Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1938, p. 23

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CALIFORNIA. NAVEL ORANGES, NONESUCH MINCE MEAT 10e IO AÀNN PAGE FRESH GROU.ND SPICES RED CIRCLE ýCOFF 1.50-176 S.IZE. DOZ. .LB. _ I V iew, Art. Wbéks Manil p e o p 1 e have alreadij rieweld the art works of, the late Prof esso r Bonis Schaltz (above) and those of his son and-daughter, Bezale.' nd: Zahira Shatz, which ar.eý n .ow on' exhibition. at the North. Shore Congregation Israel, L'incoin and V e r r o.-n avrenes, Glencoe. The exhibit will continue'until Deý' cember 19 ,nd the publ ic is in- vite~d to~ visit the, Templer during~ this time so that they mayexamine these works -wlich- represent the finest examples of the first modern attempts to create a specific Jewish art. Bezalel Schatz and his sister will be at the tempfle to explain and interpret the exhibition which will include some of.their own works in oil, water-color and etchings. Professor Sehatz developed the Bezalel school of arts and crafts of tives, the school turning out ail the objects it makes alone *the lines of the arts and crafts' that prevailed in biblical Mmres. trhe name.of the Institution,' Bezalel, is that -of an ancient Hebrewl craftsnian. "Itoris .Schat z's oil paintings an cl ,vood c uts make, use of, emotional qualities of the Jewish people. Ris men> and womnen of' Palestine, areë vivid and alive. Wherever they havej been showýn-ini New, York, Phila-- deiphia. Pittsbur.gh, ýWashington-! his uworks. have heen -the-, center of interest. Outstanding are "Soundinez the Shofar."ý "At the Wailinn Wall'tg "Belessing the Çandles," Mrag BÉroker," "'Midni9ht Prýayer,". and ' studies of the Hebrewt prophets." it was said. "Modern Palestine is refleted in Bezalel's works. Striking is his ~hçe4 of a grinning V)eimenite Jew. Scenes in old Jerusalemn are interestlng,I as is bis portrait of an Orientalj type. Many have been attracted by his sympathetic portrait of his fa-, ther, under whom he studied for i many years. "The more delicate medium of! w a t e r colors expresses Zahara1 Schatz's interpretations of French scenes. Her "Coast of Normand!e" ~ is> colorful. and her "Fishermn..: 1901 DOMINO XXXX OR BROWN SUGAR. CAN i1OC 0 O'CLOCK COVFEE 3 LB. BAGs 390 *0*SB*ê . N3J29c WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES .......4 LBS. 250: CROSSE & BLACKWELL HEINZ PL»dPUDDINGS kPL U M PUDDINGS LB. CAN 340 LB. CAN 3.50 outstanding ioneer, in creating a na- tional Jewish consciousness in art. Native of Russia A native of Ruissia, he had studied sculpture in Paris. bis last teacher there being Falguiere. From Paris he went to Bulgaria, where he soon becamne the court sculptor. Later he established the Ecole des Beaux- Arts at Sofia. A medalist of the Paris and Brussels salons, he camne "1-.* 11. J'. vY Iicut ZLLelIMN *Church Session in East Dr. Herbert L. Willett, Minister of the Kenilworth Unioni church. spentj last week iii Buffalo, N. Y. in at- tendance at the biennial sessions of' the Federal Counicil of thp Churchis of Christ in America,. which. met in the Statler hotel and in St. Paul's athedral. Reports were presented regarding ORAN GE-LEMON-CITRON SLICID PE2LS ......Z3-OZ. PKGS. 170e CANDIED CHERRIES PEERLESS MINCEMEAT 17c CALIFORNIA CURRANTS PKG 6e 5637 .1421 Sbermifi Avenue. .LB.

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