OPEN FOR INSPECTION SAT. AND SUN. P. ~M. 725 Hunmer Rd., Glenvieiv 3rôooî, English.brick, built 1932; tile bath, side drive, brick garage. W. G. RUGGLES,&'.Co. 517 Davis, Street. EVanston Ho 1 6886 Uni. 6886 Wil. 1660 147LTN30-1tc BEACH, RIGHT-HOIME Charming White, French Provin'ial -4 faiiy 1drrms. baths. md's. rm. & bath. 2-car, att . gar. Oit ht. a se- cluded, location-yet, close to school &transp. in an exclusive & restricteci section oioffine, hoties.'This ,home éat $28,5m> is an unusual opportun ity. Cal M.Tarnowsky THE..BILLSREALTY, Imc. 511) DavÉs Stret t W>] 3î40. Gre. 1W6. 147 LTN3-ltc WINNETKA ATTRACTIVE BIUCK COLONIAL WVITHi 4 bediroonis. _)2 ~tile bathis, on deep, 'ýýwo4)ded lot in convenient location. 1Lovc1y. liigrooin, tileci kituhen. H. W. oit ii, ai1.2-car garage4. HEINSEN REALTY Co. 60Greuo I ay Rd. Wnek.254 147LTN30-ltc -ROOMS. 2 I3ATHIS. 2 PORCHES. 90. foot wooûdedl cornier lot. 4 bl(cks to traniis[ ,>itation iuiid schools. MeGUIRE- & ORR, Inc. Exclusiv-e Agents .)30 Davius St., Evans. Grçe. 1080, Wil. 22,, 147LTN3-tc MODERN WHIITE CREO-DflPT SHINGLE ful two-story but cottagè type. Sixç rois, hot water oit, gar., summer bouse d.eup lot, nnly $, s.500.00 terns. Fredlerick A. Cooper 1505 Chircago Aven-ue Gre. or Shel. 3030 147LTN30-1te EAST GLENCOE PALATIAL 10 ROOM, WH ITE BRICK residence, large grounds. Priced at, less than reproduction ciyst. Showvnbv appointiment. W. G. RUGGLES& Co. .517 Davis Street, Evanstori Hot, 6886 Uni. 6886 Wil. 1660 1g'7TTN3f-1tc EREDERICK A. COOPER 1505 Chicago Ave. Evans., Gre. or Shel. M030. 147LTN301tc 15 YOUR IIOUSE FOR RENT OR sale? 'If so list il vth me today. I have dlesirable tenants and buyers. Cal on me for your.Automobile, Fire,' Acci- dent,' Life or Casualty Insurance service. JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN R(eal Estate - Notary Publie- Insurance * Winnetka 1760 ,558 Green Bay Rd. 147LTN2 4tc FOR SALE IN WEST WILMET .TE frame ho)use, 4 ýbedroomns, 2 baths,, 3 porches, hot water heat., toilet and, shower in basement. 2-car gar. Good condition. Lot 50x157. Priceý $7,800. Terms. Rent $75 per mo. Phorie High- land Park 1036. 147LTN27-4tp 826ELMWOOD.AVE.. WILMETTE. giRns. 2 baths. $15,000., KENILWORTH REALTY CO.. 147LTN30-ltp 15ô0 VWANTED TO BUY-HOUSFES RESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES TO buy 5 or 6 room bouse, within mile of Wflfiette business secton. riée not to exueed $5,000, with small down pay- ment. Give location and détails. Write A-201, Box 60, Wilmnette, 111. _________________ 150LTN27-4tp THREE O ORFAMILY. BEDROOM colonial' walnted to boy wîth library, $25.000 t> -$30.000. No brokers. Write A-227, . box 60., Wilmiette, Ill. 150LTN30-1te WOULD LIKE TO BUY OR RENT smiall home on acre or legs. Must be reasonablie. Ph. Wilmette 4677, 150LTN30-ltp 70.ft. wooded ravine lot with beach righits, over 200 ft. deep. Seie and niake offer. >2acre in best Winnetka section, opposite Indian Hi Club. An un- osual opportunity at $12,000.00. Cal Mr. ,Tarnio\wsky for data on these anri other exceptional values. THE BILLS REALTY, mec 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740., Gre. 116 151LTN30-1t CHOICE BUILDING. SITE:< Highlandl Park. Phone H.P. 1930.