r' w.,it bfs V cc u -Li vember 28 at the Scott chapel in lived for 12 years in wlinte Evanston with burial at Memorial was an active member of the WiI- Many floral offerings were sent Park cemetery. mette Presbyteriafl church. During from' Wilmette and a group of Besdeshisson héis urvvedbythe war she Was a leader in the friends drove to Ann: Arbor for the Beieshs o. eissrvvd ysale of liberty bonds. services. The body was sent to Syraý his widov and by a daughter. Fnra evcswr edMn ue N. Y., where services were day a fternoofl at hier home with bur- held Saturday. Burial was in the jal at Oak Woods cemnetery, Chicago. family *plot beside Mrs. Eager, who Nilrs. A. A. Kritchever H-Isrivdb ehsal.died three y ears ago iWlet Passe Awayat Ho e ~illiamn NicholasandMsHaret Mr. Eager -had lived for thirty Mr.Katherine. Kritchever. 1152 weld. both. of Winneika: by four1 arinWlet Endh bn Central, avenue. Wilmette.ý died: at sonjs. oes of El Paso, Tex.. Wal-i active in many, of the village' ac- her homne, Sunday morning. after a; lace of Evanston. Herbert, Jr. of ý tivities. Mr.. and Mrs. Eager were [long illness., She :was 50 vears of Kenil\worth, and Stanley of Pitts- 11charter members of the First Pres- age brgh P.. ndby nebyterian church, and were a cti v Funeral. services were held lfl Chi- and liberal supporters of ail its o- caoon Tuesdayý afternoon with btur-, irs. G. Kuhn, Fom r ganizations. They ,vere among- thtê Weslan Mmoialpak Vinnetka Residenit,: Dies, organizers of the Evening Garden She is survived by heýr hulsband. TIr.Aila un.ieofGrg club, and MrI. Eagçr %vas its first Abraham Alek de sKitchever: b. Kuhn. died last Friday at the Pres-, president. His love of. flowers was two children. Leonora and \Iathe\\. btra hsptî uealsrie vident'in their beautiful gardcn at bot ofWimete.andby wobro ~ere held Monda,, inEx'ani-ton, wîth! 1312 Elmwood. avenue, where they ther andtwosistrs.interment at Rosehili ce.mneterý.Mr lived. S - and TMrs. Kuhn. who had mnadetheir i After Mrs. Eage's death Mr. Eajg- ______________________home aX tlh Oak Crest hotel in E-v-1 er moved to Ann Arbor to be with 1-gn.HowNard aso eefre esidents'ô Win-- Ms childrëTi 1ýiss Grace Eager: Inetka. 'Mrs. Kuhn is also survived staff artist in the University of Mich- P. T A.byher father andi by a bpother a.nd igan, and his son Frank, h a in Chicago. association will hold one of its.out- standing events of the year ThursdaY*. December-15, at 7,45 o'clock. Two hundred children çf the fifth and sixth grades. under the leader- ship of 1\Miss Mary -%cKay, mrusic .Miared as dkeLecu.i k'- - story of the Christ Child as told by St. Luke and St. Matthew. Programs are being,- made by fifth and sixth grade children, and the, ushers and Yule log boys are chosen, froni the same, grades. The program is divided int o two, parts. Part one, in the auditorium of the Howard school, will include the reading, of the Christrnas storv and the followving carols.: I s Eiected to Counicil M.Active Church Worker t h at Stephenis C I CollgeFîrst Presbyterian church 'in Ai1i Suzane Zimmerman. daughter of Arbor, although .re niig unM- Ur. and Mrs. E. Z. Zim-merman, 219 ber of the Wilmette. church. He was Sixth street. Wilmette. outstanding imade a mernber of the board of student in extra-curricular activ'ities trustees. As the church wýas just at Stephens coiiege, was elected tO, then planning a new church home,, nounced last ,week. î He .was made' chairman of a com- Suzanne's election was a part Of mittee to sell the old manse. find the move by independents to organ- a site and build a new one. He was ize into an efficient group for sponsor- made happy this summer to see it in oia civte.finished and fully landscaped' after Miss Zimmerman is expected his own ideas. home from Stephens for thé' Christ- Doae1eora ra :mas holidays on Thursday, D.cem- As a memorial to Mrs.- Eager, ber 22. Mr. Eager preseited to the First Prsbyterian church of 'VVilmette the CHRISTMAS PARTY ýGrace Truair Eager memorial or- The annual Christmas 'party; of gawihxa.ddcae etm the Scount leadrsof the- North Shore ,-) Ij imem- read- .0 704 Curch tree for the ChristlTias holidý 704 Curch treFtirmont Junior college. M~ Evanston has!a, returned fromn a bus, ______________I iný the South aid 'East. .Kmnney ess trip and Mr. and.1 1853 Green, e the paternal .' -~~~I i ---- - icivu a social flour inl cnarge, ternal grandparents, of Stephen Brooks and Verna Park- s. Henry Grundeis of hurst. Ail young people-are invited ,road, Glencoe, re to attend these meetings at the Wil- ndparents. nette Methodist church at 6 o'clock. Toô