Delta Zota. Monciav r'-'erhers of the sororitv held. thpir Christmas party *at the sorority house. Mary Crane League Has Parties at Hull House The Mary Crane Nursery league Is Guest of Honor for "It is to laugh and be rnei-ry!" wilI be 'the timely themne of the holiday luncheon being planned by and -for. ail the mnibers, of Alpha Phi Internatiofial sororit-v in the, Chicago area this, year., Homecomning colleqiate members, Alpha Phi ýpledges from hither and yoni, Alpha Phi alurae fromn every chapter 'and of- everv age will bc Welcomed with a, holida-y smile bv the, three hostess, chapters - the North*Shore Alumnae, the West Sub- urban Alumnae, arnd the, Shore. Alumniae. The Blue roorn at Carson Pirie Scott's is the gýathering pla-ce:, the date.. Wednesdav. December 28, ai 12:30 o'clock., Reservations may be mrade until Decernber 21. with Mrs. J. W. Barton, F-a n0on, ýor Mrs. R.- E. Naylor, Winnf'tl,-. or Mrs James F. Abbott <of}Higla1nd Park.. The general chairrn of thc- Itincheon is MUrs. L. V. Maeoon of' Oak Park, her assistants being Mrs. James L. Allen of HiLhland Park. _representimir the North Shore Alum- nae, and Mrs. Fred Boley of Chi- caLko. representing the South Shore Alurnna e. The proôgrarn, of especial inierest tn. the sororitv memb.erq. %ill be the presentation. o! motion nictures taken at the thirtv-eirhth Geprâ Mrs. James G. Shakman o! Wil- mette, who is general benefit chair- mani for ail the orchestra associates' activities, has. announeed that tick- ets are to be. moderate. She gave- a twelve o'clock breakfast for the' committee at her home Tuesday, and tickets are nowavailable in the store and at Symphony. headquar- ters, 431 South Wabash avenue. Mrs. WiIIiamý H. Stanley of Chi- Wednesday evening it invited the, mothers and fathers of the Nursery scijool children to be guests at a party whiQh~ was made gala* with enterain nad gifts made by the littie boys and girls for their parents. Friday the children themseives :will be guests o! the league at a, turkey dinner at noon, and will re- ceive the gifts each chapter has made for them. SeVeral chapters have, dressed aPt Warrenton. Va., for the holidays, will be the guest of honor at several parties while she is at home. Tl-uiv, December 20, Betty Ma- eie o! Winr'etka, is giving a tea' for her, and Thursday. December 22, a nother Winnetkan. Marjorie Brown, 420 Siinset road, will have a tea fromn 4 to 6 o'clock. A third party will be at the home of Ann Northrop. of Win- netka on Friday, December 30. An The official comrnittee dlispensing hospitality and greeti.nes is 'corn- prised o! representatives from thc- three area alumnie igro1mn,: Mrs., J>.,W. Barton and Miss Emil v Car- li4sie. lEvanston: Mrs. J. C. Carr and Mrs. A., M. G'raver o! Chicago; and Miss Helen B,111 and Mrs. A, H.Meyer' o! Oak Park. It. is annouired that definite res- ervations should be finade for mem- bers and thei-r guests, and any nec- ugiye rs. : WILMETTE) LIFEýl