.cU rr ent note. that thce 'nforcement o.tefv The plav. concer.ned with thea- labor laws affecting9 women and children jfairs of a lovable retired. business is seriously handicapped by lack of ad q uate. funds, Within the limits of the anndhscrlofate cn-i funds provicled. the Division's admninis- . trie relatives and friends iib tration of the laws seemned :to usecel- Imene-e , o lent." . rmmee shvn o Study Confrencenea rly ýa year in Chicago,, and, with Sr.Boet- aCotfe rencstfte a period of, interruption. for several. National League of Women Voters. years in New York. where, it is stili nowiv beg inning a yearseas ionplayed at the Amnba ssador theater. carnpaign-fôcusing 'on ils traditionalApite as lomde fth objective - democracy-- issued -cal play. 'and enjoyed wide popularity,, ta, the Illinoisrnembership, toý follow with Lionel Barrymýore in the lead- closely theý proeed-ngs of the Eighth î ng1 part. linternational Conference of American YuCaitTaetWth ou" N States. -opening .t odayý at, Lima. Peru: considereci by the Dramfa* club an Miss Marguerite M. Wells, national especially fortunate *'election. not president, pointed out, that this con- only for, its excellence1 as entertain- ference. which at another time in the ment, but because it offers oppor- wvorld's'history might be more or less ',tunities' for a g e nerous, numnber of routine, has an intensified interest tai' peopl.e. both. on stage and, off. League m enbers. bath- as women and as voters. "At a tiiiii. when force or the threat BAlAI LECTURE of force has taken thi, place of peaceful -Glad Tidings of the. Second Ad- settlement of disputes. , n uroQpe andl ven"is the stdject onQwhi+Y',Alb3ert in thie Far Est, alil éesnmust focus on. Lima for kh Mi-e tregtheing of peace ma. Windust of Chicap-o will be heard in chinery among the ftmocracies of the. a lecture which he will1deliver on Western Hemnisphere,- -said Miss WelT's. -The National League of Women Vot- Drpcember- 18 at -3: 30. at the. Sundayt ers lias taken cognizance of this, and at. Ifte'rnl0ct meetinpg îti Fo)undqtiori its recent board meeting voted support' hall. 0~ nieslHouse n4 Wor- of treaties wvhirh might resuit from the ship ;,t T,indc.ri Pa"enu'i. and Sh-ridanl Lima conference. providing they are ini' line with the League's foreign policy road. Wilmette. The "Sunday Morn-1 prograniwhc is devoted to peac--ful ine Houir" for )Il -children 'Nill be settiemient of disputes and deniocratic held in Foundation hall at 11l 'clock!. approach to international prublenis. ___________ -in addition to this main objective. there are other important aspects of HOME FOR HOLIDAYS .thý Ti iii e tina. hich everv %ulnman .- ,Your Week-Day Dinners, 5 SL-uncheon's :50C « 7 ' Fridoy, December 16.,1 il~ Diurner. 75c. Maryland Clami Chowder Chicken Vegetable. Soup Fresh Oyster Cocktail Chllled Frappe Fruit Jice. Fruit Cocktail Topped with Sherbet Fried Deep Sea Scaflops, Tartar Sauce Oven Smnothered Chicken Bakecti n Cream Roast Leg of S pring Lamb with Fresh Mint Sauce Baked Stuffec Haddock wlth Creole Sauce Grilled Park Chops (2) wlth Cinnamnon Apple Ring Whipped Potatoes Long Branch Potatoes Buttered Brussels Sprouts IEgg Plant, Italian Style Broiled Whole Banana Orange, Avocado Pt or Head Lettuce Island, Chiffonade * nuteen yas-s.ea Eo qual uignis' forwoe. Miss Wells pointed out thatwme have been gîven greater recognition at this conferenice than at any,,prlevi- ous. %vith tw,,o appointed to the delega- ,fian - Mrs. Elsie Musser of Utah. whose presence takes on added use- fulness since she was also a delegate to the Buenos Aires conference in 1936: and Miss Kathryn Lewvis. Execu- tive- Assistant to the Président of the United Mine Workers, In addition. at nome for thie vacation ancluae thie Misses Virginia Goodrici.. Frances Rapp and Donna Webster of Wil- mxette. and the Misses June Barrie and Nancy ceBeersoC Glencoe. Mr s. Louise Leonard Wright, author of *'Towaý,ïrd a Collective Peace Sys- tem" and ch.airman of the Department of Government and Foreign Policy of the National League of Women Voters. was appointed an adviser. Pineappig Frozen1 Vanilla, Ice Cream o Saurd De.17. 19 38-1 rhipped Crearn ;tard ake Ball with ýese Fresh Peach Beverage incheooe, 50c i Mushroonis Persimmon Salad Roquefort, 1000 Sa]ad Dressing,,