Wlth RCA Master Ailteuhia S15 5 Amplifier. 12 tube, 5 bar radio, overseas diai. GUF T FOR TH E EN TI1RE ýFAMU1LY' RCA VICTIROLAý- MODEL. U-104 For Th*eCoillee Student, Boyrs'and girls at college will appreciate this RCA& Victrola.. It is the lowest priced electrie, RCA Viîc- trola in history! Has crys-, ta! Pick*Up, >Tone Control for both radio and 'phono- graph WIMETEQUINLAW' RCA VCRL MODEL R-93B Plays 10" or 12" records. Fe ather-touch C r y s t a 1 Pick up'in, a True-tracking Tone, Armn which tilts for easy insertion of, needies. May be located at a disw tance from set. A' compact bakélite cabinet. RECOUD' 5t'wk~ WILMETTE 568 JOIN THE V0CTRRC RD SOCIET TO ~ri. The Very J**4 I r l'Ir Latest .Irk, .À ANOTHER NEW IDEA! A You And These'Suggestions WilI HeIp' Complet. Your Christmnas Flower Gift List. -AMEN b e o~worn trouurnouuime ;ii aay. AL -a.- J-.. 11,51 WILMETTE AVE., 561 LINCOLN AVE., W1NNETKA DAY! --------------------