---f ~ '7~Jr.sGuz& 'x - churci. iy irivituu L4) ---- 9, asç: t er TursaVrDcemef2 Girl Scout Troop 4 wiflsing Christmas 1045 Lr. -.n re rdav.r.ecB:nbe_?3 1(5,45 Xtvz-e -ng Wo-p'a:P, Bra)1c carols at Evanston ýho)sptal.on Tuesda3 4 > -. ,. ~ ..~ . -.~. af*ernlonf, December 20~ Th tte.o M'.HIde5 ~no fr ~ om;Events IfnsWHI bhe baptized on Christmna" The id*y rnof r.l., H s e CrtaJ--.*.; 'ye rrrS(riVd ýr rrorning at the Il o'cIlock worship service. tht -The.; D7,-.st-rX.. -- *'- ! ,t c- eE' c H'at 10:45 ockock and carry out th.eUctr1ý.r mas h.er* U~.'Utdt t...t. ITr.i Wei.r.~a'.E~er2~ ~zt.Ho~rMa~ -r ~' Cr:(o. rlB'7t 'ehrandWîFeoreantFore veavnue î;ie YfUSIC V. -IiOtas 7r---A . tïe' ~. !E-. 3 ~ r~ ~re.w R-v. :George D. Allisoni, pastor. Ora ' e t 8 Are.ChS.m s service will be held 'Jyto the Wor'........Lerare 4. 't..~ . ~ - ~ec .er Suniday morning at il o'clock, wvith Ad. CaolSrvre-ac o rn . cahta general therne KrwYpur BE-.'~C u c vent rmusic, and a thoughf.provokiflg mes. Gb.ti Bbr.......: ,jXey.Iefluisage by itht pastor: '"Manger Babe, or tj"-f I g N - at Lr- av.enue Lord aind- Jjacher?" There, -wi'i be also oftern-'.ng Nru t Er:r e J 'M'.n: s ter ,a unique service.in the Church school at The Virg!n and ChAld......utcher 7-7e jX ~ C~~S Fr.a t.f . .- 10 o'clock,, -wth a lovely Étage 'setting. Orgaui Postiude-'lLit uzp [a tS u na rnrZ:r. De.-4r.rber la. the Christmag.decorationswîlltbe in place.. Tht r Iesma ade:h ses~~~ orr,!ofChr:sra b4ý anticiPated' 1 . 'd HnelGiTIfThe pastrhas. o :sof thet boojke t - be h tmaz C,'clock. ht m;r4e p .E AYarWt tBb"frs will vhob-..C*r:srr.acSdecorationS and Christmfas The annual Carol service wil] occur or, 'Th L1, Lcrlef." ht i t1:30 o'lock. There wfIl be ýtabeax of the chui'ch wIllrender Bch <-t*rre;*ae.r--â%.SCTh s:. ~' mN1, re BrielCrist«mandEve.atuay. DTecenierof24 ,ns COraVto undertheé_re .'oof.rc acz arrPn.'e'd by .:Ss Mar re.crl n ly TeTpzo Zm1y obrts. At thý ticr.(Žthe tt-OrCh.tns5tr.tc.. ~..d '- heas fcows:Ethiopia." On Christmas Dy hri Gmt. Offepine cd the church ard Church, SUla COoCr.t',Sporm& :0 5 .'an 5 ~~"a and school will unite in a service at -11 scolwmu "c,%be rmade. .. .rTn osn~srie :f a~*~1'....erso cdock. car.tata by the choir at il1 ocloclk. C. 'N r),j4.. Db CALNDa O~TU WEK L;-ghtngsrvcat43 'ic.crf Js Babro.......... n There is much musical activity. Men's ~ »~.-~" 15 srngmg by the you-rg po-ple at 6 0OciceC. Itot OCre "m. 2:30 Gi Dres'chor re1 aral scir,î. oîb.zr"outC....... Ve , n hmnul orus rehearses on Tuesdav evening. 3:30 g rYrz choirfreharsal Ar-he' -"s - sti~Senior choir on Thursday evening, 1Boys' Bçy' hor rehcean'al . age ~hold a ?R," atthewçs choir on TIiursday afternonn andi Girls' ..~k ior chor e*ax~T ant dn1prs - le ve,èF. b c- a R ..... He.r.E tr hor n Saturday morning. Also, a 3:45- Grl cous, ruo VI, Pcrg'S-f ~at 6:3[j ai the church. R.teenat1.ons FaittfUî'. ...... ............ d stve Dinecbe 6 ho12bpib" hismady. Sts-. ay Strong idy morning at 9:30. 6,0-Cuc hitn8 p t pa ACzsmsPry" n nal ra .-id 'hita Lrae A gT3up of new members will be wel- - Churh Ch mas d~r.er rt>' ress by the R.ev. Paul Turnner of River. Be._ý..... -..... ...............oe noflosi-o dy au Saturday, Decemnber 17 s ,I_11 i eatu.re the prograffmO. etSndvee:r a :3 'lck.rned Ainitatilon his onxtndd to other- 7:0-Cb Iack Part*.10y . 1tniniainisetnýd nohr bc,<.