Ilardwood for fireplaces Oak seasorted one year, 64 cu. ft. to a ton. $9 delivered. Black soil and cow ma- nure. Ph. Wil. 452. Gust Anderson 1BLTN20-tfc S T O RM SASH - -WETHERSITRIPT - Spec. attn. to steel sash opgs. -In- expe nsive-practical. Order now.. Wether- stript Storm .Sash Co. 2502 Gilead Ave. ; Ph. Zion 132J, Zion. 15LTN30.4tp OPTOMETRIST 35 yrs. experience. Eyes fitted properly. ,Broken lenses replaced. framne repaired. JOSEPH F.ý KUSS S4Elm St. Winnetka 3671 15ALTN35- tf c .21, BUILDING AND REPAUR FLAGSTONES Aiso stone for Wails, rock gardens, etc. BRICK, CEMENT WORK, TUCK- pointing. Free expert advice and estimates cheerfully given. li. MÂRTWELL WINN£TKA 280-4 21LTËN29-tf c JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - Waterproofing Basements 17l14 Washington ave. Wilmette 2618 21LTN29-4tp *CARPENTER WORK Storm sash installed. Repair roofs, doors, windows, porches, gar. doors. etc. Base- ments, atties remodeled. NORMAN HALVERSON WINN. 4086 2ILTN30-3tp Dl A qT'R.T\IG ber, Storm sashes, recreauuu'rs. porches, rpofing,. garages. Overhead doors, etc. W. R. Wilson, Wilmette 4944. 21LTN29-3tp sa PAINTING AND DECORATING DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Winnetka 710 Sheidrake 5132 25LTN5-tfc Pedersen Decorating Co. i~Z~JudiU Whly permit shabby roorns when new beauty for* the-i may be obtainied at surpris- ingly low cost? The answers to these needs will be found in our SERVICE columns,' which comprise.,the adver- tising o reliable, skilled Workers. 'ALWAYS REFER TO-THIS PAGE,,FOR SERVICE DRESS DESIGNIN1G - DRESSMAKING ,Remodeling, relining coats, drapes, curtains, at monderate prices, at your home or mine. Phone Winntka 1066. 31LTN3O-4tp DRESSMAKING AND A<ERATIONS Also slip covers. Your home or mine, Cail evenings, GREenleaf 7512. 31LTN29-4tp 39 HOME MADE FOOD PROPUCTS HOME MADE. DOUGHNUTS Hors d'Oeuvres, Open face sand- wiches, de'orated brthday ee4iet. Mrs. Irene Baker, 524 Maple Ave. Wilmette 4151. 39LTN27-4tp DELICIQUS CIIUNCIHY HOMEMADE peanut brittie. 40 cents a pound, de- livtred. Phone Glencoe 1991. 39LTN30-4tp 39.A CATERING WE WILL HELP PLAI ail your parties, Coi Banquets, Debutante pai Only competent ande and women serve you. CALL Weddings, id Dinners. nced men, 60PIANO TUNING.,6 EXPERT PIANO TUNING- $2-50 with cleanng. Go anywhere. ',Wlth Steinwa Muàic School. 21 years' exper- ene Magnum, Avenue 6421. 60LTN29-4tpI PIANOÔ TUNING. AND REPAIRING.f Ail Work Guaranteed. Thomas Lo ckerbie Wilmette 822 TUNER. WILMETTE PUB. SCI-OOLS 60LTN27-4tp1 72 UPH0ILSTERING AND REPAIRS UPHOLSTERING - FURNITURE RE- PAIRING. FOOT STOOLS AND OTTO- MANS ADE-1 ORDER. BERNARD REAGAN. WILMETTE 4259. 72LTN30-4tP) 73 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING GUARANTEED SERVICE Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and Radios. Ail Makes. Free Est. flLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 607 Dempster St. Uni. 6680, Gre. 7177 73LTN38-tf c $i-EXPERT GUAR. REPAIR SERV-: ice. 'Singer, White,,other makes. Foot nrt-erri. cl - b.y - exchange,>at RS j'lcrcp E 2-0 low as $10. 11 39A-LTN27-4tp I.- Il LOST IN THE 400 BLOCK ON RIDGE rd. black angora feiTtale. kitten. Tip) of tail gone. Reward. Telephone Wil- mette 452, 3LTN3O.ltec LADY'S SMALL WHITE GOLD HAM- ilton wrist watch,: with .link chain. Re- ward. Phone Wilpiette 3.583. 3LTN30-1 tp DARK RED SUIT SKIRT EOST,. FROM car in Wilmette. Liberal É-w'ard. Wi.:- netkâ 1045, days. Winnetka' 3560 after 6 P. mr. 3LÉN3O-ltip LOST-VýOUNG MALE B3LACK COCKER spaniel, wearing collar & Wilmette i-, cefise. Reward. 1009 Chestnut Ave. Wil- -mette. 235.9, 3LTN3O-ltpiý LOST, LAMR YEL.LOW & WHITE TOM cat. Reward. Any information grat-e-- fully recvived. Wiimette, 3273. 3LTN3O1t'I) 4 PÈR5ONAL _ __ MAIOiNETTE ENTERTAINMENT F .OR, children *Xmas parties, *in the' home. Cloth marionettes made to order. CaOU Wilinette ý37 73, betwýeen 7 and 9 p.m. 4LTN30 - ltp ANTIQUES_ French Empire Inlaid "Boule" table in splendid condition, $200.. hw by app.ointment. Ph. Winnetka 214. 10 BIRDSANDTROPICALFISH Give a Pet f or Xmas CUDDLY PERSIAN KITTIES $4 UP; Puppies $5 up; Singing Canaries $3.95 up. Open Thurs. and Sat. 'eves. MACDONALD'S 1.504 She'rman Ave. Gre. 8832. 1OLTN3-tp) 10-A TOYS TOYS RENEWED HAVE THOSE OLD TOYS PAINTED like new for' Christmnas-baby buggies, doil buggies, sleds. Also kitchen, bed- roomn, and wicker furniture. N., S. BODY AND PAINT SHOP 16 Carlton Ct. Winnetka 180. 10.A-LTN:l0.2tpj DOLL CLOTHES- HOW ABOUT A NEW OUTFIT FOR HER DOLL'S CHRISTMAS? ALSO, APRONSý FOR LITTLE. GIRLS. ALL PRICeS. REASONABLE. WINNETKA 3017. 10ALTIN30-ltp 6 OOM DOLL HOUSE, FURNISHIED,, elec, îights, gar. attacbed. Chiid's, elec. stove. Ige. size, Kroll doil buggy. child's desk, ah hlke new. Winn-etka 760. h DRESSMAKING 0F ALL KI] altering and remodeliflg. price. Mrs. Kidd. Wilmette Ask for Adbaker 1 1 . 7 . III p~ 219TN0.t I il )red, com-, 0-lt p. ,en. Il 1 1 -ý-,