Z-4 -t..... a- r;J~ij .- -~ t> - 4~ - . - -. . . - . - - - ~ . . - 4 4 ~ * 4 . . 4 -~*:. .5 J..--- C,<-nwn' '.pînt r>f Ch.arît * -z ~. - -. . 3. 4~ r' - - C. -I x t, - f j 0 0 9you want a multa sonmeon's. Meriy Chrst- 11>0 fIerifVI. ... IF youa real- oea th.t hcsw.ry il the Moi+t wvvt.d gift (andi Se.onbe whch maires even àa hmnted budtdgo à long way!) IF. y@u want your gft C4 hou*ery t. be c4irishd for its beauty an>d t4 .way if wears. . .~. - r-...... - . - - J Z HAT SALE of a]l purchases he:glnning- ctl br t ,fi ? th.s hroliday. . - b~~n wxth t hr l.- rg ne -r r r r nt n ef o r c ig h t ri 7 i h an * 1 W W h ~ . ~ i ~ - B U ~ n - r ' o n a ] c a n i e h i n g L t e c h v c - - -- .. . ~ *. .. : . :7t iý h t c a n ] e - r e t . - ~ ...m, , the Jewish calc-ndar. . JE 'Arc -OiVed in Collision a r. mrs Car!- e- gnal uf E. Gebert, 1526 G 1eave 'Mac- Ch--i-rtmas h1o1ýý n'u _1 frrm 'here to De ifi *.jýnà a rdanc,ý- before corning , . -"rneý December 18. wilmette Pharmécy R. H. MCATEE, R. Ph. Wilmette Ave. Wil. 5338 orimm ilO AWNI, Rik. North of Central A ve. Phme Wilmette TýeIII The stf-)r.v of. Chanukah is 1,1 - ' s hiztoricallv - nýthe- ApocrYphà MIhen Antiochlis Epiphanez .ýý-zcsLn.ded the SYrian thrrine in, thé .zoýérind century b.efore the Chr',z_:',;aný era, he ýssue-d carrir nands, that ha-ve a farn;liar ring in thiý_agÈ r)f dic- ,aý,rjrS One -,,rder deelared *hat all biecý per.,p)e-ý must>bflc-,t-.-ýc- Greeks. the ruler. ïýnd thai Ihev' M«,Uzz" -.;,-rrFhip (-,nl%- Greek grAs -The rule tijb4ý er.f,-,rceýd bv armed force Centuries befr)r e thi-c lhe had their r)ý,ý.-n rcliei,-,n and philo-sophyý They ,vere not readýý. to give up their ideals ever- in 'lie faceipf physical threats, J dah 'Macý cabee gathered his c6-religiohists to rësist intolerance. and ýrictrýry for, the Je,.ý;ish cause followed. Dedicate Restored Temple On the 25th dav of Kislev (the ninth month in the Jewish calendari 16.5 B. C. E.. the victorious people dedicated the restored temple. It M.'as decreed that the holidav should be observed by the Jews every year (-)n that day. So through the ages candles have .burned in Jewish.hornes and svn'à- gogues for eight days in the %vinter season. Legend rnakes the length of the holid-ay d ' epend upon aý tiny cru$e of oil which,, the Macabees fàund in the-ternPle and lighted for th fés- tivaL, By a -miracle a one.;day stxp- ply lasted eight. Along with the pleasures of, the dedication f e s t i v a 1 this year. thoughtful Jews the ý,,,orld over will ýst avenue, Sally's cratidparents. junior Mr. Booz is attending Managers' meeting of the Con- er corporation this week. Miss a Booz, a student at Grinnell ýgeý, is, expectèd home this week- end. ,McMAHON h 1152 Wilmette Av*.