",,Wlh.ail the cream loft in.?. C Q:UART atyour grocery store i the suburbs Cdt co utryftrosh DNan's Milk in Safty4aledcontaners . oeuver m by auyone but you! This ends ail the bother and ex- pense of boutles and inakes fresh milk as easy to biy as any pack- container . . . madle of virgin spr'uce fiber, sterilizeci and seaied iuside and out with super- heated paraffin ... flot merely covered with a cap but SJ3ALE1) until you break the seal in your own kitchen. Carefuliy refrig- erated and brought fresi to your -411, mobile with Mr. and Mrs. Gerge rom the.early iEgyptian pajJyri to Edens, alsô colored. 1920 p)arrowlmodern times; Biblical texts of He- avenue, Evanston. The attack hap- brew and Greek origin, translations pened in Chicago, it was stated. of the ScriptLires in the early ver- When the off icers arrived WilkeflSsinshasGekEhO CLar and Edens were sit tiflg in the car, bne other tongues. the Huguenot Bi- wsparked in. front. M i ss b in Fec;mnsript copies, of wich wdniielkn as th I nnerly texts; a leaf from the uten- who- had bitten. her ecar. She was burg Bible, the àldest of printed taken, to the CornXiýnty hospital in1 editions» copies of the Wycliffe, Tyn- Evastn ortreatment dale and Coverdale texts, the com- T he m en wer é takený to thé poli ce lt'crvofhevrdePsm, staton.Wilens whogav hî ad the "Breeches Bible," the "Poor Màan's Bible," a page from the first dres s 911HatrY aene.edition of, the King. James Bible,, àa Evanston, was held on a charge ofubro oe d uefrso bengdrnkad is'dryan ws the Scriptures, such as the limitedý released on $10 bond.. Miss Fisheredtnte KgJa sVrio shign a comin an t hirn for 'Reading," acopy of the ?ly-ý charging m hicago polihe* was mouth Bay lesson book, ani- tured verb Cicao plic fo lminated, copy of a book of devo-: Iprosecution. tnsacoy of Luther' s Bible, and a number of* volumes published in various languages by the American Wilm tte thites ate Bible society, including French, Ger- H- ihas N. b.Swimmers man, Hebrew, Arabic Bibles or Two Wilmette boys are amoflg fte!'ITestaments. 30 candidates, reportiflg for varsity These and other books of like char- swimmiflg and water polo at North- acter were loaned for the day by western this %,,inter. Coarh Tom Rob- members and friends 4*' emphasize inson, in opening his 30th year as the world-wide services of the Bible Purple mentor,: is counting on Ross society, which has recently issued .'Porter and Edward Hess, soph-, its one thousandth language transia- ornores, to play promTinent roles on tion of ail or a portion o! the Scrip-~ this year's tearn. tures. Porter, whose brother Warren was' The subject ofDr. Herbert L, Wil- a watei' polo star here severa.l years lett's sermon- xas ý-A Thousand iz fo" o,-inc1i the footsteps of Tongues." seholiscrnptin in three events. Mrs. James AtndersonA, sH is cndidtein te50 0 and avenue, are returniflg Wedflesday of 200-ya ardidae te in te50, etandsnext ýweek froini Carroll college in, 6 feet 2 inches and weighs 162), Waukesha, Wis., tospnChita pounds.. and is considered by Robin-, with their. parents. December 27. son as an excellent prospect. ,Miss Mary Anderson is leaving for ----------Chippewa Falls to -spend, the re- GXOES TO COLORADO f~fdio e aain i avenue, Mount Owa,' wili go î o- ElMr. ad aeneae xpctn Cornell basketball I lwo vne r xetn mé-ber îtheir daughter, Margaret,. home ~rS. Open Evenings et Wîrrn. 672 stmas and CREAM