tu meL~ zazit O'..L un -Dtage a 4, L io ne * Claudette C ol1- bert get into an elaborate c os - Sturne It is white satin, foi m.fit- tig to the knees after the style:of the Edwardian - era and, solidly ei m b r o i d e red C. Colbert 'Colbert s a y s: sweetly but firmly: "Oh, but I won't need you really. I've -been, dressing myseif since 1 She retires to her portable dressing room and time passes. Then from the depths of the dressing room cornes a srnall voice begging for succor. -How was I to k now," .asksClau dette, "they'd pût 140 hooks down the back of this thing?" Faibher Fionoqgan Spenc er Tracy gives film- lanid's. version of, Fat her -Flan-, ager,ý valiant founder of theý world-farnous haven for lost boys, "Boys Town." in the picture of that îiare,. which coeûmes, to the Varsity theater. Fridoey f o r.a wveek's ruii. Mickey Rooney is co-starred with him. On the sanie bill will be "That Certain ___________-STRAUSS lPORTRAIT I)OUGHBOY HAT INSPIRATION An oil portrait of Johann Strauss Kay Francis borrows her latesi in "The Great Waltz" is one of the CLtdLUI I 011L11~ 0uiiuy. old masters" which adorns the if*s an oversea!s cap of gold sequins wiha sequin-trimmed formai goWn walls of Robert Taylor's Maryland in -Womnen ini the Wind." mansion in "'Stand Up and Fight." !AI I L morning, two apiece. J.arPens Book on "Best Laugh Getters",e Bert Lahr, veteran'stage and screen. cornedian playing the Cowardly Lion in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's ",Wizard of :Oz," is the latest actor to "go lit- erary." HXe is planning. a book on, "People to Be Laughed at." It deals: with ail the comedians:of his acquain- tance and -their rnost effective Jokes and laugh getting tricks. TfilàSTAR* DEOTE3Af U V Corne1 Poors Friday For Entire W eek A Smnash Show! Ronald Colman 181FI1WERE ln ,THEi SISTEItS' Jltterbug Contest Frlday Nlght Starts Suaday for 4 Days Paiscila -Loue, Wayne Mortris* ln "B8ROTHER RAT' PlUs Cemnpanlon Feature. Fr.ddl. Uairlh@lomew Judy Garland 'LUSTEN DARLING' FRIDAYFOR ONE FRIDAY ULL WEEK 1 Te. Yeor's.Oýut'sunlig Early Saturday open 10 A. M. SHOWS! Phones: Wlhet*e or Wimnetko 39 Acres of Free Parking $Pace in No Mans Land open Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 6:30 I'.M. 23cto 6:30 open Satuùrday 1:0-25 to 630 SPENCER TRACY MICKEY ROONEY' S"BOYS' TOWN" Plus DEANNA DIJRBIN - JACKIE COOPER " "THAT CERTAIN AGEI" NOSOE OO-E&VLNI Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon.,,Tues,. &&TOOI IROT P- *"SPAWN OF THE NORTH" PLUS *"HOLD THAT -CO-ED" Sat., Matinee: Serial Sgu.-Mon.-Tues.