Sir. Denison hall, under the auspi.ces of No rth- westein University. Sir Denison has served as head of the School. of Oriental Studies in the Ùniversity of London sincc- its establishmnent in 916. H1e rÈe-cently retired fromn this pôsition,. and ha's corne Io, Arerica to deliver the *Lowell lectures for 1938. A graduate of the universities of Paris and Straisbourg, he has travel- *ed wdl in the Orient. Hie un- dersta'nds 48 languages. speaks twelve, and lectures in six. Forl ~thirteen years he serv'ed in the Brit- ish foruign. service with headquar-; ters in Calcutta. H-e has been in, *Persia rcnl as the guest of the.J a crlt3cal lrterest in rny own rnotneri 14ongue.' Sir Denison said. -Englishl is on the highroad to becorning thel universal language of the civilizedj wôvrld for international intercourse, and we who enjoy the beritage of' spaking it fromr oui, youth upwardi s have a certain. res*lonsibility 'In re- gard to 1 s future.- Sir Denîson's appearance marks the conclusion of the first haif of ï the Northwestern university lectures j this season. The prOgrarn will bel y I - Youvr-g ift pro blems a re perdfectly -answered wilI> HOSIERY, Now in siIk velour gif t boxes- W Dno extra cost! f eproof!. FlêIterngly clear and f ree from shadows... smnartly duli. Ani 1ey're surprIsingly long - wearingi ool News shades. 3 PAIRS IN GIFT BOX . $2,.85 Street morning in tne( tral avenue. Sun( at 9:45 o'clock. ,-,WUn fil Christmîas I