uecember 19, ancd is turning that occasion into a gala benefit for. charity. North Shore members of the board. who are interested in the benefit are* Mrs. Walter, Wolf, CGi1- bert Scribner and, Mrs. Charles Howard, bf Winnetka, and IL. C. Torrey,,of, Wilmette. Tickets inay be obtained by calling Mrs. How- ard'or Mrs. Robert Btabcock, of Win- netka. Thé ýpresidPnt' of the board' is Chancey MvcCormick of Chicago, and Mrs. John Aldený Garpent er is serving as. chairman of the benefit. Three. ballets neyer before. pre- sented in Chicago - "Gaiete Pari- Sienne,", "Bogatyri," ad"Beetho- veni's Seventh Symphony-are be- ing given that night,. ba'lets which drew overflow audiences to the New York performances. The Illitiois .Childreni's Home. and Aid society was organized fifty-five years ago, and ever since has been one of the outstanding, philanthropie organizations in the city. Each year it cares for some 1,900 'children. Holiday Tea Dance A group of voung people of high school age are receiving invitations to a tea dance 'to- be given at Indian Hill1 club frorn 4 to .7 o'clock Tues- day, December 27, by 'Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Kenneth .Boyd, Mt. and Mrs. Ger- ald M. Butler, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Scribrier ail of Winnetka. Suzanne Lyon, Edcith Mendum, Char- lotte Miller, Barbara Qilar, Marilyn. Shane. Marjorie Sinding, Lois Smith, Shirley Sweet, Elaine Vaught, glisie von der Lippen, Pat Weinstock, Bar- bara Welch, and Louise Yates. Roycmoe Girls WitI, Give Wlnfer 13orts Party ,Eight, members of the junior class at oycemo re school will entertain their classmnates and escorts. at a winter sports party at Skokie ,Coun-l try club on Monday _evening, .De- cember 26. T7hose giving the -party aire, Marjorie Brown ofWinnetka, Lorraine Kirtland of Wilmette. Betty Dovle of Winnetka, Kathryn Bros- -said of Glencoe, Nancy MeCloudof, Kenilworth. Nancy McKisson of Win- netka, Barbara Patterson of High- land Park. and Margaret Walter of Glencne. ki Honor Socety Miss Ellen Jones of Kalamnazoo college has been initiated into Na- tional Forensic society. She will be jehome for a tew days at Christmas tm beore going toNaperville as delegate frorn her college to. the Na- tional Religious conférence. Mis-,. Jones returns to her hofne at 1514 Forest avenue Saturday of this week. 'e. OPE BVR'L CHR I8*'àvj OPEN EVERY