f Rfteenm annivrsrY01 ue tion of its house of woripSt S. John's now - began to plan the John's Lutheran building of its first church. In 1906 ,curh 1l hold two lots were purchased at Prairie three.jubilee and Linden avenues, 'then callec' *se rv i e snextKline and James streets. The cor-I 9 u nd a y at Wil- nerstone of a: frame church' wasl -mettelaid on September 2.o! that Vear, avenues. t91 and:the church was dedicated oný and là arn., the November ,11. This, church ,stills.Jh' dfc oa pàstor, the Rev.. stands., but after it was sold, it *~as étsEdc J. H. Gockel. wîkconverted intô a sreda calin't t heiant terne ne w frerps preach.. At 8 p.. hdr eWon.,Tngfrmr as th Rev ...K. 99Pso ihe cetduntil th ermoval o! the U.,S. Gen- tors,, F. H. Kretzschmar and F. W.. Schlerf o! Beth- i l to.Srnfi ,Mo.. In the anychrc eh-i ewn erth e.F .Me-eral'Hospital 28 in. 1921. Mueller,.assisted et the servicesin Rogers Park,. who becamne the.pastor ;of St. John's. B tht year tefaechurhtemrig h e.K clr spoke at.he dedi-During his pastorate the presenit and its facilities had become in- pra hn n te veig cainffen J~. G 1kel parsonageH. wceas built at -406 Prairie adequate. Thé librarywa again During the first years the organ ye sao wl b ntepli.In avenue.. His, last parish rÈeport, for' rented for Sunday ehool' and so-, and chancel furniture of* the old ail services there will be special 1912, reads -as follows: Baptized'ciety, purposes. The tra o church weruedbt n92ane music by the choir, with Lolita Bert- mernbers, 155, communicant mem- March 28, 1920, had also damaged organ, the. gift o! the Ladies' Aid bers, 75; Sunday school children, both church and parsonage. Soon soc iety, was 'ntald Two years timg in the evening. later, on the occasion o! the' con- .Early jUistojy_ gregation' s twenty-fîfth anniversa ry, The beginnings of St. John' s go new caîe .UýtirpIrwas, provdd baclc to the summer of 1893, wvhen fc onsisting o! the ziltar, puliit, Iec- the first Lutheran services inl Wil- tern, baptismal font, Communion, mette were conducted by the Rev. rail, and paneling. Since that time J. D. Matthius, then pastor of Beth- additional pevs have also been ýn lehem Lutheran church of, Evans-! stalled. ton. After three years his work was Recent History continued by the Rev. F. Knief, as-, The building o! the newv churchý sistant pastor of Zion Lutheran gave new impetus to the growth 'o! church in Chicago. In 1898 the Luth-1 the congregation. Within ten years erans of WiIrnette and Winnetk a[ its communicant n-embership had increased to 370. But In that year, congregation a o eil-- the followingyear.' Pastor Matthius, * then a member o! the NortherIl linois mission boa rd, met with I twelve men in the Bogda home at 1423 Central avenue on Novernbe1' 8, 1903, and organized St. John's. These twelve charter members' were: Fred Witt, Sr., Michael Walz, John Bogda, Herman Herbon, Aug- --f VaTn,,i.,ii obShwall. Edward, Il tried to serve to the fullest extent. o! his impaired strength. But anoth- er stroke took him from his f ield of labor on November. 6, 1933,, and three days later a sorrowing St. John's laid himn to rest. Today a beautiful stained glass chancel wini- dow and a bronze tablet in the ves- tibuale bear evidence o! the esteemn in which his memory is held- by the *last timni tteir oldci curcn, anid jthen mnarched in solen procession Rv emuW ee 'and, S--t,-, ý i . o-h,'n-',,s was to receive a Rev. Herman.W. Meyer'