Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1938, p. 3

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Money Go? Civic League to Learn Vilage Manager Koenig Wil1 Be Spe-aker af Lunche'on, Meeting This Friday At .its. mnonthlv luncheon meeting tom orrow .(Friday), Decernfier1, the Wilmette Civic league will dis- Cuss *a Subiect of vital importance to every citizen of the village. The. luncheoni will be served at 12 o'cl.ock, i n th - rnizh roo)m of Fi eld's Chi- cago retail store. -As 'ample prepar- ations heivr been made, it w.ill. not bc f~nsr o niake advance res- ervations, it is announced. Villaige Manager A. J1. Koenig is b .be the, speaker, bis siubject being: -What hv our taxpavers a riqht to expect from their village admin- !s'tration for their tax money?" Touches AUl Purses "Here." said Howard Miller, 1091 Greenleaf avenue, president of the league, "is a subject that touches the lives and pocIketbooks of every one of ilz. ii-d reach-s intro every avenue of public service. It is not aquestion of what we -want or de-, will welcome the villagers at the annual Christmnas carol service to be held> at the -living tree. on -the Village Hall .lawn *Chr*t mas Eve,. Satur- d ay, December "24, at 7:30 o'clock. -- -'The service is cc'nducted, by the Wilmette Plaày - Sground, and Rec- I .reation, board in c.Ooperàt.lon wfth the Wilmette churches, G irli ýlScouts, and van-'. Jous civic :organ-, President Kinne Harry C. Iinne will bc introduced by Mrs. J ohbn Clark Baker, chairman of the Wil- miv4te Reeareation board,. J.-mes Mva-~ gi. mnember of the Recreation board, will lemd the singing. Orson Towle is organiiizing a band to accompany, the cqrolers. Only 'the time honored carols wiil *he sung. inc]udinç,: "Oh Corne AJ Ye Faithful," "Hark the flerald Angels Sing," "Silent Night," "Away in a Manger." "We Three Kings of Orient Are," "The First Noel the Araes Did Sav." *Printed programs with the words for Junior High Sehools Exýtend. Post Officeý P're-Holiday Houýrs Postmaster Herbert L. O'Cn- neOI hPs a nnnunced the follow,,inq .!Z(chedule of hours di1ring« whicl, the' post office.will be-ý onen for the receipt aend forwarding. of- Saturday, -D ece mb er 17, and Sundav, December 18,. frorm. 7 a.m. dntil 6 p.m. Monday,1 Decemiber 19, to and including Friday, December 23, 7 arn. until 9 p.m. .Spturday, Deemrrber 24, 7 a.rn. until 6 p.m. During. ail of next week, De- cember 19 to 24, the money order -div~isonwill b. open frômaa . until 6 pm* .Mr. O'Connell urges that in or- der. to expedite delivery, Christ- mas letters and packages should be mailed at, the earliest possible moment. IChurch School Pubils to Present ChristmasI State Legisiature to CGet Bill, ForM ul-ated Here,; Proiet May, Spread Throughý Stato The proJect for Junior h i R h schools for the North Shore mo6ved toward 'accomhplishment this week. Following were the principal steps taken to that end: 1. Pelllnay daftOU leiIs- lative bill to permit, iniir hiigh schools was prepared. *2. 'on Mopday, the legisiative: bill was dlucussed. at a joint meet- ing of the executive committees of the Tri-County Échool boards and the Ihllnois Association of School 'boards. Moné1ay evening the Board ~ of dua.atea4of New Trier Township HIgh school sur- veyed the legisiation proposed.' 3. On Wednesday the Proposeil legisiation was discussedl before the Joint Committee on Educa- tional Leglslation, which conuists of delegates from nearly ail the. important state-wlde organizations interested lnt eduéation. Present plans -are to introduce the legislation with the openinoe of the for the money we provide to carry' on its business. We may want' speciai consideration in matters Entertain Shoipers touching crur personal affairs, but tVf aolPo rm we. have only the right to expect W t ao r.r m rniform enforcemnent of ahl code pro- Programs of recorded-Crsra VIiOflS.c? rois wilI augment the holiday 'Likewise, we mnay wan.t and se.ek spirit for shoppers in the Wlmette extralegal construction on something cnrlbsns ititnx ek affecting our neighbors, but we have Si3ônsored by the business neople. 1 ho right to expect officiais to* se under auspices. of the Wiimette it as ýwe'do. We may want our Chamb--r of Commerce. the nro- administrators to be niggardly in 1grams will be heard during the after- its Cnristmas program Sundav a tter- noon, Decemnber'18, at 4 o'clock, in the auditorium at 1010 Central ave- nue. The senior department will pre- sent the pageant "The Birth of Christ," prepared by C. George Eng- dahi. The pageant will be directed by William A. Lindberg, assisted by Mrs. D. C. Liehtner an-1 Mrs. George Heller, with Mrs. Norman MeLeod in charge of the costumes. Those taking part in the program township, Evanston, Main. township, Oak Park, Deerfield-Shields, etc. Bill Is Brief Th'le bill is very brief anid merely grants permission for any grade school and high school districts ln the, same territory to enter into con- tract to exchange pupils on such terrns of time and tuition as may be agreed upon by the boards of the be greeted bY Santa Cl.~aus, wiio wil distribute gifts. Assisting Commander Ed Drewes wil be Harold Mohr, E. H. Myrland, Walter Clive, and Hl. S. Browne. adv ertis- ýr will hé t 6 D. m. M, Ad. .1 ( " Isincerely appreciateci. 'ra

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