1Ideal location; ont block- from noc-tan'and Golf courses. -, Close ta every, lReçort Activ'itY.... $Xeam»9eýtedI Roorns Excellenlt Cuisine Housekeepiflg Aptneftts TeDSTrIàT MI.ILE *participate was recent"y . se Twenty-three main golf tf6urnaments on Bermuda's five courses have been séheduled, in -additioti to a. series of six smaller weekly tourna- 'ments for men, and ladies.- The Sixth Annual .Mid-Ocean Invitation Tourn- ament wil be held Fe b. .20-28, :the. Bermuda" La dies' Championship, at Riddell's BaYFebrrMry 28-Match 4, and the Bermuda Amateur Cham- pionship at the sanie, club March 21-25. Ni ne tennis fixtures. include the annual Bermuda championships à,t the stadium March 11-18. The lat- ter' attracts a. top-flight field of In- tern"ational stars. Exhibition match- es betw een Fred Perry and Elîs-; worth Vines are set for Marchý 1, 2 and 3. Three International Si x -met er yacht raig' Étres . gand also the' popular International One - Design Races will take place in April. Race series for Bermuda Six-Meters and One-Design yachts wil bc held ev- ery other week from January to March. One-Design Dinghy a n d Snipe events for local skippers are also on the summer and faîl yacht calendar. The Annual Garne Fishing tourna- Morse racmng, buq;Ler, rgy c minton, table tennis., water sports, Drb jid Ç,4-aal lawn bowling and a ',,ariétY of other '" 'b events are on~ the calendar. By Marrie Mclean Leary _______________The diversity of interests and HONORED- AT COLLEGE studies' to which young people are Miss Ellen Jonies.. daughter of MÉ exposed in -the secônda.ry school1s, andMs..H.Jn. 1514 Foresttda makes avenue., Wilmnette, ,was 'honored r .e. therfl much Ëmore ecently b y being elected. to Pi Kappa th Ûoughttuia- n ci net.iation al honorary forensic fra- purposeful in, se.- ternity at .KalamazooQ çollege, where ture intertsan she. is a s 1ophomiore. 1miss, Jones euca tion tan gained membership by participation ti eed ten ty - in interpretive. reading in ýthe Mîch- fie y ers ago igan Intercolegia(te Speech. league Thisproeu last year,. . ntérest is. noi alone mentall and IN COLEGEPLAYrelated *to the~ Van' McQuide. 'of Wilmette, -aored fnrom thb sophomore at Rensselaer'Polytechnic>sre rm h Institut .e, Troy, N.1 Y..- has been Mariorle Le"y advice of t he ir chosen to appear in ,th e forthcorni1ng Bernie Photo tea chers, .but ,it iý: Rensselaer Players' production of, also the resuif of. ekpérimeiltai "'Yeloiw Jack." Mr, McQuide is theý knowledge, the. chances for which soneo Mr. an Mr. Jon . r, have increased a hunÈredfold in the, Quide, 731 Elmwood avenue. iand a j ifeeondars.hos uin h 1s graduate of N-ew Trier High school., M1e is studying industrial eng--ineer-j Young people in high school todav ing at Renisselaer.. are a great deal dloser to being able ______________to judge what interests or occupa-, JOINS MADRIGAL GROUP tions are going to be of lasting vallie Vîrginia Buchanan, daughter of because they have been able to try Kenneth B. Buchanan of 1943 Kenil- out and Lgain somne working' knowl-. Worth avenue, Wilmette, is a mem- edge of, mrnany Things while they are ber of the newly organized Madrigal stil]l young enough to do soirnething grop o th Deauwunierstyabout it, and they can give the jcampus where she is a junior. She time frfrhrtann oa b tion about schools whtch include ex- cellent courses in subjects in which they are interested. Don't be too sure that the college you attendedis the right school for your s on or daughtér without investigating, the training. possibilities there and eilsewhere in respect to your child's interests.. r's Note: Marjorie. consultant of the Sc Li maintained the L'w\s-magazine. Her n and sehool matt 1187 S. W«boo IML ion. Wob.7700 717 Gr..uw.*d Av*. la Gienoee fr lformtionu-GLINCOR 928 ,y TMUUn