seveici, u-- ------to- locale; stage appoiritnents, in this case lack of appointments; charac- ters-stage manager, the Gibbs and Webb farnilies, fathers and mothers, sons, and daughters, fram the years early in 1900 ta 1913, ard- separated them sa deftly and clearly through voice tone, gestu re, spaken w a ir d and interpretation, t h.a t. the littie New England village of 2.642 inhabi-; ta nts. staod clearly etched.- Her understanding, and' sincere intelli- gence flavared her performance sa thtshe drexv from the ,play an d threw ta her audience.every bit of ,,he humor, simplicity, wholesomne- ness and, homely (in its truc sense) 1 philasophy and 'dramatic moments! that make, Thornton Wlder's. Pulit-1 zer prize winner. done in modern inanner with rnuch only sugge'sted. a drama that ïg bheart -,toiuching. dif- ferent, a relief fromi the hîghly sophisticated, and often sordid, plays of current. vogue. Thi-ough! the voice and intcrpoolatiOns of the' "ýstage manager", the ieading charI- acter, then as the doctor. his wifeý and children, the editor of the towýný paper, and his w.%ife and fami]y, theË daily life of the littie American town. love* and marriag-e, and then i- death, are pictured. sinply beautti-, full,,, hurnanly. and wvith coinforting, philosophy. Poised, uînassumiingý. with w e 1 mod ifi1lated vi,.g .,,adfine ,,rni- Table and Cha i r Sel.. lva.ry. top with, gay, deco ration. Corn- 98 plete wth two red chaitrs. Table and Chair Setl Styled i early American maple with, club leg desgn. For youngsfers te$2 9 5years. Natural Maple Set' Wotr-eclge type table wifh bentwood armn chairs. Haftd- waxed. A ruai valuel Set t4.98 Solid Maple Set Ctomes in maple finish witb panel real talent ta. give a inoving per- * formance. It had, ta quote, "Some- thin'g way dawn deep that is eterna." Her p r ogr arm stands out as ane of the club's finest, The business rneetirlg wais short, with ainnauncements by chairmen afi the literature cantest for distr ict * clubs; the October meeting of the five -day, three-session-a-day con- vention of the National Council of Catholie Wornen; the meeting of the, Has be.ntwood armn chairs. Malces the youngsfer feei v.ry importanti Sei $5.98 Tcable and Bench Si Good-looking natural blonde with genuine maple table. Com- plote with 2 matchng benches. *i. Chicago, formerly of Wlmette. .i 1 social hour followed' the brief and quickly preàented.program - J.T.B. N~J MeoI .0 Caima Beur -t' i = ur on i. j a $4-98 $498