Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1938, p. 5

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ing Winnetka's plan. to separate grade crossings throughout the community, which requires the coopration of Kenilworth in order to conistruet thc. n ecessary1 approaches to the Winriet- -ka 'avenue via.duct, at Indian Hi1li, hit a snag this week when,Cum.nnor road property owners objected. The property1 owners on the stÉetch of Cumnor road between Cumberland avenue and Ivy court presented aý Petition to the village council-pro- testing any easemnent:,granted to thé Chicago, North, Shore,.andMilwau,-I kee electric line. to use village proper-, ty in order to mrove the tracks in the course of construction. WouId Rernove Kink The plans, as announced by the North Shore line caîl for moving the right of way slightly to theý east- ,,yard at that point, in order to take o)ut a kink in the tracks near the Joseph Sears schoQl. Tis woul 'd re- <luire use of village property, ai- though the ,embankmnent would nol oncroach on the actual pavement 1)f Cumnor road. The residents also objected to thej removal of the screen.ing row of tretès ýiIong the tracks.1 Conditional Grant At the November 7 meeting of the Kenilworth board, -representatives of the line presented the request for thoe eaenn whieh was granted-onl iv - Christmas approaches other -hour service will be made Af Wilmeétte Services Bishop Ernest. Lynn Waldorj of theý Chicago. Area of" thé Meth- odist' episcopal church, whose residence., sàin-Wilmette, will, preach the sermon at the services in,. the Wilmette, Parish Methodist church. Sunday morning, Decema- ber 1 1, at 11 ô'clock. This Sunday will mark the cul- mintion 4-of elowship, Week in. Methodist churches. In the local church the service will be merged w,ýith the Thank-Offering service. of1 the Womnan's Misàionary society. i Retail, Stores to Open Evenýýings 'TIi hristmnas W. E. Zick, 1148. Wilmette ave-* nue, chairman of' the retail corn- mnittee' ofth Chamber of Com- merce,' announces that th rtail stores and shops of Wilmette wvill be open -every business .evening fromn Saturday,. December 17, t o Saturday, December 24, inclusive- Wilinette. people, who- desire to avoid the rush and crush of big center shopping;.it is, stated, wil find local merchants amply prepared to f111 every gift want. 9CUPËRATXI<G George Walton of 908 Central ave- nue is recuperating at home follow- in.g a -serious illness. ýWilI Rstablish 35-Mile Speed Rate for Traffie Along Green Bay Road That question will be the subject of a spfrited debate Sunday, Decem- ber 11, i New Trier High school auditorium, held under auspices cf the New'Trier Sunday Evening club. Taking.divergent .Viewà ini this vital and timely discussio n will. be Cohgressman Hamilton Fishi libéral, Republican and isolatiônist and Up- ton Close, Word-viewer. Both are, top-nàtch conversational- ists'of Twn Hall New ýYork. DlsthIgulshed !Public Figure Representative. Hamilton is a de- .scendant, of 'a long line of ýpatriots.* He is a graduate of Harvard -where he was' an outstanding seholar and athiete. He was a member of the New York Assembly as a progres- sive and followers of Theodore Roose- veit. He saw active service ithe -World wat' where lie was 'decorated for bravery. He is now a colonel in the Officers Reserve corps. Rep- resentative Fish was elected to Con- gress in 1919, and has served con- tinuously and with distinction since that time. He is a rnémber of the Foreign Àffairs committee. He la a tireless. worker in the ranks of the American Legion, which he helped to organize. Born on Reservation 'Village Trustee Anan Raymond iJresided at the meeting i the ab- scice of Village President flarry P. Tiiomas P.'Ryan.New Manager at, Shawnee, Thomas P. Ryan, formerly asso- ciated with the Great Northerii ho- tel. Chicago, and the Tuiler hotel î coe roaas is to ne establisned short- ly -under plans announced recently by the state highway department. 1At present, the through route, known as Green Bay road in North Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka, as Linden avenue in Hubbard Woods, and as Glen.coel road and Green Bay road in Glen- coe, has various speed limits be- .tween the county line and its juac- tion with Ridge avenue in Evanston. hall, 1213 -Wilmette avenue, A. T. Sherman Lodge No. 892, 1. O. CO. F.. is to stage a party and dance te, which all members of the lodge and their friends are invited. The pro- gr~am will consist of a band concert, entertainers, movies, dancing to old- fashioned music by "The Hungry Five," and other features.. Refresh- ments will consist of home-made "leats".-and there is no charge .for anything. of Sweclen. Re was born o n an In- dian reservation i the state of Washington, and finished college at Washington D.C. At. the outbreak of the World war he went to China where he was engaged in the i- telligence service. A code identity phrase, "Up Close," evolved into his well known . pen. name, . Upton Close." Astonishlng Adventures Kinne then appointed John . H ±off- day of next weeic on a trip, ' ..ai- marin, Jr., 1927, Central avenue, to fornia. They will be away for about fi11 the unexpired term, 'the appoint- a month, spending most of their ment belng approved by:thýe board. time in LosAngele.s,,ànd San Diego. To place a Want, Ad call WILMETTI 4300 WINNETKA 200Ô i ,& paAVec nu UU £ Alexander Kerenskc of Russia, and arclh nism, speak on. th, Coming Triumph of ýem-ovraiy. -

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