ý 171LTXàO-ltic PRIVATE PARTY. BEDROOM: FURN. iture, Painted & hand decorated; oil paintings, by eminent.painte rs, fine sub- jects; art. pieces from estate nclude Chinese & French Sevre collectors' itemhs. No« dealers. Callevenings after 6. P. M. Kenilworth 1742. 171LTN3-tc ANTIQUE CURLY'MAPLE DROP-LEAF table and 6 chairs; fruit carved Wal' settee and 6 chairs; curly, maple chest of drawers; mnirrors;. beds. Many other fine-pieces reduced for cash.. Lindwall's, 808 Oak St., Winnetka 145. DINE TTE SET, LOVELY ROUND ROSE colored glass-top table, four ivory lad-: der-back chairs with rose brocade seats. $25. Marbie base table lamp, $8. 7 ft. over-stuffed man's couch, $35. Glencoe 792. 171L30-1tp DîNETTE SET, LOVELY ROUND ROSE cored gas-optblfour ivory ad- der-baclk chairs with rose brocade seats. $25. Marbie base table lamp, $8. 7 it. over-stuffed man's couch, $35. Glencoe 792. 171LTN38-Itc PRIVATE PARTY WILL SACRIFICE exceptionally fine Oriental Tabriz rug, 11'3"x 17'6". This is a rare bargain. AisQ Westmninster mahogany grandfather's dlock. Wil. 1222 171LTN3O.1tp MAPLE JUNIOR BED. DETACHABLE sides. Spring and mattress ncluded. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone Wil- meptte 2380. 171LTN,30-ltp 3420.J17. MOVING INTO SMALLtR .householci furniture for sale. Wilmette 3492. 171 $400 SERVICE PLATES,, LOVE] old red Royal Worcester cl seil for $85. Ph. Glencoe 792. 171 BABY BED, SPRINGS AND MU and stroller, in. good condit:( Wilmette 3M3. - 171 A B GAS STOVE FOR SAk $185,00, sel $25.00. Cali Wiln caowjj hone 172LTN30 - Up 173», FOR SALE-M IScElýLANEOUS BOY'S BICYCLE - NEW TIRES, HORN. basket, lock, speedomneter. Reas. Key-. stone Projector-l6mm. niotor driven, 400, ft. cap., 100 or 200 watts' , Rheostat con- troL Kenjlworth 5236.. 173LTN30-ltp BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS 'CARDS FROM SMrs. Warren. A very exclusive anid ils- tinctive line.. Cali, Glencoe 755: forý appointmnent to have.thern showh at your hme. 173LS3-ltp NATURAL PERSIAN' LAMB COA T, mediufi size. Child's chest of drawers Full sîze mhattress. ]Doll's.bed, dresser, and stove. Call Glencoe 1123. 173L30-ltp LARGE 6 RM. ELECTRICALLY LIGHT. ed doll house, with stand. Music rack for ensemble work. Andirons and fire screèn.. Kenil. 5269. 7L0p MELTON COAT, FROCK SUIT (36); tuxedo, tails (40). Girls and lady's dresses, infants clothes (new). Sled, Xýmas tree:holder. Winnetka 1157. 173LTN30-ltp MAN'S beds, curtain skates, TUXEDO, ABOUT SIZE 38, baby bed. Simmons twin becis,_ rods, car trunk, valise, girls' Wilmette 2023. BOY'S GENUINE LE lamb jacket, like new. cabinet style. Cali Wirnne *173LTN30.ltp ITHER AND Spartan radio, LEAL, ESTAT LOANS N. Com mission ego Pr,! erred Loans IA. ad othet. lasuranee « *boy at $25,00, R. M. JOHNSTON & Co. Opposite"L Terminal., Wilmette 444 147LTN3-tc -~ INo. 1 jNo. 2 A I Green Bai end WinpÀtkOA &e. P@urt'oLi~dn WInn.tka 3346 I wlttus 551 I IJSED TIRES AND TÜBES . ALMOST NEW.. AT LOW PRICES tor