Selects Committee The North Shore Junior board of Northwestern University set- tiement met. Tuesday, December 6, -atthe home ýof Miss Eiaeh Buchen in Winnetka. * Owing to the absence of the pres-> ident, Mrs., Robert L. :Scott,. Jr,, Miss M4artha ;Sehuler 'of Chicago,. first vice-preident, presided. After the reading of the minrtes' by, Mrs.. Emmett Brown, and the treasurer's report by Ms Geor- gianne Rundali, Mrs. David Crocker called for nominations from the floor for a committee to form a ne* nominating committee and f111 va- cýancies on other comnit.tees. FPol- lowing nominations,, Mrs. Charles W. Rundail was elected chairmfan, with Mrs. Carl B. Davis, Jr., Mrs. Hoyt Thonipson, Mrs. Richard Van- derrnarker and Miss Buchen mem- bers 'of the commiitee. Elected to the nominating com- mittee were Miss Eleanor Wetten, Miss. Marjorie Hair, Miss Marie Keown. They wiUl draw up a siate of off icers for June elections and will appoint their ôwn chairman. Mrs. William L. Taylor, Jr., was appintd o fll hechairmanship of hesocalcommittee which Miss Elizabeth Payne had to- resign to The Kenilworth center of the ,.Infant Welfare . S$çîeçyt f . Qi- ca go, has chosen Mrs. William P. Jenks of Wirnetka, for presi- dent. Mrs. Jeitks will take offi~ce at the next meeting of the center in January. Rer election toolc place Tuesclay of this week. J. D. Toloff Photc nfant Welffire Elecfs- avenuie,. in Stanford Chapel In the Memorial c14apel of Stan- fnrd iiniversitv in flzdifrnizi 1rst at 2 o'clocIv. .- The members are providing the'Saturday, Miss Ruth Anderson., Lake Bluff orphanage, the.,Centralý daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.- Adolph' Baptist home in Maywood, and the C .Adro,25Lwdl Lydia Children's home in Chicago with turkeys'and Christmas deco- avenue, Wilmette,' became the rations for the holiday. Troys have bride of* Ha rryBoeMnro been collected and a number more of Mr. and1 Mrs. M. LeRoy Minor purchased for the boys and' girls. A, fund to provide a birthday cake of Encino, Calif., formerly of for- each child, similar to the one'-Wiî1mette. already ,established,' at 1the .Lake waiga-nora feno Bluff orçphanage,, is being started dress ofmoonstone blue and an o r- at heLyda omean - noheratchid corsage, the bride was attend- th atsthm.ed by Mrs. Henry Walleck of En- A comrnittee composed of Mrs. cnsse ftebieroi r Vilas Johnson, . Mrs. Herbert Arm- Mino ere'a issn's estm bruster, an-d Mrs. Wallace Alstrin has been appointed ta -direct the Tecul r*hnyonrg - redecorating of the Lydia home..teYsmead.11m eter Work was- to start this week on the new home at 1505 Channing way, washig1adpitn of sixteen Berkeley,* Calif. r inoadmainin Te bride left Wflrnetté Noveniber 30, for the Pacific Coast, and before her departure was the guest of honor at a number of prenuptial Chi rneg Alrnna fo parties. Mrs. Helen Huston and her, todaughter, Mrs. Robert Koli,-,vr t~ (l~IJ * ~ a linen shower for, G.ive ..1ild.rensPat the bride at the Huston home, 645 The annual Christmas party at Michigan avenue, Evanston. Miss whicb members of the North Shore Suzanne Sennott, 915 Greenleaf ave- alumnae of Chi Omega entertain nue, Evanston, entertained at a lin- their children, will- be held at the gerie shower, and also Mrs. A. S.- and in the home of Miss,.Ruth Har- Week at t he Kenilworthý Union vey in Evanston. church. .Mrs. William Jenks of Win- Miss Harriet Vittum, head resi- netka will serve as president for a dent of the settlement, gave an in- new term. Mrs. John Tittle of Win- formal tallc at the meeting and netka, is vice-president; Mrs. Ab- thanked the members for their in- bot Brown of Evanston, recording terest ini the House-in-the-Woods. secretary; Mrs. Elliott Adyelot of She also invited the riew members Glenview, is corresponding secre- who were introduved that day ta be tary; Mrs. Earl Burr of EVanston lunc heon guests at the settlement is treasurer; Mrs. George Emery progr54ahi *Lna4iLiULI, WJil iXerel5i children of ail ages. Mrs. Stanford Clinton, a graduate of the North- western school af speech, will amuse, the younger children with stories while games are being played by the older groups. As is the cus.tom, each child will bring a toy which will be sent ta the Northwestern University settle- ment and will be distributed to the less fortunate children' who corne nue, .,nia U. The aunt of the bride, Mrs. John Anderson, was -hostess at a silver shower for relatives, 'and friends of the bride's mother. Several1 dinner parties were also given, one by Mrs. Kari Sandeil of Evanston,l and1 an- ôther- Py Mr. and Mrs. Edwarà' Mon- tague: of Chicago. **1 ýs meeting. WILMBTTB LI F B