, 1M 9 q 0 - 1 IUniversity Cfe JOur. own blond .of fragrant, de-, liclous coffe. - Makos, perfect, clear, marvelous coR..e- 3,Ibs. 70C Our CIFTDUPARTMENT- s truly a thing of ioy and goodness to behold-We have the Most Complet* Goodfellow baskts-the 'Most gor- geous gift hamfpers and the. Most deligktful fruit baskets imagina&ble--Also boautifUlly packed glace fruit--Ask for a representative té calor se. the displays.at, any one of oUr four convenient stores or the Morrison' Hotol in theLoowI - doz. ~ PERSIMMwONS. Colorful, ripe and ready to srve- AVOCADO PEARS. (California fruit)-So good as is, or with persimmon or c grapefruit seg ments-each20c DELICIOUS APPLES. Crisp, jicy, 5 for 25c and veai JumnboF 3 fcar25ci o 1b,25ýc Taïble'Risins S.Iocted,. extra large, moisi, fresh cluster raisins - Ai- ways an addýition> to, the nut bowl- IL. pkgj. 4 5c vryoi piterê-1B'fh we.t 39c 3 doi. 75c Smnal Floridas 3 d. 59 GREEN ONIONS. YELL.OW YAM SWEIETS. An advance 1 OC $olden ricb in colorA "sprng" relish ulbuncbos i, end flavor- 41b.29 HUEBARD SQUASH. GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES. Hard, knobby exterior Rich, The eating apple supremo 9 favorsorne I) *el Sweot and iuky-fray of629 Taperlite Condies Why not lay in a supply for the holidays NOWT Plenty of red. and'al popular shades-Dripl'ss- 17 JO 10iii Bar Lemon Sweet.ned or. unsweetened -Ail -ready to adfo that- chosenî drink- Quart 6 a - ý 1 1 . 1 , . ia 1 11 1 1 a . 1 1 Spciu, Chrisimas Foods,, Wh.nplning the Christmas menu there area special holiday troais - They' include Brandiod1 and decoréfted Fruit Cakes, Stilton Chocs. in Port. G orgonzola in Oran dy, Ch.ddar'inPort, or Roqýuefort in Port-Any of thýese dolicacies make marvelous qifts, too. - I ____________ PURE LARD. I ~Fr t*ky pies &tid d#.p-fat fvrlg lb. p4 FLANK STEAKS. So god when stuffed and s.rved with l.9 baked potatoos and Hubbard squash- l. PORK TENDERLOIN. »~ 42c Ail meat, n~o wase--Ready te bread and fry-. LEG 0F SPRING LAMB. Deliciously tender, sping lamb that toasts fo a golden brown gjoodness- lb. 25c BACON. 1 For Sunday mornhang breakfast- 1/2-lb. plcg, 17c CELE RY HEARTS. Crisp, snow-white2O iiear- large bunch20 NEW BEETS. Ruby-red - So good whether, slredded and served ýwth butter or a la 411. Harvard- 34iun cbes 20c ing raw or bakin- Jls FRENCH ENDIVE. The pioce de resistonce in A a truly Epicuroan salad-lb. TIC LARGE POMÈGRANATES. For colorful Christmas salads or cocktails- each 1 5C and swee- pint box 1~ DICORATIVE GOURDS. Shellaclied and varnished to keep indefinitely - A most attractive spot of color anywhere- i b. 2k FRESH MISTILEtOIE.25 Full of berries.,- bunch25 For a delicious cockai-Zook_$ minutes1 water, temove shelis and 'black venous backbone bef ore serving- LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH. S. gjood when baked- OYSTERS. Standard *ize.-perfect for cocktail$, bisque or cooting- in boiling SaIt IL 19C l.35c. q.49c .il DERCE MBER 15, 1938 I Ê' i 1 ý . > . ;_ 1 . - 1 Il .11 Mum*-MM