>msSpkeo.6 'Demet ecn'bterai't-19 chSchor01 ch:ldren anid youth to jomn at this time. 7:30 - BG rloy o . T rop VI i (jc ai the honit of M rs. S. B. v., n s ,o 'Sr an.d pai'ic!Paî& tn a Chil- Tseay DeemerCrInlg er, 935 Forest avenue, for ln1 *. r'5C *taSST' C. hI l, al pe S. ohn's Luth eran TuesayDde ae 20Cb:.rdrerl'z Processioa.a cn 7:30 - Bo(y Storits, Troop Il I Cnrnmurnty, care,1 s:r±g:ng , be held dep:c',ri The Com n.e of Ligeht, The W ilmette and Park avenues. CUUtc~CRRSTM8 DNERPA~Y Olth grunc ofthtVî~ge allSat.r*9ieherS cee. the Maner S ene, and . H. Gockel. pastor d- , etnrg, Déýer-A.er 24. at 7 30 ' *'- - drat -:Of orf the W:se Mn h M..,ibers and friencls of the church ,,ill devna-'D'cenfrI'c rvan rr.uin thl e as ollowrasep bd a Christmas dinntr party. timûrroI Th'e ci - w:ii buzcrn asht notras t. .SERVICES evnn ntecuc t6;3 '__ _____ tick-r4dtCrita 19:15a. n.-First annivers,'ry servine. v~g iit~ lwc a 4lok , ~ ,#,~~nfgEenn" .. .. .Ma ottone19:30 a. »'.-unday school and Bible' Tht YoDIu94.7g I m-------h c .-- TheInemeiteYun erpe:sgroup il hoc.l Pro- wUi next 'meet Sunýday, January , i4ram (*rucIP 4:-.0 'c loc k. '1 hem sifr h'Lr:e!wosp ~~ PHI j ntxt Suniday morrning îs as fio.5 KAPPA PlPI Preýu«--A Yriý.e Bredks Irtr The High Schroolers will not rreût until Bom...........Br a,ms Sunday. January 8. At that time they wi, l 11Anthemn-It Came ,Upon a Midnight meet whith the Evansttn and Wirne',ka 1Clear........... SekDi grojupa in their' second regional mec-tmrmg . The Choir of tue year. Furthe-r particulars for this' Sl-The .Holy Chl.........artin meeting wxji be annouiictd later. Jerome Nevins - Po5tude-Adestre Fidelis ., .arr. Vilbac- CUB PACKC MEETING Victoria McLeod-M.inicttrv of Music The Cuba wil Iave their Decerober Tht Clnrch school convenes on Sn Pac-k meeting Saturdýay, Decernber 17, at da,, morning. at 9:45 o'clock. There are -Th,'High' Sehool EpvorthIleague and 'tenrierme1iate eague %,-Ifl not meet Decernbtr 18. because o0. the.Chýrisirnas s ervce a t 4: 30. Thet UpsoflRho nerber.s will par- ticipate in Dickens' "ChristmTas Carol" at tteir rné~etirmg on SundaY evening fol- ioigthe service in th acua The chIldrefl from Lake Bluff orphan- a~ ilbe entertatned in Wi]mette homes. on ChristnlaS Moinda,%, December 26, as has been the customn for many years. contacyt 4Mrs. Roy 'Haskin. Wil- 8p. m.-EvCfiing anniversary sii. NexSundv -t. John's ýrtr +le. fifteenth anniversýirv of 1 '-4iato o! ifs church and the thirtvfIPh anni- v~ravo! the, ormcanization of tht co n- tre-af ion. TI"e oriler of 'v~ai Il11 o'clock wi-Il inludiethie follovýný» Prelue- Christma,.; P'ýçclral . ..Merkel Infroit--' "Bshold. O. God. Oiir Shielrl" ............... Shmauck- Anf hemn - "And the Glory -' ftte Lnrd" .. . ...:..... ........ -ndel <fferfnr--Pastor-n'- S'-mnhonv,. . Handel .Th'n Sermon -"Re-jrnc'- In the Lordlas. . Philippian" 44 Pôsthade-Postlude in F .......... Gade T he çrc<er of servh'e at 8 o'clock will it-Iiide the' -follnvwýng: .1 Prf.lude - "In Dulci Jubil' ..... Bach i , e -n¶iirpsierm11L , .- 1-s1-., Tx1t-nt that -r uip Prayer Meeting every rn-emnbr be present -and onl -tirne. .will ember 18 7pr. Ai. Tht Junior choir will rehearse Sat- ýrvlce. 'Studles in urday mnor'nlne at 9:30 o'clock in~ the 8 a.m. * Junior roomn. Be;sure to be present,. Jrn. 10t30 Fellowshlp Group lors andteredaLukett and College Group Lk meetings li favor The wesleyali Service Guil will M.eet ti. rebI.. Party 5, pro-g (Conti iation to th~e Priesthood handier 1-teriing at St. Ledrl, EVansto)fi. d oh Page 16) wornen are P. -ý, ;ý4 -ý-È