___________________________________* &JÂ iss u aaiy uU»iJJn,5ong 1 '..i'-** ". vvaAaAeLrV, Jc1J rranis- th 1kin conditions, the depth of laind of Winnetka an-d Margarita Get set for Chicago & North' West- snow, the temperature and ýthe Thompson of Hubbard Woods, took ern s winter season of 1938-'39 in the weather conditions. This information part in the Stephens College the- great North Woods of Wisconsin, wiii be availabie to travel bureaus, ater's recent production of -Alice Peninsular Michigan an-d Minnesota. information bureaus, ticket offices, in Wonderiand." T7he girls, al lead- Train schedules are ready and ail. newsp apers and ail other sourcesý ers in. drama activities at'Stephens, expense tours are listed for. what I where travel 6rigin-ates. North West- were selected 'for the cast b4y Miss expected ta be a. banner "season. The ern parn ilas ested this Maude Adams. from a, score of girls season officialiy begins ýDecember, 22, information in the Chicagopsegrwho. tried out. for the parts., Miss but if the weatherman arrives earlier termiinal. where 'a large bulletin Adams, stage star of a generation on:the scene with. snow and, ice, the board, will. be placed, bearing the ago and now, professor of drama season will s tart earlier. It will coni- daily information on snow and at Stephens college,-.directed the tinue up into March and. longer if weather. drýama,, Eva LeGalliennes- adaàpta,- ,he proper weather conditions pre- tion.of Lewis ýCarroll's story. vai.Peter Gilbert Member 1 There are jourteen regions. thisT FRESIIMAN' CAGERS sea son on theçTqorth, Western's win t er ofL anguage rraternityV William -MclIndoo, 295 Greenwood sports gAn.m. Spots where the ice Peter Gilbert. .554 Brier street, avenue, Giencoe, and William Nor- Àn nwfan niv en iov himnse f this Kenilwý,orth,. was one of the eighl lmoyie, 360 Gregory avenue, Wil- ~viner re: stdent reenty iiitdit h mette, have succeeded in gàainin.g Ashland, Devils Lake. Duluth, Northwestern university chapter, ofIl positions on the fre shman basketball Eage *ive, Ionwood. Ishpeming, 1h oaSgantoa onorary team at Monmouth :coliege. They. la Cro.sse, Lake Delion, Lake den- fratern'ity for students of rom-rance we-re selected b' the cahfa- eva. Land O*'Lakes. Marauette, languages. Induction ceremonies amnong a large group of *freshmen Phelps. Rhinelirnder nnd Wiliiami took place at the home ofProfessor A Bay, Edwin Place, teacher of romance Lake Geneva will be the terminais Gilbert, a graduate of New Trier o)f Snowv Trais to be operated oh Township High scho'oi, is a senior Sundays during the season,. Here oneinNrhetns*colflbea Mnay enjoy ail varieties of. winterars -,Ft) Lý I ju u lu a (. m p.Ln a reA, Uri fLf L - list for ail-expense, trips of from two ta six days, and will offer the sports fan everything fron- skiing ta skat- ing - toboglganing, snow - shoeind, -.sleigh rinding and mushing. Mo(-demn hotels, lodges and cottages aire, to be found at al places and~ RETURNS FOR HOLIDAYS LoweIl Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Peterson, 231 Seven-l teenth. street, Wilmette. is expected home from Dartmouth coilege Sat- urday of this week ta spend the. In the CeKter of Thinýg0 Rates from $3.00' 4 Fignous Restaurant@ Adjoining Garage COROfRD[o -pot evQ42ýIVA.ncw resaort hotel, directly on the ocean, midway betwe.en Miaimi and Palm e each. Appoiniments care ;ultra modermi.Sun deck. spciius *louinges. patio, private beach .walk. AIlrooms wotlibath and steamn heat Hloeke andi friendly. OwnershîpD-mrancge- ment. Anerican Pain. uperior ~gI D[GINNING IAN. Z t. 5939