Pin cso.huSe cot puckecred raya" .affeti vr-ýr fuil as tc skrt and ziPpered from hIroat ta ankle,$105 - -t i~ ~ 4 .4 '9' ~ \~ f. 4~* .4 YO I-3,el and r-,de nqht robe -f pure dyesislk sahtn with rows afld tows of hand çê.rOO±nq, $5.95 - ~rn y -~-, SchiaparelIi's new sensation - her ~Shoc1ing" per- fumne boftled in a fittle glass dress- maker's form, $12 and $27,50 for they're the delight of every feminine heart- ovely silken lingei from Stevedis. And it isn't a question of how much you spend... you can select a lovelly slip or a gown for as littie as $2 or you cani spend that amount for a luxurious house coat ... you're sure ta be a favorite Santa Claus if you give lingerie from Stevens. YoJande bond mode sip of pure d y e silk satin elaborate with real hand made lace, S5ý95 Barbizon slip >of pure dys silk satin failored as E'DOAR'A. STE.VENS, - c. Quaiflt old fashioned, night robe of pure àdye silk satin wftli cap sleeves dind diclcey of chif- fon with lace and ribbpn, $2.95 1624 OrrIngton .,A*ve1,Evanston V14