Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1938, p. 58

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S1 green Bal 17 Memnbers of the I4ewberry Cén- ter. league are going to Shawnee Courntry club, Eriday night, to assist with the decoràtions for the Evergreefl bail which the or-, ga nization will hold at the.,club. the followiflg evening, Decern- ber 17. Many Christmas, trees will be used as a background, in keeping wjth the holiday atmnos- phère of the party. Charlie Gay- lordand bis orchestra-will play. for the dancing. Mrs.* John Jones Sharon of- Glen- view, chairmnan- of the affair, and the mnembers of her committee ýare. happy to annôunce, they have sold, so many' tickets that It bas been necefisary to order a reprinting. Aynong those entertaiflifg before the dane are Mrs.Harold 0. Barfles, who is giving a diriner party at her home, and Mrs. Charles Howell, en- tertairiifg at dinner at ber home in Wlnnetka. Mrs. Sharon and Mrs. G. Bruce Wallace will bc hostesses at dinner parties at Shawnee club. At a meeting of the league held last Friday, Mrs. Gene Heywood was elected president to succeed Mrs. Barfles. Other new officers are Mrs. Leonard Wilson of Evanston, vice- president; Mrs. Charles IHowell of Winnetka, correspoiding secretary; Mrs. George Currier of Evanston.' re- cording secretalry, and Mrs. Wallace, treasurer. *During the meeting, under the di- rectioni of Mrs. Louis Tiers of Wil- mette, the members stitched and filled seventy-five tariatan stockings for the children at the center. Crache Auxiliary Has New Cook Book on Sale In the Library of the Chicago Jior school on the Fox river near Elgin, is pictured this group of boys, members of the Student. caitifl~. They. and their other cômpanions, will flnd their Christmas brighter becavse of the part y rem bers of the North Shore Friends of the school ù,UÏ 1have MôWday of tisc i-ig teek. Mrs Porter ýFox,. 626 War~wick~ roadl, Kenilworth, is opening hier home for the evertt, a luncheon at 1 o'clock, followed by sewing, and by the entertainrneflt andi the singing of carols bi the boys themselves. By COu-rtesy 0Cicg Junior School Erika Mann WilI Speak at Ckanukah Breakfast The annual'Chanukah breakfast to be given under the auspices :of the Woman's division of the Amnerca Jewlsh Congress, which will take place at the Sherman hotel at 10:30 Moflday morning, December 19, will feature Erika Mann, well lcnown au- thor of the recent bbok, "School for Barbarians," which depicts the con-, ditions o! the youth under the Hitler regime. Together with ber father, Thomnas Mann, the noted author, she wa s exîlèd fromn Germany- because o! her opposition to dictator phiiosophy. Mr. and Mrs. FarmiIy Dinner 306 Woodstock a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnet. 157* are having open Robsart place, Kenilworth, are en- 4 to 7 o'clock. tertaining at a' family dinner party former Marcelle for eighteefl on Christmas day. . netka. Christm as Party Is Event for Junior Schocil for Sisterhood Mothers and daughters of the North Shore Congregation Israel Sisterhood will get together at luncheon on Wedne.sday, .Decem-, ber. 21, at.12: 30, for. their first daày of the kind. ýThe aff air cornes in response, to repeated requests of the young people for*a, raliy in theirý special honor, and prom-, ises to be a lot of fun. *As ail schools'. will1 be havingý their . holiday recess at that tirne, a very, large and' jolly attendance is anti-. cipated. Eligibility is ntibtto ,bé tak- en too iterally -and there, is no age limnit. Everyone frorn 5 to 75 is wei- corne, whether she. acttially has a daughtPr in towfl. or merely a .inie.ce, granddaughter Or cousin, The day. is'set aside for the young people and their sponsors, and the Sisterhood is expeçting a turn-out of ail the gir1g frotTi kindergarten ta oe1e. A suitable program has been ar- ranged. but ju-t vwh1at th- talent %vili be is being kept a surprise. H-ow- ever, t.he programn cornîmittee that has officiated sa capa.bly ail season with Mrs. Milton Grauer at. the heim, assures a happy. time. And there Will be souvenirs for alt the young womnef. Friends of the Chicago Junior School in advance with Mrs. William Leder- ,will attend a Çhristrnas party to be er o! 393 Sunset road, Winnetka, or given at the home of Mvrs. Porter through the temple office. Mem- Fox. 626 Warwick road. Xeniiworth, bers are reminded that the recom- Monciay, December 19. Luncheon wil mendations of a special board meet- be served at 1 o'clock. ing wîll be voted on, and their care- A grun. Qf the boys fromn the fui deliberation is needed. "Check school will entertain and sing Christ- the date, December 21, on your cal- mas carols. endar, and be on hand for the par- Friends and nernbers are in vited ty," the Sisterhood urges.« to bring gifts to brighten Christmas for the boys. and in the afterno on sewing wiil bc done for the schooi. Mrs. Harry Hardwick, chairma e re eir of the social committee, will be as- sisted bv the following hostesses, Hosiesses for Dance Mrs. Alfred Brown, Mrs. Leo R. playing a orchestra, a trio skit playing a guitar. The Country Club of Evanston is giving its annual young people's bail, for junior members and their guests, Saturday evening, Decernber 24. The Colonial Club orchestra will play for the dancing. M'Y .WMMETTE LIFE invizauons nave uuuij .thirtv senior girls at New

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